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Created August 10, 2023 16:17
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import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.util.Map;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.LocalDate;
* @property accountNumber Text(40),
* @property accountSource Picklist,
* @property active__c Picklist,
* @property annualRevenue Currency(18, 0),
* @property billingAddress Address,
* @property cleanStatus Picklist,
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property customerPriority__c Picklist,
* @property dandbCompanyId Lookup(D&B Company),
* @property description Long Text Area(32000),
* @property dunsNumber Text(9),
* @property fax Fax,
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property industry Picklist,
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property jigsaw Text(20),
* @property jigsawCompanyId External Lookup,
* @property lastActivityDate Date,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastReferencedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastViewedDate Date/Time,
* @property masterRecordId Lookup(Account),
* @property naicsCode Text(8),
* @property naicsDesc Text(120),
* @property name Name,
* @property numberOfEmployees Number(8, 0),
* @property numberofLocations__c Number(3, 0),
* @property operatingHoursId Lookup(Operating Hours),
* @property ownerId Lookup(User),
* @property ownership Picklist,
* @property parentId Hierarchy,
* @property phone Phone,
* @property photoUrl URL(255),
* @property rating Picklist,
* @property sLAExpirationDate__c Date,
* @property sLASerialNumber__c Text(10),
* @property sLA__c Picklist,
* @property shippingAddress Address,
* @property sic Text(20),
* @property sicDesc Text(80),
* @property site Text(80),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property tickerSymbol Content(20),
* @property tradestyle Text(255),
* @property type Picklist,
* @property upsellOpportunity__c Picklist,
* @property userRecordAccessId Lookup(User Record Access),
* @property website URL(255),
* @property yearStarted Text(4),
public class Account extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("AccountNumber") public String accountNumber;
public String getAccountNumber() {
return accountNumber;
public void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber) {
this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
@JsonProperty("AccountSource") public String accountSource;
public String getAccountSource() {
return accountSource;
public void setAccountSource(String accountSource) {
this.accountSource = accountSource;
@JsonProperty("Active__c") public String active__c;
public String getActive__c() {
return active__c;
public void setActive__c(String active__c) {
this.active__c = active__c;
@JsonProperty("AnnualRevenue") public Double annualRevenue;
public Double getAnnualRevenue() {
return annualRevenue;
public void setAnnualRevenue(Double annualRevenue) {
this.annualRevenue = annualRevenue;
@JsonProperty("BillingAddress") public Map<String, Object> billingAddress;
public Map<String, Object> getBillingAddress() {
return billingAddress;
public void setBillingAddress(Map<String, Object> billingAddress) {
this.billingAddress = billingAddress;
@JsonProperty("CleanStatus") public String cleanStatus;
public String getCleanStatus() {
return cleanStatus;
public void setCleanStatus(String cleanStatus) {
this.cleanStatus = cleanStatus;
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("CustomerPriority__c") public String customerPriority__c;
public String getCustomerPriority__c() {
return customerPriority__c;
public void setCustomerPriority__c(String customerPriority__c) {
this.customerPriority__c = customerPriority__c;
@JsonProperty("DandbCompanyId") public String dandbCompanyId;
public String getDandbCompanyId() {
return dandbCompanyId;
public void setDandbCompanyId(String dandbCompanyId) {
this.dandbCompanyId = dandbCompanyId;
@JsonProperty("Description") public String description;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
@JsonProperty("DunsNumber") public String dunsNumber;
public String getDunsNumber() {
return dunsNumber;
public void setDunsNumber(String dunsNumber) {
this.dunsNumber = dunsNumber;
@JsonProperty("Fax") public String fax;
public String getFax() {
return fax;
public void setFax(String fax) {
this.fax = fax;
@JsonProperty("Industry") public String industry;
public String getIndustry() {
return industry;
public void setIndustry(String industry) {
this.industry = industry;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("Jigsaw") public String jigsaw;
public String getJigsaw() {
return jigsaw;
public void setJigsaw(String jigsaw) {
this.jigsaw = jigsaw;
@JsonProperty("JigsawCompanyId") public String jigsawCompanyId;
public String getJigsawCompanyId() {
return jigsawCompanyId;
public void setJigsawCompanyId(String jigsawCompanyId) {
this.jigsawCompanyId = jigsawCompanyId;
@JsonProperty("LastActivityDate") public LocalDate lastActivityDate;
public LocalDate getLastActivityDate() {
return lastActivityDate;
public void setLastActivityDate(LocalDate lastActivityDate) {
this.lastActivityDate = lastActivityDate;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastReferencedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastReferencedDate() {
return lastReferencedDate;
public void setLastReferencedDate(ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate) {
this.lastReferencedDate = lastReferencedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastViewedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastViewedDate() {
return lastViewedDate;
public void setLastViewedDate(ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate) {
this.lastViewedDate = lastViewedDate;
@JsonProperty("MasterRecordId") public String masterRecordId;
public String getMasterRecordId() {
return masterRecordId;
public void setMasterRecordId(String masterRecordId) {
this.masterRecordId = masterRecordId;
@JsonProperty("NaicsCode") public String naicsCode;
public String getNaicsCode() {
return naicsCode;
public void setNaicsCode(String naicsCode) {
this.naicsCode = naicsCode;
@JsonProperty("NaicsDesc") public String naicsDesc;
public String getNaicsDesc() {
return naicsDesc;
public void setNaicsDesc(String naicsDesc) {
this.naicsDesc = naicsDesc;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("NumberOfEmployees") public Double numberOfEmployees;
public Double getNumberOfEmployees() {
return numberOfEmployees;
public void setNumberOfEmployees(Double numberOfEmployees) {
this.numberOfEmployees = numberOfEmployees;
@JsonProperty("NumberofLocations__c") public Double numberofLocations__c;
public Double getNumberofLocations__c() {
return numberofLocations__c;
public void setNumberofLocations__c(Double numberofLocations__c) {
this.numberofLocations__c = numberofLocations__c;
@JsonProperty("OperatingHoursId") public String operatingHoursId;
public String getOperatingHoursId() {
return operatingHoursId;
public void setOperatingHoursId(String operatingHoursId) {
this.operatingHoursId = operatingHoursId;
@JsonProperty("OwnerId") public String ownerId;
public String getOwnerId() {
return ownerId;
public void setOwnerId(String ownerId) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
@JsonProperty("Ownership") public String ownership;
public String getOwnership() {
