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Last active May 4, 2019 02:36
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Part 1 - Generating Galaxy Axis and Arms
Vector3 GetPoint()
Vector3 v;
double armDivisor = Math.PI / armCount;
while (true)
// Generate a random normalised point with a weighting
// towards the center controlled by the gravity variable
v = NextV3(-1, 1).Normalized() * Math.Pow(Next(0, 1.0), gravity);
// Some points will not conform to the parameters
if (random.NextDouble() > conformChance)
bool valid = false;
// Calculate the global angle of the point around the axis
var d = Math.Atan2(v.X, v.Z);
// Check if this point lands on an arm
for (double j = -Math.PI; j <= Math.PI; j += armDivisor)
// A point lands on an arm if its distance
// from the start of the arm is less than angle * armDistance
if (d > j && d < j + armDivisor * armSpread)
valid = true;
if (valid)
v.Y = 0;
return v * galaxySize;
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