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Created June 27, 2021 10:03
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A code to make an animation of solution of two body problem using `Javis.jl`
using Animations
using Javis
using NBodySimulator
using StaticArrays
# Define the bodies
body1 = MassBody(SVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), SVector( 5.775e-6, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0)
body2 = MassBody(SVector(0.0,-1.0, 0.0), SVector(-5.775e-6, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0)
G = 6.673e-11
system = GravitationalSystem([body1,body2], G)
tspan = (0.0, 1111150.0)
# run the simulation
simulation = NBodySimulation(system, tspan)
sim_result = run_simulation(simulation, saveat = 10)
sim_data = sim_result.solution.u
# extract the data
planet1_pos = [(sim_data[x][1,1],sim_data[x][2,1]) for x in 1:length(sim_data)]
planet2_pos = [(sim_data[x][1,2],sim_data[x][2,2]) for x in 1:length(sim_data)]
#Convert to Points
planet1_point = 100 .* Point.(planet1_pos)
planet2_point = 100 .* Point.(planet2_pos)
# Start the animation
function ground(args...)
function planet(p,r,color)
return circle(p,r,:fill)
function make_animation()
nframes = 200
vid = Video(500,500)
planet1 = Object(1:nframes, (args...) -> planet(planet1_point[1],10.0, "red"))
planet2 = Object(1:nframes, (args...) -> planet(planet2_point[1],10.0, "blue"))
planet1_anim = Animation(
collect(range(0,stop = 1, length = length(planet1_point))),
[linear() for _ in 1:(length(planet1_point) - 1)]
planet2_anim = Animation(
collect(range(0,stop = 1, length = length(planet2_point))),
[linear() for _ in 1:(length(planet2_point) - 1)]
act!(planet1, Action(1:nframes, planet1_anim, translate()))
act!(planet2, Action(1:nframes, planet2_anim, translate()))
pathname = "two_body.gif"
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