return ownership;
public void setOwnership(String ownership) {
this.ownership = ownership;
@JsonProperty("ParentId") public Map<String, Object> parentId;
public Map<String, Object> getParentId() {
return parentId;
public void setParentId(Map<String, Object> parentId) {
this.parentId = parentId;
@JsonProperty("Phone") public String phone;
public String getPhone() {
return phone;
public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone;
@JsonProperty("PhotoUrl") public String photoUrl;
public String getPhotoUrl() {
return photoUrl;
public void setPhotoUrl(String photoUrl) {
this.photoUrl = photoUrl;
@JsonProperty("Rating") public String rating;
public String getRating() {
return rating;
public void setRating(String rating) {
this.rating = rating;
@JsonProperty("SLAExpirationDate__c") public LocalDate sLAExpirationDate__c;
public LocalDate getSLAExpirationDate__c() {
return sLAExpirationDate__c;
public void setSLAExpirationDate__c(LocalDate sLAExpirationDate__c) {
this.sLAExpirationDate__c = sLAExpirationDate__c;
@JsonProperty("SLASerialNumber__c") public String sLASerialNumber__c;
public String getSLASerialNumber__c() {
return sLASerialNumber__c;
public void setSLASerialNumber__c(String sLASerialNumber__c) {
this.sLASerialNumber__c = sLASerialNumber__c;
@JsonProperty("SLA__c") public String sLA__c;
public String getSLA__c() {
return sLA__c;
public void setSLA__c(String sLA__c) {
this.sLA__c = sLA__c;
@JsonProperty("ShippingAddress") public Map<String, Object> shippingAddress;
public Map<String, Object> getShippingAddress() {
return shippingAddress;
public void setShippingAddress(Map<String, Object> shippingAddress) {
this.shippingAddress = shippingAddress;
@JsonProperty("Sic") public String sic;
public String getSic() {
return sic;
public void setSic(String sic) {
this.sic = sic;
@JsonProperty("SicDesc") public String sicDesc;
public String getSicDesc() {
return sicDesc;
public void setSicDesc(String sicDesc) {
this.sicDesc = sicDesc;
@JsonProperty("Site") public String site;
public String getSite() {
return site;
public void setSite(String site) { = site;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("TickerSymbol") public String tickerSymbol;
public String getTickerSymbol() {
return tickerSymbol;
public void setTickerSymbol(String tickerSymbol) {
this.tickerSymbol = tickerSymbol;
@JsonProperty("Tradestyle") public String tradestyle;
public String getTradestyle() {
return tradestyle;
public void setTradestyle(String tradestyle) {
this.tradestyle = tradestyle;
@JsonProperty("Type") public String type;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
@JsonProperty("UpsellOpportunity__c") public String upsellOpportunity__c;
public String getUpsellOpportunity__c() {
return upsellOpportunity__c;
public void setUpsellOpportunity__c(String upsellOpportunity__c) {
this.upsellOpportunity__c = upsellOpportunity__c;
@JsonProperty("UserRecordAccessId") public String userRecordAccessId;
public String getUserRecordAccessId() {
return userRecordAccessId;
public void setUserRecordAccessId(String userRecordAccessId) {
this.userRecordAccessId = userRecordAccessId;
@JsonProperty("Website") public String website;
public String getWebsite() {
return website;
public void setWebsite(String website) { = website;
@JsonProperty("YearStarted") public String yearStarted;
public String getYearStarted() {
return yearStarted;
public void setYearStarted(String yearStarted) {
this.yearStarted = yearStarted;
public Account() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.LocalDate;
* @property accountId Lookup(Account),
* @property assetLevel Number(9, 0),
* @property assetProvidedById Lookup(Account),
* @property assetServicedById Lookup(Account),
* @property contactId Lookup(Contact),
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property currentAmount Currency(16, 2),
* @property currentLifecycleEndDate Date/Time,
* @property currentMrr Currency(16, 2),
* @property currentQuantity Number(12, 2),
* @property description Long Text Area(32000),
* @property hasLifecycleManagement Checkbox,
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property installDate Date,
* @property isCompetitorProduct Checkbox,
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property isInternal Checkbox,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastReferencedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastViewedDate Date/Time,
* @property lifecycleEndDate Date/Time,
* @property lifecycleStartDate Date/Time,
* @property name Text(255),
* @property ownerId Lookup(User),
* @property parentId Lookup(Asset),
* @property price Currency(18, 0),
* @property product2Id Lookup(Product),
* @property productCode Text(255),
* @property purchaseDate Date,
* @property quantity Number(10, 2),
* @property rootAssetId Lookup(Asset),
* @property serialNumber Text(80),
* @property status Picklist,
* @property stockKeepingUnit Text(180),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property totalLifecycleAmount Currency(16, 2),
* @property usageEndDate Date,
* @property userRecordAccessId Lookup(User Record Access),
public class Asset extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("AccountId") public String accountId;
public String getAccountId() {
return accountId;
public void setAccountId(String accountId) {
this.accountId = accountId;
@JsonProperty("AssetLevel") public Double assetLevel;
public Double getAssetLevel() {
return assetLevel;
public void setAssetLevel(Double assetLevel) {
this.assetLevel = assetLevel;
@JsonProperty("AssetProvidedById") public String assetProvidedById;
public String getAssetProvidedById() {
return assetProvidedById;
public void setAssetProvidedById(String assetProvidedById) {
this.assetProvidedById = assetProvidedById;
@JsonProperty("AssetServicedById") public String assetServicedById;
public String getAssetServicedById() {
return assetServicedById;
public void setAssetServicedById(String assetServicedById) {
this.assetServicedById = assetServicedById;
@JsonProperty("ContactId") public String contactId;
public String getContactId() {
return contactId;
public void setContactId(String contactId) {
this.contactId = contactId;
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("CurrentAmount") public Double currentAmount;
public Double getCurrentAmount() {
return currentAmount;
public void setCurrentAmount(Double currentAmount) {
this.currentAmount = currentAmount;
@JsonProperty("CurrentLifecycleEndDate") public ZonedDateTime currentLifecycleEndDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCurrentLifecycleEndDate() {
return currentLifecycleEndDate;
public void setCurrentLifecycleEndDate(ZonedDateTime currentLifecycleEndDate) {
this.currentLifecycleEndDate = currentLifecycleEndDate;
@JsonProperty("CurrentMrr") public Double currentMrr;
public Double getCurrentMrr() {
return currentMrr;
public void setCurrentMrr(Double currentMrr) {
this.currentMrr = currentMrr;
@JsonProperty("CurrentQuantity") public Double currentQuantity;
public Double getCurrentQuantity() {
return currentQuantity;
public void setCurrentQuantity(Double currentQuantity) {
this.currentQuantity = currentQuantity;
@JsonProperty("Description") public String description;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
@JsonProperty("HasLifecycleManagement") public Boolean hasLifecycleManagement;
public Boolean getHasLifecycleManagement() {
