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Last active March 20, 2018 17:34
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__author__ = 'LexiconCode'
Command-module for Atom
Official Site ""
from caster.lib import control, settings
from caster.lib.dfplus.additions import IntegerRefST
from caster.lib.dfplus.merge import gfilter
from caster.lib.dfplus.merge.mergerule import MergeRule
from caster.lib.dfplus.state.short import R
from dragonfly import (AppContext, Dictation, Grammar, IntegerRef, Key,
MappingRule, Pause, Repeat, Text)
from dragonfly.actions.action_mimic import Mimic
# How long to wait for the Atom palette to load before hitting the enter key
atom_palette_wait = "30"
if settings.SETTINGS["miscellaneous"]["atom_palette_wait"]:
atom_palette_wait = settings.SETTINGS["miscellaneous"]["atom_palette_wait"]
def use_palette(function_text):
return Key("cs-p") + Text(function_text) + Pause(atom_palette_wait) + Key("enter")
class AtomRule(MergeRule):
pronunciation = "atom"
mapping = {
# Spoken commands that are commented out do not have assigned default shortcut keys or are incompatible.
# The '#extra' subsection of commands that fit within the category but are not displayed by the menu or UI
# Legend: '#' for not assigned, '##' for shortcut or functional duplicate.
# ----------Spoken Command/Action------------------> Shortcut keys----------> #Displayed Text
# Menu UI--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#File Menu
"[open] new window":
R(Key("cs-n"), rdescript="Atom: New Window"),
"new file":
R(Key("c-n"), rdescript="Atom: New File"),
"open file":
R(Key("c-o"), rdescript="Atom: Open File"),
"open folder":
R(Key("cs-o"), rdescript="Atom: Open Folder"),
"add project folder":
R(Key("ac-o"), rdescript="Atom: Add Project Folder"),
"open settings":
R(Key("c-comma"), rdescript="Atom: Open Settings"),
"reopen closed item":
R(use_palette("Reopen Closed Item"),
rdescript="Atom: Reopen Last File or Tab"),
"open [your] config":
R(use_palette("Open Your Config"), rdescript="Atom: Open Your Config"),
"open [your] int script":
R(use_palette("Open Your Int Script"),
rdescript="Atom: Open Your Int Script"),
"open [your] key map":
R(use_palette("Open Your Key Map"), rdescript="Atom: Open Your Key Map"),
"open [your] snippet":
R(use_palette("Open Your Snippet"), rdescript="Atom: Open Your Snippet"),
"open [your] stylesheet":
R(use_palette("Open your Stylesheet"),
rdescript="Atom: Open Your Stylesheet"),
"save as":
R(Key("cs-s"), rdescript="Atom: Save As"),
"save all":
R(use_palette("Save All"), rdescript="Atom: Save All"),
"close pane":
R(use_palette("Pane Close"), rdescript="Atom: Close Pane"),
"close pane others":
R(Key("ca-w"), rdescript="Atom: Close Pane"),
"close window":
R(Key("cs-w"), rdescript="Atom: Close Window"),
#Edit Menu
"copy path":
R(Key("cs-c"), rdescript="Atom: Copy Path"),
"[toggle] comments":
R(Key("c-slash"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Comments"),
"reflow section":
R(Key("ac-q"), rdescript="Atom: Reflow Section"),
"select encoding":
R(Key("cs-u"), rdescript="Atom: Select Encoding"),
"[go to] line <n>":
R(Key("c-g") + Pause("10") + Text("%(n)s") + Key("enter"),
rdescript="Atom: Go to Line #"),
"select grammar":
R(Key("cs-l"), rdescript="Atom: Select Grammar"),
#Lines Submenu
##"indent": R(Key("c-lbrace"), rdescript="Atom: Indent"), # Rework Dragonfly Keymapping
"toggle outdent":
R(Key("c-rightbrace"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Auto Outdent"),
"auto indent windows":
R(use_palette("Window Auto Indent"), rdescript="Atom: Auto Indent"),
"move line up [<n>]":
R(Key("c-up"), rdescript="Atom: Move Line Up #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"move line down [<n>]":
R(Key("c-down"), rdescript="Atom: Move Line Down #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"delete line [<n>]":
R(Key("cs-k"), rdescript="Atom: Delete Line or # Lines Below") *
"join line":
R(Key("c-j"), rdescript="Atom: Join Line"),
"comment line":
