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Last active April 21, 2024 11:07
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  • Save VehpuS/653194daaf66b73bc9c795a95f7cfd9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A helper class to make navigating xml files in python nicer (for someone unused to the python parser :P). My way of becoming more "fluent" with XML in python, and may be useful for other people / provide a good demo for safe recursion in Python, recursive types...
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Union
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class XmlNode(NamedTuple):
'''A helper class to make navigating xml files in python nicer and to create virtual XML nodes that can be saved'''
tag: str
attrib: Dict[str, Any]
text: str | None
children: List[XmlNode]
def __getitem__(
index: Union[int, slice], # child index / slice of indices to access
) -> Union[XmlNode, List[XmlNode]]:
'''Get children by index'''
return self.children[index]
def __iter__(self):
i = 0
while True:
v = self[i]
yield v
i += 1
except IndexError:
def __contains__(self, value):
for v in self:
if v is value or v == value:
return True
return False
def __reversed__(self):
for i in reversed(range(len(self))):
yield self[i]
def index(self, value, start=0, stop=None):
'''S.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value.'''
if start is not None and start < 0:
start = max(len(self) + start, 0)
if stop is not None and stop < 0:
stop += len(self)
i = start
while stop is None or i < stop:
v = self[i]
if v is value or v == value:
return i
except IndexError:
i += 1
raise ValueError
def tag_index(
value: str,
start: int = 0,
stop: int | None = None,
) -> int:
children_tags = [c.tag for c in self.children]
return children_tags.index(value, start, stop)
def count(self, value):
'''S.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value'''
return sum(1 for v in self if v is value or v == value)
def tag_count(
value: str,
) -> int:
children_tags = [c.tag for c in self.children]
return children_tags.count(value)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.children)
def _get_attribute(
k: str, # Tag name to match children against
) -> Union[XmlNode, List[XmlNode]]:
relevant_children = [c for c in self.children if c.tag == k]
if len(relevant_children) == 0:
raise IndexError()
if len(relevant_children) == 1:
return relevant_children[0]
return relevant_children
def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
el = ET.fromstring(str(self).replace('\n', ''))
found = el.find(*args, **kwargs)
return create_xml_node(found) if found is not None else found
def findall(self, *args, **kwargs):
el = ET.fromstring(str(self).replace('\n', ''))
return [create_xml_node(fel) for fel in el.findall(*args, **kwargs)]
def __getattr__(
k: str, # Tag name to match children against
) -> Union[XmlNode, List[XmlNode]]:
'''Support using class attributes to access an elements children'''
return self._get_attribute(k)
def __getitem__(
k: Union[int, slice, str], # child index / slice of indices to access / tag
) -> Union[XmlNode, List[XmlNode]]:
'''Support indexing the class to access an elements children'''
if type(k) == int or type(k) == slice:
return self.children[k] # type: ignore
elif type(k) == str:
return self._get_attribute(k) # type: ignore
raise IndexError()
def __contains__(
k: Union[int, slice, str], # child index / slice of indices to access / tag
) -> bool:
return True
except IndexError:
return False
def __repr__(self):
'''A summarized representation of the node'''
children_str = (', '.join([c.tag for c in self.children])
if len(self.children) > 0
else (self.text or ""))
return f"<{self.tag}" + (
(">" + children_str + f"</{self.tag}>")
if children_str
else "/>"
def __str__(self):
'''The full string value of the subtree'''
children_str = ('\n'.join([str(c) for c in self.children])
if len(self.children) > 0
else (self.text or ""))
attributes_str = " ".join([
for k, v in
return f"<{self.tag}" + (f" {attributes_str}" if attributes_str else "") + (
(">" + "\n" + children_str + "\n" + f"</{self.tag}>"))
def __call__(
output_file: str, # File to output the XML node to as an XML document
prefix_str: str="", # Prefix to the XML tree, i.e. a DOCTYPE specification
'''Export the XmlNode to a file'''
prefix = f'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{prefix_str}'
contents = str(self).replace('\n', '')
with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(prefix + contents)
def clone_with_changes(
new_tag: str | None=None,
new_attrib: Dict[str, str] | None=None,
new_text: str | None=None,
new_children: List[XmlNode] | None=None,
) -> XmlNode:
'''Create a new XmlNode instance with changes based on the current one'''
return XmlNode(
tag=new_tag if new_tag is not None else self.tag,
attrib=new_attrib if new_attrib is not None else self.attrib,
text=new_text if new_text is not None else self.text,
children=new_children if new_children is not None else self.children,
def read_xml_path(
xml_path: str, # Path to an XML file
) -> ET.Element:
'''Read an xml file and parse it'''
# Read the XML file into memory
with open(xml_path, 'r') as f:
xml =
# Parse the XML file
return ET.fromstring(xml)
class _XMLConversionParams(NamedTuple):
parent_id: str
el: ET.Element
def create_xml_node(
root: ET.Element, # Parsed XML file
max_els: int = 9999999, # Stopping condition for the parsing (to avoid infinite loops)
) -> XmlNode:
'''Convert an XML element into the XmlNode class'''
root_tag = root.tag
children: List[XmlNode] = []
root_node = XmlNode(
node_dict: Dict[str, XmlNode] = {}
node_dict[root_tag] = root_node
els_to_convert: List[_XMLConversionParams] = []
_XMLConversionParams(root_tag, el) for el in list(root)
for iter_num in range(max_els):
if len(els_to_convert) <= 0:
parent_id, el = els_to_convert.pop(0)
new_el = XmlNode(
node_id = f"{parent_id}-{el.tag}-{iter_num}"
node_dict[node_id] = new_el
parent_node = node_dict[parent_id]
parent_children = parent_node.children
node_dict[parent_id] = XmlNode(
_XMLConversionParams(node_id, child_el) for child_el in list(el)
return node_dict[root_tag]
def read_as_xml_node(
xml_path: str, # Path to an XML file
) -> XmlNode:
'''Read an XML file and convert it to the XmlNode class.'''
return create_xml_node(read_xml_path(xml_path))
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