return hasLifecycleManagement;
public void setHasLifecycleManagement(Boolean hasLifecycleManagement) {
this.hasLifecycleManagement = hasLifecycleManagement;
@JsonProperty("InstallDate") public LocalDate installDate;
public LocalDate getInstallDate() {
return installDate;
public void setInstallDate(LocalDate installDate) {
this.installDate = installDate;
@JsonProperty("IsCompetitorProduct") public Boolean isCompetitorProduct;
public Boolean getIsCompetitorProduct() {
return isCompetitorProduct;
public void setIsCompetitorProduct(Boolean isCompetitorProduct) {
this.isCompetitorProduct = isCompetitorProduct;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("IsInternal") public Boolean isInternal;
public Boolean getIsInternal() {
return isInternal;
public void setIsInternal(Boolean isInternal) {
this.isInternal = isInternal;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastReferencedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastReferencedDate() {
return lastReferencedDate;
public void setLastReferencedDate(ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate) {
this.lastReferencedDate = lastReferencedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastViewedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastViewedDate() {
return lastViewedDate;
public void setLastViewedDate(ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate) {
this.lastViewedDate = lastViewedDate;
@JsonProperty("LifecycleEndDate") public ZonedDateTime lifecycleEndDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLifecycleEndDate() {
return lifecycleEndDate;
public void setLifecycleEndDate(ZonedDateTime lifecycleEndDate) {
this.lifecycleEndDate = lifecycleEndDate;
@JsonProperty("LifecycleStartDate") public ZonedDateTime lifecycleStartDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLifecycleStartDate() {
return lifecycleStartDate;
public void setLifecycleStartDate(ZonedDateTime lifecycleStartDate) {
this.lifecycleStartDate = lifecycleStartDate;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("OwnerId") public String ownerId;
public String getOwnerId() {
return ownerId;
public void setOwnerId(String ownerId) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
@JsonProperty("ParentId") public String parentId;
public String getParentId() {
return parentId;
public void setParentId(String parentId) {
this.parentId = parentId;
@JsonProperty("Price") public Double price;
public Double getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(Double price) {
this.price = price;
@JsonProperty("Product2Id") public String product2Id;
public String getProduct2Id() {
return product2Id;
public void setProduct2Id(String product2Id) {
this.product2Id = product2Id;
@JsonProperty("ProductCode") public String productCode;
public String getProductCode() {
return productCode;
public void setProductCode(String productCode) {
this.productCode = productCode;
@JsonProperty("PurchaseDate") public LocalDate purchaseDate;
public LocalDate getPurchaseDate() {
return purchaseDate;
public void setPurchaseDate(LocalDate purchaseDate) {
this.purchaseDate = purchaseDate;
@JsonProperty("Quantity") public Double quantity;
public Double getQuantity() {
return quantity;
public void setQuantity(Double quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
@JsonProperty("RootAssetId") public String rootAssetId;
public String getRootAssetId() {
return rootAssetId;
public void setRootAssetId(String rootAssetId) {
this.rootAssetId = rootAssetId;
@JsonProperty("SerialNumber") public String serialNumber;
public String getSerialNumber() {
return serialNumber;
public void setSerialNumber(String serialNumber) {
this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
@JsonProperty("Status") public String status;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
@JsonProperty("StockKeepingUnit") public String stockKeepingUnit;
public String getStockKeepingUnit() {
return stockKeepingUnit;
public void setStockKeepingUnit(String stockKeepingUnit) {
this.stockKeepingUnit = stockKeepingUnit;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("TotalLifecycleAmount") public Double totalLifecycleAmount;
public Double getTotalLifecycleAmount() {
return totalLifecycleAmount;
public void setTotalLifecycleAmount(Double totalLifecycleAmount) {
this.totalLifecycleAmount = totalLifecycleAmount;
@JsonProperty("UsageEndDate") public LocalDate usageEndDate;
public LocalDate getUsageEndDate() {
return usageEndDate;
public void setUsageEndDate(LocalDate usageEndDate) {
this.usageEndDate = usageEndDate;
@JsonProperty("UserRecordAccessId") public String userRecordAccessId;
public String getUserRecordAccessId() {
return userRecordAccessId;
public void setUserRecordAccessId(String userRecordAccessId) {
this.userRecordAccessId = userRecordAccessId;
public Asset() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
* @property body Text Area,
* @property bodyLength Number(8, 0),
* @property contentType Text(120),
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property description Text Area(500),
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property isPrivate Checkbox,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property name Text(255),
* @property ownerId Lookup(User,Calendar),
* @property parentId Lookup(Contract,Order,Email Template,Campaign,Account,Contact,Lead,Opportunity,Product,Asset,Case,Solution,Task,Event,Email Message,Invoice,Work Order,Work Order Line Item,Service Appointment,Service Resource,Entitlement,Service Contract,Contract Line Item,Location,Image,Shift,Credit Memo,Communication Subscription,Communication Subscription Channel Type,Communication Subscription Consent,Communication Subscription Timing,Engagement Channel Type,Legal Entity,Work Plan,Work Plan Template,Work Step,Work Step Template,Change Request,Incident,Problem,TestObject),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
public class Attachment extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("Body") public String body;
public String getBody() {
return body;
public void setBody(String body) {
this.body = body;
@JsonProperty("BodyLength") public Double bodyLength;
public Double getBodyLength() {
return bodyLength;
public void setBodyLength(Double bodyLength) {
this.bodyLength = bodyLength;
@JsonProperty("ContentType") public String contentType;
public String getContentType() {
return contentType;
public void setContentType(String contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType;
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("Description") public String description;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("IsPrivate") public Boolean isPrivate;
public Boolean getIsPrivate() {
return isPrivate;
public void setIsPrivate(Boolean isPrivate) {
this.isPrivate = isPrivate;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("OwnerId") public String ownerId;
public String getOwnerId() {
return ownerId;
public void setOwnerId(String ownerId) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
@JsonProperty("ParentId") public String parentId;
public String getParentId() {
return parentId;
public void setParentId(String parentId) {
this.parentId = parentId;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