R(Key("c-slash"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Comment Line"),
#Text Submenu
R(use_palette("Editor Upper Case"), rdescript="Atom: Convert Uppercase"),
R(use_palette("Editor Lower Case"), rdescript="Atom: Convert lowercase"),
"delete [to] end [of word] [<n>]":
R(Key("c-delete"), rdescript="Atom: Delete to End oF Word") *
"delete sub [word] [<n>]":
R(Key("a-backspace"), rdescript="Atom: Delete to End of Subword") *
"delete [to] (previous | prior) [word] [<n>]":
R(use_palette("Delete to Previous Word boundary"),
rdescript="Atom: Delete to previous word boundary") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"delete [to] next [word] [<n>]":
R(use_palette("Delete to Next Word Boundary"),
rdescript="Atom: Delete to next word boundary") * Repeat(extra="n"),
##"delete line": R(Key("cs-k"), rdescript="Atom: Delete Line"),
R(use_palette("Transpose"), rdescript="Atom: Transpose"),
#Folding Submenu
"make fold":
R(Key("acw-f"), rdescript="Atom: Make Fold"),
R(Key("ac-lbrace"), rdescript="Atom: Fold"),
R(Key("ac-rightbrace"), rdescript="Atom: Unfold"),
"unfold all":
R(Key("acs-rightbrace"), rdescript="Atom: Unfold All"),
"fold [level] [<n2>]":
R(Key("c-%(n)s"), rdescript="Atom: Fold Level 1-9"),
#Bookmarks Submenu
"view all":
R(Key("c-f2"), rdescript="Atom: Reflow Section"),
"(bookmark | book)":
R(Key("ca-f2"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Bookmark"),
"next (bookmark | book)":
R(Key("f2"), rdescript="Atom: Jump to Next Bookmark"),
"(previous | prior) (bookmark | book)":
R(Key("s-f2"), rdescript="Atom: Jump to Previous Bookwork"),
#View Menu
"reload file":
R(Key("ac-r"), rdescript="Atom: Reload File"),
R(Key("f11"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Fullscreen"),
"toggle menubar":
R(use_palette("Toggle Menu Bar"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Menubar"),
"increase font [size] [<n>]":
R(Key("cs-equals"), rdescript="Atom: Increase Font Size") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"decrease font [size] [<n>]":
R(Key("cs-minus"), rdescript="Atom: Decrease Font size") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"reset font [size]":
R(Key("c-0"), rdescript="Atom: Reset Font Size"),
"toggle soft wrap":
R(use_palette("Toggle Soft Wrap"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Soft Wrap"),
##"toggle command palette": R(Key(""), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Command Palette"),
"[toggle] treeview":
R(Key("c-backslash"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Treeview"),
#Panes Submenu
"split above":
R(use_palette("Pane: Split Up"), rdescript="Atom: Split Up"),
"split below":
R(use_palette("Pane: Split Down"), rdescript="Atom: Split Down"),
"split left":
R(use_palette("Pane: Split Left"), rdescript="Atom: Split Left"),
"split right":
R(use_palette("Pane: Split Right"), rdescript="Atom: Split Right"),
"focus [on] next [pane]":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Next Pane"), rdescript="Atom: Focus Next Pane"),
"focus [on] (previous | prior) [pane]":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Previous Pane"),
rdescript="Atom: Focus Previous Pane"),
"focus [pane] [on] above":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Pane Above"),
rdescript="Atom: Focused Pane Above"),
"focus [pane] [on] below":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Pane Below"),
rdescript="Atom: Focus Pane Below"),
"focus [pane] [on] left":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Pane on Left"), rdescript="Atom: Focus On left"),
"focus [pane] [on] right":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Pane on Right"),
rdescript="Atom: Focus Pane on Right"),
##"close pane": R(use_palette("Window: pane close"), rdescript="Atom: Close Pane"),
"[go to] pane [<n2>]":
R(Key("a-%(n)s"), rdescript="Atom: Go to Pane 1-9"),
"focus (previous | prior)":
R(use_palette("Core: Focus Previous"), rdescript="Atom: Focus Previous"),
"next pane":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Previous Pane"), rdescript="Atom: Next Pane"),
