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Last active October 11, 2020 00:24
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  • Save VelocityRa/7b459a763c0197c0a7adba3e988bee11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[WIP] Extracts mesh information from Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (PS3 US Release) "W" decompressed files
//--- 010 Editor v8.0 Binary Template
// File:
// Authors: VelocityRa (
// Version:
// Purpose:
// Category:
// File Mask:
// ID Bytes:
// History:
// Initialization
// Utility functions
void hexdump(int64 pos, int n) {
local uchar buf[n];
ReadBytes(buf, pos, n);
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Printf("%02X", buf[i]);
if (i % 4 == 3)
Printf(" ");
// Type definitions (w/ Read functions)
typedef struct Vert_t {
float x <bgcolor=cGreen>;
float y <bgcolor=cGreen>;
float z <bgcolor=cGreen>;
float unk0;
float unk1;
float unk2;
float unk3;
float unk4;
uint32 unk5;
} Vert <read=VertRead, bgcolor=cDkGreen>;
string VertRead(Vert &m) {
string s;
SPrintf(s, "%7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f 0x%08X",
m.x, m.y, m.z, m.unk0, m.unk1, m.unk2, m.unk3, m.unk4, m.unk5);
return s;
typedef struct VertexHeader0x10_t {
uint unk4 <open=true>;
uint unk5 <open=true>;
ubyte vertex_count <bgcolor=cYellow>;
ubyte unk01;
uint16 unk1;
uint unk2 <open=true>;
uint unk3 <open=true>;
} VertexHeader0x10 <open=true, bgcolor=cDkYellow>;
typedef struct VertexHeader0xC_t {
uint unk2 <open=true>;
ubyte vertex_count <bgcolor=cYellow>;
ubyte unk01;
uint16 unk1;
uint unk4 <open=true>;
uint unk3 <open=true>;
} VertexHeader0x0C <open=true, bgcolor=cDkYellow>;
typedef struct IndexHeader_t {
uint unk0;
uint unk1;
uint unk2;
} IndexHeader <open=true, bgcolor=cRed>;
// todo: submeshes
// todo: SZME? seems like meshes too. SZMS -> Static, SZME -> Entity?
// todo: other vertexheader formats: 24, 18, 20, 2C, 14
// todo: start straight with noclip instead of python?
// todo: figure out index count
// stop indices when we see 0x00000000 ?
// see when second byte is 0x00 ?
typedef int bool;
local bool should_dbg_index = false;
local int index_count_i;
local int indices_start;
typedef struct Mesh_t {
char magic[4] <bgcolor=cRed>;
uint unk_always_4 <open=true>;
uint total_size <bgcolor=cDkPurple>; // Starting from after this field
uint unk1[2] <open=true>;
uint vertex_header_size <bgcolor=cPurple>;
Assert(unk_always_4 == 4, "not 4!");
if (vertex_header_size == 0x454d5a53) { // 'SZME'
should_dbg_index = false;
// Ignore
} else if (vertex_header_size == 0x10) {
VertexHeader0x10 vertex_header;
Vert verts[vertex_header.vertex_count];
IndexHeader index_header;
indices_start = FTell();
index_count_i = 0;
while(ReadUInt() != 0) {
index_count_i += 2;
uint16 indices[index_count_i] <bgcolor=cDkRed>; // TODO: count
should_dbg_index = true;
} else if (vertex_header_size == 0x0C) {
VertexHeader0x0C vertex_header;
Vert verts[vertex_header.vertex_count];
IndexHeader index_header;
uint16 indices[1] <bgcolor=cDkRed>; // TODO: count
should_dbg_index = true;
} else {
ubyte vertex_header_unk[vertex_header_size + 4];
//Printf("Unimplemented header of size 0x%X\n", vertex_header_size);
//VertexHeader2 vertex_header2;
should_dbg_index = false;
} Mesh <open=false>;
// Object allocation
// FSeek(0x122598);
local ubyte szms_magic[4] = { 'S', 'Z', 'M', 'S' };
//local TFindResults szms_res = FindAll(szms_magic, true, false, 0, 0.0, 1, 0x122598, 0x100);
//local TFindResults szms_res = FindAll(szms_magic, true, false, 0, 0.0, 1, 0x0, 0x130000);
local TFindResults szms_res = FindAll(szms_magic);
local int i;
local int k;
local int m_start;
local short vcount;
local byte b1, b2;
for (i = 0; i < szms_res.count; i++ ) {
m_start = szms_res.start[i];
Mesh mesh;
Printf("SZMS #%04d %05X %02X at %08X | ", i, mesh.total_size, mesh.vertex_header_size, m_start);
// Log unknown fields
// Mesh header fields
Printf(" hdr: ");
//hexdump(m_start + 4, 4*4);
FSeek(m_start + 4+4+2);
b1 = ReadByte(); FSkip(1); b2 = ReadByte();
Printf("%02X%02X ", b1, b2);
hexdump(m_start + 4+4+4, 4*4);
// VertexHeader
if (mesh.vertex_header_size == 0x454d5a53) { // 'SZME'
// Ignore
} else {
Printf(" vhdr: ");
hexdump(m_start + 0x18, mesh.vertex_header_size + 4);
if (should_dbg_index) {
FSeek(m_start + 0x20);
vcount = ReadUShort();
for (k = 0; k < 9 * ((0x14 - mesh.vertex_header_size) / 4); ++k) {
Printf(" ");
Printf(" ihdr: ");
// assumes vertices of all headers are 0x24 in size
hexdump(m_start + 0x1C + mesh.vertex_header_size + mesh.vertex_header.vertex_count * 0x24, 4*3);
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