public Attachment() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property isActive Checkbox,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property name Text(80),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property type Picklist,
* @property userId Lookup(User),
public class Calendar extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("IsActive") public Boolean isActive;
public Boolean getIsActive() {
return isActive;
public void setIsActive(Boolean isActive) {
this.isActive = isActive;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("Type") public String type;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
@JsonProperty("UserId") public String userId;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public Calendar() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.Map;
* @property accountId Lookup(Account),
* @property assistantName Text(40),
* @property assistantPhone Phone,
* @property birthdate Date,
* @property cleanStatus Picklist,
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property department Text(80),
* @property description Long Text Area(32000),
* @property email Email,
* @property emailBouncedDate Date/Time,
* @property emailBouncedReason Text(255),
* @property fax Fax,
* @property homePhone Phone,
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property individualId Lookup(Individual),
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property isEmailBounced Checkbox,
* @property jigsaw Text(20),
* @property jigsawContactId External Lookup,
* @property languages__c Text(100),
* @property lastActivityDate Date,
* @property lastCURequestDate Date/Time,
* @property lastCUUpdateDate Date/Time,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastReferencedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastViewedDate Date/Time,
* @property leadSource Picklist,
* @property level__c Picklist,
* @property mailingAddress Address,
* @property masterRecordId Lookup(Contact),
* @property mobilePhone Phone,
* @property name Name,
* @property otherAddress Address,
* @property otherPhone Phone,
* @property ownerId Lookup(User),
* @property phone Phone,
* @property photoUrl URL(255),
* @property reportsToId Lookup(Contact),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property title Text(128),
* @property userRecordAccessId Lookup(User Record Access),
public class Contact extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("AccountId") public String accountId;
public String getAccountId() {
return accountId;
public void setAccountId(String accountId) {
this.accountId = accountId;
@JsonProperty("AssistantName") public String assistantName;
public String getAssistantName() {
return assistantName;
public void setAssistantName(String assistantName) {
this.assistantName = assistantName;
@JsonProperty("AssistantPhone") public String assistantPhone;
public String getAssistantPhone() {
return assistantPhone;
public void setAssistantPhone(String assistantPhone) {
this.assistantPhone = assistantPhone;
@JsonProperty("Birthdate") public LocalDate birthdate;
public LocalDate getBirthdate() {
return birthdate;
public void setBirthdate(LocalDate birthdate) {
this.birthdate = birthdate;
@JsonProperty("CleanStatus") public String cleanStatus;
public String getCleanStatus() {
return cleanStatus;
public void setCleanStatus(String cleanStatus) {
this.cleanStatus = cleanStatus;
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("Department") public String department;
public String getDepartment() {
return department;
public void setDepartment(String department) {
this.department = department;
@JsonProperty("Description") public String description;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
@JsonProperty("Email") public String email;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
@JsonProperty("EmailBouncedDate") public ZonedDateTime emailBouncedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getEmailBouncedDate() {
return emailBouncedDate;
public void setEmailBouncedDate(ZonedDateTime emailBouncedDate) {
this.emailBouncedDate = emailBouncedDate;
@JsonProperty("EmailBouncedReason") public String emailBouncedReason;
public String getEmailBouncedReason() {
return emailBouncedReason;
public void setEmailBouncedReason(String emailBouncedReason) {
this.emailBouncedReason = emailBouncedReason;
@JsonProperty("Fax") public String fax;
public String getFax() {
return fax;
public void setFax(String fax) {
this.fax = fax;
@JsonProperty("HomePhone") public String homePhone;
public String getHomePhone() {
return homePhone;
public void setHomePhone(String homePhone) {
this.homePhone = homePhone;
@JsonProperty("IndividualId") public String individualId;
public String getIndividualId() {
return individualId;
public void setIndividualId(String individualId) {
this.individualId = individualId;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("IsEmailBounced") public Boolean isEmailBounced;
public Boolean getIsEmailBounced() {
return isEmailBounced;
public void setIsEmailBounced(Boolean isEmailBounced) {
this.isEmailBounced = isEmailBounced;
@JsonProperty("Jigsaw") public String jigsaw;
public String getJigsaw() {
return jigsaw;
public void setJigsaw(String jigsaw) {
this.jigsaw = jigsaw;
@JsonProperty("JigsawContactId") public String jigsawContactId;
public String getJigsawContactId() {
return jigsawContactId;
public void setJigsawContactId(String jigsawContactId) {
this.jigsawContactId = jigsawContactId;
@JsonProperty("Languages__c") public String languages__c;
public String getLanguages__c() {
return languages__c;
public void setLanguages__c(String languages__c) {
this.languages__c = languages__c;
@JsonProperty("LastActivityDate") public LocalDate lastActivityDate;
public LocalDate getLastActivityDate() {
return lastActivityDate;
public void setLastActivityDate(LocalDate lastActivityDate) {
this.lastActivityDate = lastActivityDate;
@JsonProperty("LastCURequestDate") public ZonedDateTime lastCURequestDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastCURequestDate() {
return lastCURequestDate;
public void setLastCURequestDate(ZonedDateTime lastCURequestDate) {
this.lastCURequestDate = lastCURequestDate;
@JsonProperty("LastCUUpdateDate") public ZonedDateTime lastCUUpdateDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastCUUpdateDate() {
return lastCUUpdateDate;
public void setLastCUUpdateDate(ZonedDateTime lastCUUpdateDate) {
this.lastCUUpdateDate = lastCUUpdateDate;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastReferencedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastReferencedDate() {
return lastReferencedDate;
public void setLastReferencedDate(ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate) {
this.lastReferencedDate = lastReferencedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastViewedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastViewedDate() {
return lastViewedDate;
public void setLastViewedDate(ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate) {
this.lastViewedDate = lastViewedDate;
@JsonProperty("LeadSource") public String leadSource;
public String getLeadSource() {
return leadSource;
public void setLeadSource(String leadSource) {
this.leadSource = leadSource;
@JsonProperty("Level__c") public String level__c;
public String getLevel__c() {
return level__c;
public void setLevel__c(String level__c) {
this.level__c = level__c;
@JsonProperty("MailingAddress") public Map<String, Object> mailingAddress;