"(previous | prior) pane":
R(use_palette("Window: Focus Next Pane"), rdescript="Atom: Previous Pane"),
#Developer Submenu
#"open in development mode": R(Key(""), rdescript="Open in Development Mode"),
"run atom [specs]":
R(Key("ac-s"), rdescript="Atom: Run Atoms Specs"),
"run package [specs]":
R(Key("ac-p"), rdescript="Atom: Run Package Specs "),
"[toggle] developer tools":
R(Key("ac-i"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Developer Tools"),
#Selection Menu
"[add] select above [<n>]":
R(Key("ac-up"), rdescript="Atom: Add Selection Above #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"[add] select below [<n>]":
R(Key("ac-down"), rdescript="Atom: Add Selection Below #") *
"split into lines":
R(use_palette("Split Into Lines"), rdescript="Atom: Split Into lines"),
"single section":
R(Key("escape"), rdescript="Atom: Single Section"),
"select [to] top":
R(Key("cs-home"), rdescript="Atom: Select to Top"),
"select [to] bottom":
R(Key("cs-end"), rdescript="Atom: Select to Bottom"),
"select line":
R(Key("c-l"), rdescript="Atom: Select Line"),
#"select word [<n>]": R(use_palette("Editor: Word"), rdescript="Atom: Select Word") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"[select] [to] begin [of] word [<n>]":
R(Key("cs-left"), rdescript="Atom: Select to Beginning of Word #") *
"[select] [to] end word [<n>]":
R(Key("cs-right"), rdescript="Atom: Select to End of Word #") *
"[select] [to] begin line":
R(use_palette("Editor: Select to Beginning of Line"),
rdescript="Atom: Select to Beginning of line"),
"[select] [to] first character":
R(Key("s-home"), rdescript="Atom: Select to First Character of Line"),
"[select] [to] end line":
R(Key("s-end"), rdescript="Atom: Select to End of line"),
"[select] inside brackets":
R(Key("ac-m"), rdescript="Atom: Select Inside Brackets"),
#Find Menu
"find in buffer":
R(Key("c-f"), rdescript="Atom: Find in Buffer"),
"replacing in buffer":
R(Key("ac-f"), rdescript="Atom: Replacing in Buffer"),
"select next":
R(Key("a-f3"), rdescript="Atom: Select All"),
"find replace next":
R(use_palette("Find and Replace: Replace Next"),
rdescript="Atom: Replace Next"),
"find replace all":
R(use_palette("Find and Replace: Replace All"),
rdescript="Atom: Replace All"),
"find buffer":
R(Key("c-b"), rdescript="Atom: Find Buffer"),
"find file":
R(Key("c-p"), rdescript="Atom: Find File"),
"find modified file":
R(Key("cs-b"), rdescript="Atom: Find Modified File"),
#Packages Menu
#Bracket Matcher Submenu
"bracket [go to] match":
R(Key("c-m"), rdescript="Atom: Go To Matching Bracket"),
##"select inside bracket": R(Key("ac-m"), rdescript="Atom: Select inside bracket"),
"bracket remove [from] selection":
R(Key("c-lbrace"), rdescript="Atom: Remove Bracket from Selection"),
"close [current] tag":
R(use_palette("Bracket Matcher: Close Tag"),
rdescript="Atom: Close current tag"),
"bracket remove matching":
R(Key("ac-backspace"), rdescript="Atom: Remove matching brackets"),
#Command Palette Submenu
"[toggle] [command] palette":
R(Key("cs-p"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Command Palette"),
#Dev Live Reload Submenu
"reload [all] styles":
R(Key("acs-r"), rdescript="Atom: Reload All Styles"),
#Git Diff Submenu
"move to next diff [different]":
R(use_palette("Move to Next Diff"), rdescript="Atom: Move to Next Diff"),
"move to (previous | prior) diff [different]":
R(use_palette("Move to Previous Diff"),
rdescript="Atom: Move to Previous Different"),
"[toggle] diff List":
R(use_palette("Toggle Diff List"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Diff List"),
#Keybinding Resolver Submenu
"toggle key [binding] resolver":
R(use_palette("Key Binding Resolver: Toggle"),
rdescript="Atom: Toggle Keybinding Resolver"),
#Markdown Preview Submenu
"markdown preview":
R(Key("cs-m"), rdescript="Atom: Markdown Toggle Preview"),
"markdown copy html":
R(use_palette("Markdown Preview: Copy HTML"),
rdescript="Atom: Markdown Preview: Copy HTML"),
"markdown toggle break on newline":
