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Created September 28, 2013 11:45
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Random name generator using combining adjectives with animals.
(def adjectives [
"blue-eyed "
"wide-eyed "
(def animals [
(defn random-names [& {:keys [seperator]
:or {seperator " "}}]
(for [adjective adjectives
animal animals]
(str adjective seperator animal))))
; (take 5 (random-names))
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danneu commented Sep 29, 2013

Realizing all for combinations with shuffle is a really expensive way to ensure that the seq that you take from it has unique values.

(defn random-name []
  (clojure.string/join "-" (map rand-nth [adjectives animals])))

For fun, here are two naive approaches that came to mind:

random-names-1 lazily generates a seq of names but they aren't guaranteed to be unique.

(defn random-names-1 []
  (repeatedly random-name))

(take 3 (random-names-1))  ;=> ("breakable-squirrel" "poor-chamois" "amused-ant")

random-names-2 doesn't behave like a seq and it's kinda dumb, but it at least guarantees unique results.

(defn random-names-2 [n]
  (loop [names #{}]
    (if (= n (count names))
      (recur (conj names (random-name))))))

(random-names-2 3)  ;=> #{"clear-wolverine" "muddy-antelope" "beautiful-locust"}

This all is of course just for fun, but random-names-3 (the next evolution) would be smarter and written with lazy-seq and drain from the adjectives pool & animals pool as it's consumed.

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My contribution produces a lazy sequence of unique names. The drawback is the O(n) selection of a random element from a set.

Note that the adjectives and animals are sets.

(def adjectives #{

(def animals #{

(defn random-element-from-set [s]
  (rand-nth (seq s)))

(defn random-names [adjectives animals]
    (or (empty? adjectives) (empty? animals))
        (let [adj (random-element-from-set adjectives)
              ani (random-element-from-set animals)]
          (cons (str adj "-" ani)
                (random-names (disj adjectives adj)
                              (disj animals ani)))))))

(random-names adjectives animals)
;= ("attractive-ant" "adorable-aardvark" "adventurous-albatross" "aggressive-alpaca" "alert-alligator")

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danneu commented Sep 29, 2013


Wouldn't it be faster to use vectors then for the Olog32N lookup on rand and disj?

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Velrok commented Oct 2, 2013

Thanks for the feedback!

I didn't know that shuffle realizes the lazy seq it is given. Good to know.

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