public Map<String, Object> getMailingAddress() {
return mailingAddress;
public void setMailingAddress(Map<String, Object> mailingAddress) {
this.mailingAddress = mailingAddress;
@JsonProperty("MasterRecordId") public String masterRecordId;
public String getMasterRecordId() {
return masterRecordId;
public void setMasterRecordId(String masterRecordId) {
this.masterRecordId = masterRecordId;
@JsonProperty("MobilePhone") public String mobilePhone;
public String getMobilePhone() {
return mobilePhone;
public void setMobilePhone(String mobilePhone) {
this.mobilePhone = mobilePhone;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("OtherAddress") public Map<String, Object> otherAddress;
public Map<String, Object> getOtherAddress() {
return otherAddress;
public void setOtherAddress(Map<String, Object> otherAddress) {
this.otherAddress = otherAddress;
@JsonProperty("OtherPhone") public String otherPhone;
public String getOtherPhone() {
return otherPhone;
public void setOtherPhone(String otherPhone) {
this.otherPhone = otherPhone;
@JsonProperty("OwnerId") public String ownerId;
public String getOwnerId() {
return ownerId;
public void setOwnerId(String ownerId) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
@JsonProperty("Phone") public String phone;
public String getPhone() {
return phone;
public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone;
@JsonProperty("PhotoUrl") public String photoUrl;
public String getPhotoUrl() {
return photoUrl;
public void setPhotoUrl(String photoUrl) {
this.photoUrl = photoUrl;
@JsonProperty("ReportsToId") public String reportsToId;
public String getReportsToId() {
return reportsToId;
public void setReportsToId(String reportsToId) {
this.reportsToId = reportsToId;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("Title") public String title;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
@JsonProperty("UserRecordAccessId") public String userRecordAccessId;
public String getUserRecordAccessId() {
return userRecordAccessId;
public void setUserRecordAccessId(String userRecordAccessId) {
this.userRecordAccessId = userRecordAccessId;
public Contact() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property customerStatusType Picklist,
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastReferencedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastViewedDate Date/Time,
* @property name Text(255),
* @property ownerId Lookup(User,Group),
* @property partyId Lookup(Individual),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property totalLifeTimeValue Number(9, 0),
* @property userRecordAccessId Lookup(User Record Access),
public class Customer extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("CustomerStatusType") public String customerStatusType;
public String getCustomerStatusType() {
return customerStatusType;
public void setCustomerStatusType(String customerStatusType) {
this.customerStatusType = customerStatusType;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastReferencedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastReferencedDate() {
return lastReferencedDate;
public void setLastReferencedDate(ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate) {
this.lastReferencedDate = lastReferencedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastViewedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastViewedDate() {
return lastViewedDate;
public void setLastViewedDate(ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate) {
this.lastViewedDate = lastViewedDate;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("OwnerId") public String ownerId;
public String getOwnerId() {
return ownerId;
public void setOwnerId(String ownerId) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
@JsonProperty("PartyId") public String partyId;
public String getPartyId() {
return partyId;
public void setPartyId(String partyId) {
this.partyId = partyId;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("TotalLifeTimeValue") public Double totalLifeTimeValue;
public Double getTotalLifeTimeValue() {
return totalLifeTimeValue;
public void setTotalLifeTimeValue(Double totalLifeTimeValue) {
this.totalLifeTimeValue = totalLifeTimeValue;
@JsonProperty("UserRecordAccessId") public String userRecordAccessId;
public String getUserRecordAccessId() {
return userRecordAccessId;
public void setUserRecordAccessId(String userRecordAccessId) {
this.userRecordAccessId = userRecordAccessId;
public Customer() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
* @property backgroundDirection Picklist,
* @property backgroundEnd Number(9, 0),
* @property backgroundStart Number(9, 0),
* @property chartTheme Picklist,
* @property colorPalette Picklist,
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property dashboardResultRefreshedDate Text(256),
* @property dashboardResultRunningUser Text(256),
* @property description Text(255),
* @property developerName Text(80),
* @property folderId Lookup(Folder,User),
* @property folderName Text(256),
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastReferencedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastViewedDate Date/Time,
* @property leftSize Picklist,
* @property middleSize Picklist,
* @property namespacePrefix Text,
* @property rightSize Picklist,
* @property runningUserId Lookup(User),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property textColor Number(9, 0),
* @property title Text(80),
* @property titleColor Number(9, 0),
* @property titleSize Number(9, 0),
* @property type Picklist,
public class Dashboard extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("BackgroundDirection") public String backgroundDirection;
public String getBackgroundDirection() {
return backgroundDirection;
public void setBackgroundDirection(String backgroundDirection) {
this.backgroundDirection = backgroundDirection;
@JsonProperty("BackgroundEnd") public Double backgroundEnd;
public Double getBackgroundEnd() {
return backgroundEnd;
public void setBackgroundEnd(Double backgroundEnd) {
this.backgroundEnd = backgroundEnd;
@JsonProperty("BackgroundStart") public Double backgroundStart;
public Double getBackgroundStart() {
return backgroundStart;
public void setBackgroundStart(Double backgroundStart) {
this.backgroundStart = backgroundStart;
@JsonProperty("ChartTheme") public String chartTheme;
public String getChartTheme() {
return chartTheme;
public void setChartTheme(String chartTheme) {
this.chartTheme = chartTheme;
@JsonProperty("ColorPalette") public String colorPalette;
public String getColorPalette() {
return colorPalette;
public void setColorPalette(String colorPalette) {
this.colorPalette = colorPalette;
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("DashboardResultRefreshedDate") public String dashboardResultRefreshedDate;
public String getDashboardResultRefreshedDate() {
return dashboardResultRefreshedDate;
public void setDashboardResultRefreshedDate(String dashboardResultRefreshedDate) {
this.dashboardResultRefreshedDate = dashboardResultRefreshedDate;
@JsonProperty("DashboardResultRunningUser") public String dashboardResultRunningUser;
public String getDashboardResultRunningUser() {
return dashboardResultRunningUser;
public void setDashboardResultRunningUser(String dashboardResultRunningUser) {
this.dashboardResultRunningUser = dashboardResultRunningUser;
@JsonProperty("Description") public String description;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
