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Created May 5, 2019 12:09
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Personal speech recognition (Dragonfly) command set for Google Chrome
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is relevant as of 20190505. I have no plans of updating this gist. Some of
this is written in a style I wouldn't necessarily use now, but I'll let you
guess what that is.
I'm not going to bet that any of this works. I haven't updated it in months, if
not years. I know that some of the Facebook commands don't work. I use most of
the commands for Gmail regularly, but I haven't used the commands for
Google Sheets since I made the rule.
The contexts with "-~-" in them assume the use of a browser extension like
to place the URL in the title bar. I configure the extension with the string
"{title} -~- {hostname}{port}/{path} -~- {hash}". Be aware that WSR has a bug
causing it to become unresponsive if the current window title is too long. I
don't remember how many characters "too long" is, so if you use WSR…
good luck. :-)
from dragonfly import (AppContext, Choice, Function, Grammar, IntegerRef, Key,
MappingRule, Mouse)
chrome_context = AppContext(executable="chrome.exe")
gitter_context = AppContext(executable="chrome.exe", title="- gitter")
google_mail_context = AppContext(executable="chrome.exe", title=" - gmail")
google_sheets_context = AppContext(
executable="chrome.exe", title="-~-")
toy_blast_context = AppContext(
executable="chrome.exe", title="toy blast on facebook")
facebook_context = AppContext(
executable="chrome.exe", title="-~-")
facebook_messages_context = AppContext(
executable="chrome.exe", title="-~-")
vimium_context = (
chrome_context & ~google_mail_context & ~google_sheets_context &
~facebook_messages_context & ~toy_blast_context)
grammar = Grammar("chrome_commands")
def toy_blast_processor(direction, steps, poke):
pixels_to_move = steps * 65
dy = 0
dx = 0
if "north" in direction:
dy = pixels_to_move * -1
if "west" in direction:
dx = pixels_to_move * -1
if "east" in direction:
dx = pixels_to_move
if "south" in direction:
dy = pixels_to_move
Mouse("<%(dx)d, %(dy)d>, %(poke)s" % {
"dx": dx,
"dy": dy,
"poke": poke
class ToyBlastRule(MappingRule):
mapping = {
"<direction> [<steps>] [<poke>]": Function(toy_blast_processor),
extras = [
"direction", {
"North": "north",
"North East": "northeast",
"East": "east",
"South East": "southeast",
"South": "south",
"South West": "southwest",
"West": "west",
"North West": "northwest"
IntegerRef("steps", 1, 9),
Choice("poke", {
"poke": "left",
"no poke": "left:up"
defaults = {"steps": 1, "poke": "left:up"}
class GmailRule(MappingRule):
mapping = {
"keyboard shortcuts": Key("question"),
"select item": Key("x"),
"select all mail": Key("asterisk,a"),
"select none": Key("asterisk,n"),
"select read": Key("asterisk,r"),
"select unread": Key("asterisk,u"),
"mark as read": Key("I"),
"mark as unread": Key("U"),
"mark as important": Key("plus"),
"mark as not important": Key("minus"),
"delete selected": Key("hash"),
"move to": Key("v"),
"newer [conversation]": Key("k"),
"older [conversation]": Key("j"),
"newer message": Key("n"),
"older message": Key("p"),
"open [mail]": Key("o"),
"reply": Key("r"),
"(compose | new) message": Key("c"),
"send message": Key("c-enter"),
"refresh conversation": Key("s-n"),
"go to inbox": Key("g, i"),
"go to contacts": Key("g, c"),
"go to all mail": Key("g, a"),
"go to drafts": Key("g, d"),
class VimiumRule(MappingRule):
mapping = {
"(open | show) links": Key("f"),
"open link in a new tab": Key("F"),
"half down": Key("d"),
"half up": Key("u"),
"next page": Key("rbracket,rbracket"),
"previous page": Key("lbracket,lbracket"),
"keyboard shortcuts": Key("question"),
"copy link": Key("y, f"),
"copy current link": Key("y, y"),
class FacebookRule(MappingRule):
mapping = {
"Newsfeed": Key("a-1"),
"My Timeline": Key("a-2"),
"Friend Requests": Key("a-3"),
"Messages": Key("a-4"),
"Notifications": Key("a-5"),
class GoogleSheetsRule(MappingRule):
mapping = {
"keyboard shortcuts": Key("c-slash"),
"select row": Key("s-space"),
"select all cells": Key("cs-space"),
"select column": Key("c-space"),
"find": Key("c-f"),
"fill range": Key("c-enter"),
"find and replace": Key("c-h"),
def unload():
global grammar
if grammar:
grammar = None
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