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Last active October 17, 2018 19:36
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JavaScript Utility Functions
function findCssRule(selectorText)
for (let styleSheet of document.styleSheets)
for (let cssRule of styleSheet.cssRules)
if (cssRule.selectorText === selectorText)
return cssRule;
throw Error(`Rule with selectorText '${selectorText}' is not found`);
Chainable function `on`
let els = document.querySelectorAll('div');
let listener = e => console.log(, e.type);
let rels = on('click', listener, null, els)
.on('mouseover', listener)
.on('mouseout', listener)
console.log(els === rels); // true
function on(type, listener, options, els)
let ob =
on(type, listener, options)
for (let el of els)
el.addEventListener(type, listener, options);
return this;
return ob.on(type, listener, options);
function split(str, sepChar, escChar)
if (sepChar.length !== 1)
throw new Error(`sepChar[${sepChar}] length should be exactly 1`);
if (escChar.length !== 1)
throw new Error(`escChar[${escChar}] length should be exactly 1`);
if (sepChar === escChar)
throw new Error(`sepChar[${sepChar}] and escChar should not be same`);
let part = '', parts = [];
for (let i = 0, len = str.length, nc; i < len; i++)
let c = str[i];
if (c === sepChar)
part = '';
if (c === escChar)
if ((i + 1) < len && ((nc = str[i + 1]) === sepChar || nc === escChar))
part += nc;
// Strict implementation should throw exception here as escChar is not escaped properly
part += c;
return parts;
for (let childElPathsAry of childElPaths([document.body]))
for (let childElPath of childElPathsAry)
console.log( => el.nodeName).join(' > '));
function childElPaths(parentEls) // returns [[[child1, child2, ...], ], ]
let childElPaths = [];
for (let parentEl of parentEls)
let childElPathsResult = childElPaths0(parentEl, [parentEl]);
return childElPaths;
function childElPaths0(parentEl, parentElPathAry) // returns [[child1, child2, ...], ]
let children = parentEl.children;
if (!children.length)
return [parentElPathAry];
let childElPaths = [];
let lastIndex = parentElPathAry.length;
let childElPathAry = [...parentElPathAry, null];
for (let childEl of children)
childElPathAry[lastIndex] = childEl;
let subChildElPaths = childElPaths0(childEl, childElPathAry);
return childElPaths;
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