@JsonProperty("DeveloperName") public String developerName;
public String getDeveloperName() {
return developerName;
public void setDeveloperName(String developerName) {
this.developerName = developerName;
@JsonProperty("FolderId") public String folderId;
public String getFolderId() {
return folderId;
public void setFolderId(String folderId) {
this.folderId = folderId;
@JsonProperty("FolderName") public String folderName;
public String getFolderName() {
return folderName;
public void setFolderName(String folderName) {
this.folderName = folderName;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastReferencedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastReferencedDate() {
return lastReferencedDate;
public void setLastReferencedDate(ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate) {
this.lastReferencedDate = lastReferencedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastViewedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastViewedDate() {
return lastViewedDate;
public void setLastViewedDate(ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate) {
this.lastViewedDate = lastViewedDate;
@JsonProperty("LeftSize") public String leftSize;
public String getLeftSize() {
return leftSize;
public void setLeftSize(String leftSize) {
this.leftSize = leftSize;
@JsonProperty("MiddleSize") public String middleSize;
public String getMiddleSize() {
return middleSize;
public void setMiddleSize(String middleSize) {
this.middleSize = middleSize;
@JsonProperty("NamespacePrefix") public String namespacePrefix;
public String getNamespacePrefix() {
return namespacePrefix;
public void setNamespacePrefix(String namespacePrefix) {
this.namespacePrefix = namespacePrefix;
@JsonProperty("RightSize") public String rightSize;
public String getRightSize() {
return rightSize;
public void setRightSize(String rightSize) {
this.rightSize = rightSize;
@JsonProperty("RunningUserId") public String runningUserId;
public String getRunningUserId() {
return runningUserId;
public void setRunningUserId(String runningUserId) {
this.runningUserId = runningUserId;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("TextColor") public Double textColor;
public Double getTextColor() {
return textColor;
public void setTextColor(Double textColor) {
this.textColor = textColor;
@JsonProperty("Title") public String title;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
@JsonProperty("TitleColor") public Double titleColor;
public Double getTitleColor() {
return titleColor;
public void setTitleColor(Double titleColor) {
this.titleColor = titleColor;
@JsonProperty("TitleSize") public Double titleSize;
public Double getTitleSize() {
return titleSize;
public void setTitleSize(Double titleSize) {
this.titleSize = titleSize;
@JsonProperty("Type") public String type;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public Dashboard() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
* @property authorId Lookup(User),
* @property body Text Area,
* @property bodyLength Number(8, 0),
* @property contentType Text(120),
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property description Text Area(255),
* @property developerName Text(80),
* @property folderId Lookup(Folder,User),
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property isBodySearchable Checkbox,
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property isInternalUseOnly Checkbox,
* @property isPublic Checkbox,
* @property keywords Text(255),
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastReferencedDate Date/Time,
* @property lastViewedDate Date/Time,
* @property name Text(255),
* @property namespacePrefix Text,
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property type Text(40),
* @property url Text(255),
public class Document extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("AuthorId") public String authorId;
public String getAuthorId() {
return authorId;
public void setAuthorId(String authorId) {
this.authorId = authorId;
@JsonProperty("Body") public String body;
public String getBody() {
return body;
public void setBody(String body) {
this.body = body;
@JsonProperty("BodyLength") public Double bodyLength;
public Double getBodyLength() {
return bodyLength;
public void setBodyLength(Double bodyLength) {
this.bodyLength = bodyLength;
@JsonProperty("ContentType") public String contentType;
public String getContentType() {
return contentType;
public void setContentType(String contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType;
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("Description") public String description;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
@JsonProperty("DeveloperName") public String developerName;
public String getDeveloperName() {
return developerName;
public void setDeveloperName(String developerName) {
this.developerName = developerName;
@JsonProperty("FolderId") public String folderId;
public String getFolderId() {
return folderId;
public void setFolderId(String folderId) {
this.folderId = folderId;
@JsonProperty("IsBodySearchable") public Boolean isBodySearchable;
public Boolean getIsBodySearchable() {
return isBodySearchable;
public void setIsBodySearchable(Boolean isBodySearchable) {
this.isBodySearchable = isBodySearchable;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("IsInternalUseOnly") public Boolean isInternalUseOnly;
public Boolean getIsInternalUseOnly() {
return isInternalUseOnly;
public void setIsInternalUseOnly(Boolean isInternalUseOnly) {
this.isInternalUseOnly = isInternalUseOnly;
@JsonProperty("IsPublic") public Boolean isPublic;
public Boolean getIsPublic() {
return isPublic;
public void setIsPublic(Boolean isPublic) {
this.isPublic = isPublic;
@JsonProperty("Keywords") public String keywords;
public String getKeywords() {
return keywords;
public void setKeywords(String keywords) {
this.keywords = keywords;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastReferencedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastReferencedDate() {
return lastReferencedDate;
public void setLastReferencedDate(ZonedDateTime lastReferencedDate) {
this.lastReferencedDate = lastReferencedDate;
@JsonProperty("LastViewedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastViewedDate() {
return lastViewedDate;
public void setLastViewedDate(ZonedDateTime lastViewedDate) {
this.lastViewedDate = lastViewedDate;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("NamespacePrefix") public String namespacePrefix;
public String getNamespacePrefix() {
return namespacePrefix;
public void setNamespacePrefix(String namespacePrefix) {
this.namespacePrefix = namespacePrefix;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("Type") public String type;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
@JsonProperty("Url") public String url;
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public void setUrl(String url) {
this.url = url;
public Document() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.LocalDate;
* @property accountId Lookup(Account),
* @property activityDate Date/Time,
* @property activityDateTime Date/Time,
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property description Long Text Area(32000),
* @property durationInMinutes Number(8, 0),
* @property email Email,
* @property endDate Date,
* @property endDateTime Date/Time,
* @property eventSubtype Picklist,
* @property groupEventType Picklist,
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property isAllDayEvent Checkbox,
* @property isArchived Checkbox,
* @property isChild Checkbox,
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property isGroupEvent Checkbox,
* @property isPrivate Checkbox,
* @property isRecurrence Checkbox,
* @property isRecurrence2 Checkbox,
* @property isRecurrence2Exception Checkbox,
* @property isRecurrence2Exclusion Checkbox,
* @property isReminderSet Checkbox,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property location Text(255),
* @property ownerId Lookup(User,Calendar),
* @property phone Phone,
* @property recurrence2PatternStartDate Date/Time,
* @property recurrence2PatternText Long Text Area(512),
* @property recurrence2PatternTimeZone Text(255),
* @property recurrence2PatternVersion Picklist,
* @property recurrenceActivityId Lookup(Event),
* @property recurrenceDayOfMonth Number(9, 0),
* @property recurrenceDayOfWeekMask Number(9, 0),
* @property recurrenceEndDateOnly Date,
* @property recurrenceInstance Picklist,
* @property recurrenceInterval Number(9, 0),
* @property recurrenceMonthOfYear Picklist,
* @property recurrenceStartDateTime Date/Time,
* @property recurrenceTimeZoneSidKey Picklist,
* @property recurrenceType Picklist,
* @property reminderDateTime Date/Time,
* @property serviceAppointmentId Lookup(Service Appointment),
* @property showAs Picklist,
* @property startDateTime Date/Time,
* @property subject Picklist,
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property whatId Lookup(Contract,Order,Campaign,Account,Opportunity,Product,Asset,Case,Solution,Invoice,Work Order,Work Order Line Item,Service Appointment,Service Resource,Assigned Resource,Resource Absence,Entitlement,Service Contract,Contract Line Item,Location,Asset Relationship,List Email,Return Order,Return Order Line Item,Contact Request,Image,Shift,Credit Memo,Communication Subscription Consent,Legal Entity,Party Consent,Work Plan,Work Plan Template,Work Plan Template Entry,Work Step,Work Step Template,Operating Hours Holiday,Process Exception,Change Request,Incident,Problem),
* @property whoId Lookup(Contact,Lead),
public class Event extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("AccountId") public String accountId;
public String getAccountId() {
return accountId;
public void setAccountId(String accountId) {
this.accountId = accountId;
@JsonProperty("ActivityDate") public ZonedDateTime activityDate;
public ZonedDateTime getActivityDate() {
return activityDate;
public void setActivityDate(ZonedDateTime activityDate) {
this.activityDate = activityDate;
@JsonProperty("ActivityDateTime") public ZonedDateTime activityDateTime;
public ZonedDateTime getActivityDateTime() {
return activityDateTime;
public void setActivityDateTime(ZonedDateTime activityDateTime) {
this.activityDateTime = activityDateTime;
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("Description") public String description;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
@JsonProperty("DurationInMinutes") public Double durationInMinutes;
public Double getDurationInMinutes() {
return durationInMinutes;
public void setDurationInMinutes(Double durationInMinutes) {
this.durationInMinutes = durationInMinutes;
@JsonProperty("Email") public String email;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
@JsonProperty("EndDate") public LocalDate endDate;
public LocalDate getEndDate() {
return endDate;
public void setEndDate(LocalDate endDate) {
this.endDate = endDate;
@JsonProperty("EndDateTime") public ZonedDateTime endDateTime;
public ZonedDateTime getEndDateTime() {
return endDateTime;
public void setEndDateTime(ZonedDateTime endDateTime) {
this.endDateTime = endDateTime;
@JsonProperty("EventSubtype") public String eventSubtype;
public String getEventSubtype() {
return eventSubtype;
public void setEventSubtype(String eventSubtype) {
this.eventSubtype = eventSubtype;
@JsonProperty("GroupEventType") public String groupEventType;
public String getGroupEventType() {
return groupEventType;
public void setGroupEventType(String groupEventType) {
this.groupEventType = groupEventType;
@JsonProperty("IsAllDayEvent") public Boolean isAllDayEvent;
public Boolean getIsAllDayEvent() {
return isAllDayEvent;
public void setIsAllDayEvent(Boolean isAllDayEvent) {
this.isAllDayEvent = isAllDayEvent;
@JsonProperty("IsArchived") public Boolean isArchived;
public Boolean getIsArchived() {
return isArchived;
public void setIsArchived(Boolean isArchived) {
this.isArchived = isArchived;
@JsonProperty("IsChild") public Boolean isChild;
public Boolean getIsChild() {
return isChild;
public void setIsChild(Boolean isChild) {
this.isChild = isChild;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("IsGroupEvent") public Boolean isGroupEvent;
public Boolean getIsGroupEvent() {
return isGroupEvent;
public void setIsGroupEvent(Boolean isGroupEvent) {
this.isGroupEvent = isGroupEvent;
@JsonProperty("IsPrivate") public Boolean isPrivate;
public Boolean getIsPrivate() {
return isPrivate;
public void setIsPrivate(Boolean isPrivate) {
this.isPrivate = isPrivate;
@JsonProperty("IsRecurrence") public Boolean isRecurrence;
public Boolean getIsRecurrence() {
return isRecurrence;
public void setIsRecurrence(Boolean isRecurrence) {
this.isRecurrence = isRecurrence;
@JsonProperty("IsRecurrence2") public Boolean isRecurrence2;
public Boolean getIsRecurrence2() {
return isRecurrence2;
public void setIsRecurrence2(Boolean isRecurrence2) {
this.isRecurrence2 = isRecurrence2;
@JsonProperty("IsRecurrence2Exception") public Boolean isRecurrence2Exception;
public Boolean getIsRecurrence2Exception() {
return isRecurrence2Exception;
public void setIsRecurrence2Exception(Boolean isRecurrence2Exception) {
this.isRecurrence2Exception = isRecurrence2Exception;
@JsonProperty("IsRecurrence2Exclusion") public Boolean isRecurrence2Exclusion;
public Boolean getIsRecurrence2Exclusion() {
return isRecurrence2Exclusion;
public void setIsRecurrence2Exclusion(Boolean isRecurrence2Exclusion) {
this.isRecurrence2Exclusion = isRecurrence2Exclusion;
@JsonProperty("IsReminderSet") public Boolean isReminderSet;
public Boolean getIsReminderSet() {
return isReminderSet;
public void setIsReminderSet(Boolean isReminderSet) {
this.isReminderSet = isReminderSet;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("Location") public String location;
public String getLocation() {
return location;
public void setLocation(String location) {
this.location = location;
@JsonProperty("OwnerId") public String ownerId;
public String getOwnerId() {
return ownerId;
public void setOwnerId(String ownerId) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
@JsonProperty("Phone") public String phone;
public String getPhone() {
return phone;
public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone;
@JsonProperty("Recurrence2PatternStartDate") public ZonedDateTime recurrence2PatternStartDate;
public ZonedDateTime getRecurrence2PatternStartDate() {
return recurrence2PatternStartDate;
public void setRecurrence2PatternStartDate(ZonedDateTime recurrence2PatternStartDate) {
this.recurrence2PatternStartDate = recurrence2PatternStartDate;
@JsonProperty("Recurrence2PatternText") public String recurrence2PatternText;
public String getRecurrence2PatternText() {
return recurrence2PatternText;
public void setRecurrence2PatternText(String recurrence2PatternText) {
this.recurrence2PatternText = recurrence2PatternText;
@JsonProperty("Recurrence2PatternTimeZone") public String recurrence2PatternTimeZone;
public String getRecurrence2PatternTimeZone() {
return recurrence2PatternTimeZone;
public void setRecurrence2PatternTimeZone(String recurrence2PatternTimeZone) {
this.recurrence2PatternTimeZone = recurrence2PatternTimeZone;
@JsonProperty("Recurrence2PatternVersion") public String recurrence2PatternVersion;
public String getRecurrence2PatternVersion() {
return recurrence2PatternVersion;
public void setRecurrence2PatternVersion(String recurrence2PatternVersion) {
this.recurrence2PatternVersion = recurrence2PatternVersion;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceActivityId") public String recurrenceActivityId;
public String getRecurrenceActivityId() {
return recurrenceActivityId;
public void setRecurrenceActivityId(String recurrenceActivityId) {
this.recurrenceActivityId = recurrenceActivityId;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceDayOfMonth") public Double recurrenceDayOfMonth;
public Double getRecurrenceDayOfMonth() {
return recurrenceDayOfMonth;
public void setRecurrenceDayOfMonth(Double recurrenceDayOfMonth) {
this.recurrenceDayOfMonth = recurrenceDayOfMonth;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask") public Double recurrenceDayOfWeekMask;
public Double getRecurrenceDayOfWeekMask() {
return recurrenceDayOfWeekMask;
public void setRecurrenceDayOfWeekMask(Double recurrenceDayOfWeekMask) {
this.recurrenceDayOfWeekMask = recurrenceDayOfWeekMask;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceEndDateOnly") public LocalDate recurrenceEndDateOnly;
public LocalDate getRecurrenceEndDateOnly() {
return recurrenceEndDateOnly;
public void setRecurrenceEndDateOnly(LocalDate recurrenceEndDateOnly) {
this.recurrenceEndDateOnly = recurrenceEndDateOnly;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceInstance") public String recurrenceInstance;
public String getRecurrenceInstance() {
return recurrenceInstance;
public void setRecurrenceInstance(String recurrenceInstance) {
this.recurrenceInstance = recurrenceInstance;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceInterval") public Double recurrenceInterval;
public Double getRecurrenceInterval() {
return recurrenceInterval;
public void setRecurrenceInterval(Double recurrenceInterval) {
this.recurrenceInterval = recurrenceInterval;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceMonthOfYear") public String recurrenceMonthOfYear;
public String getRecurrenceMonthOfYear() {
return recurrenceMonthOfYear;
public void setRecurrenceMonthOfYear(String recurrenceMonthOfYear) {
this.recurrenceMonthOfYear = recurrenceMonthOfYear;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceStartDateTime") public ZonedDateTime recurrenceStartDateTime;
public ZonedDateTime getRecurrenceStartDateTime() {
return recurrenceStartDateTime;
public void setRecurrenceStartDateTime(ZonedDateTime recurrenceStartDateTime) {
this.recurrenceStartDateTime = recurrenceStartDateTime;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey") public String recurrenceTimeZoneSidKey;
public String getRecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey() {
return recurrenceTimeZoneSidKey;
public void setRecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey(String recurrenceTimeZoneSidKey) {
this.recurrenceTimeZoneSidKey = recurrenceTimeZoneSidKey;
@JsonProperty("RecurrenceType") public String recurrenceType;
public String getRecurrenceType() {
return recurrenceType;
public void setRecurrenceType(String recurrenceType) {
this.recurrenceType = recurrenceType;
@JsonProperty("ReminderDateTime") public ZonedDateTime reminderDateTime;
public ZonedDateTime getReminderDateTime() {
return reminderDateTime;
public void setReminderDateTime(ZonedDateTime reminderDateTime) {
this.reminderDateTime = reminderDateTime;
@JsonProperty("ServiceAppointmentId") public String serviceAppointmentId;
public String getServiceAppointmentId() {
return serviceAppointmentId;
public void setServiceAppointmentId(String serviceAppointmentId) {
this.serviceAppointmentId = serviceAppointmentId;
@JsonProperty("ShowAs") public String showAs;
public String getShowAs() {
return showAs;
public void setShowAs(String showAs) {
this.showAs = showAs;
@JsonProperty("StartDateTime") public ZonedDateTime startDateTime;
public ZonedDateTime getStartDateTime() {
return startDateTime;
public void setStartDateTime(ZonedDateTime startDateTime) {
this.startDateTime = startDateTime;
@JsonProperty("Subject") public String subject;
public String getSubject() {
return subject;
public void setSubject(String subject) {
this.subject = subject;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("WhatId") public String whatId;
public String getWhatId() {
return whatId;
public void setWhatId(String whatId) {
this.whatId = whatId;
@JsonProperty("WhoId") public String whoId;
public String getWhoId() {
return whoId;
public void setWhoId(String whoId) {
this.whoId = whoId;
public Event() {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
* @property createdById Lookup(User),
* @property createdDate Date/Time,
* @property id Lookup(),
* @property isDeleted Checkbox,
* @property lastModifiedById Lookup(User),
* @property lastModifiedDate Date/Time,
* @property name Text(80),
* @property ownerId Lookup(User,Group),
* @property systemModstamp Date/Time,
* @property userRecordAccessId Lookup(User Record Access),
public class TestObject__c extends AbstractSObject {
@JsonProperty("CreatedById") public String createdById;
public String getCreatedById() {
return createdById;
public void setCreatedById(String createdById) {
this.createdById = createdById;
@JsonProperty("CreatedDate") public ZonedDateTime createdDate;
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(ZonedDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
@JsonProperty("IsDeleted") public Boolean isDeleted;
public Boolean getIsDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setIsDeleted(Boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedById") public String lastModifiedById;
public String getLastModifiedById() {
return lastModifiedById;
public void setLastModifiedById(String lastModifiedById) {
this.lastModifiedById = lastModifiedById;
@JsonProperty("LastModifiedDate") public ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public ZonedDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
@JsonProperty("Name") public String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
@JsonProperty("OwnerId") public String ownerId;
public String getOwnerId() {
return ownerId;
public void setOwnerId(String ownerId) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
@JsonProperty("SystemModstamp") public ZonedDateTime systemModstamp;
public ZonedDateTime getSystemModstamp() {
return systemModstamp;
public void setSystemModstamp(ZonedDateTime systemModstamp) {
this.systemModstamp = systemModstamp;
@JsonProperty("UserRecordAccessId") public String userRecordAccessId;
public String getUserRecordAccessId() {
return userRecordAccessId;
public void setUserRecordAccessId(String userRecordAccessId) {
this.userRecordAccessId = userRecordAccessId;
public TestObject__c() {
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