R(use_palette("Markdown Preview: Toggle Break On Single Newline"),
rdescript="Atom: Markdown Preview: Toggle Break On Single Newline"),
#Package Generator Submenu
"(make | generate) package":
R(use_palette("Package Generator: Generate Package"),
rdescript="Atom: Generate Atom Package"),
"(make | generate) syntax theme":
R(use_palette("Package Generator: Generate Syntax Theme"),
rdescript="Atom: Generate Atom Syntax Theme"),
#Settings View Submenu
##"open setting": R(Key("c-comma"), rdescript="Atom: Open Setting"),
"show key bindings":
R(use_palette("Settings View: Show Key Bindings"),
rdescript="Atom: Show Keybindings"),
"installed themes":
R(use_palette("Settings View: Installed Themes"),
rdescript="Atom: Install Themes"),
"uninstalled themes":
R(use_palette("Settings View: Uninstall Themes"),
rdescript="Atom: Uninstall Themes"),
"installed packages":
R(use_palette("Settings View: Installed Packages"),
rdescript="Atom: Install Packages"),
"uninstalled packages":
R(use_palette("Settings View: Uninstalled Packages"),
rdescript="Atom: Uninstall packages/themes"),
"search (packages | themes)":
R(use_palette("Settings View: Install Packages and Themes"),
rdescript="Atom: Install Packages/Themes"),
"update packages":
R(use_palette("Settings View: Check for Package Update"),
rdescript="Atom: Check for Packages"),
#Snippets Submenu
"expand snippets":
R(use_palette("Snippets: Expand"), rdescript="Atom: Expand Snippets"),
"next snippet":
R(Key("tab"), rdescript="Atom: Next Stop|Snippet"),
"(previous | prior) snippet":
R(Key("a-tab"), rdescript="Atom: Previous Stop|Snippet"),
"available snippet":
R(Key("as-tab"), rdescript="Atom: Available Snippets"),
#Styleguide Submenu
"show style [guide]":
R(Key("cs-g"), rdescript="Atom: Show Styleguide"),
"find symbol":
R(Key("c-r"), rdescript="Atom: Find Symbol"),
"project symbol":
R(Key("cs-r"), rdescript="Atom: Project Symbol"),
#Timecop Submenu
R(use_palette("Timecop: View"), rdescript="Atom: Show Timecop"),
#Tree View Submenu
"tree focus":
R(Key("c-0"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Focus on TreeView"),
"tree [View] [toggle] view":
R(Key("c-backslash"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle"),
"tree [View] [reveal] active file":
R(Key("cs-backslash"), rdescript="Atom: Reveal Active File"),
"tree [View] [toggle] side":
R(use_palette("Tree View: show"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Tree Side"),
"tree show":
R(use_palette("Tree View: Show"), rdescript="Atom: Tree View: Show"),
"tree rename":
R(use_palette("Tree View: Rename"), rdescript="Atom: Tree View: Rename"),
"tree remove":
R(use_palette("Tree View: Remove"), rdescript="Atom: Tree View: Remove"),
"tree add file":
R(use_palette("Tree View: Add File"), rdescript="Atom: Tree View: Add File"),
"tree duplicate":
R(use_palette("Tree View: Duplicate"),
rdescript="Atom: Tree View: Duplicate"),
"tree add folder":
R(use_palette("Tree View: Add Folder"),
rdescript="Atom: Tree View: Add Folder"),
#Whitespaces Submenu
"remove trailing [white] spaces":
R(use_palette("Whitespace: Remove Trailing Whitespace"),
rdescript="Atom: Remove Trailing White Spaces"),
"convert tabs [to] spaces":
R(use_palette("Whitespace: Convert Tabs to Spaces"),
rdescript="Atom: Convert Tabs to Spaces"),
"convert spaces [to] tabs":
R(use_palette("Whitespace: Convert Spaces to Tabs"),
rdescript="Atom: Convert Spaces to Tabs"),
#Open on GitHub
"github [open] blame":
R(use_palette("Open on GitHub: Blame"),
rdescript="Atom: Open On Github @ Blame"),
"github [open] [branch] compare":
R(use_palette("Open on GitHub: Branch Compare"),
rdescript="Atom: Open On Github @ Branch Compare"),
"github [open] [copy] URL":
R(use_palette("Open on GitHub: Copy URL"),
rdescript="Atom: Open On Github @ Copy URL"),
"github [open] file":
R(use_palette("Open on GitHub: File"),
rdescript="Atom: Open On Github @ File"),
"github [open] history":
R(use_palette("Open on GitHub: History"),
rdescript="Atom: Open On Github @ History"),
"github [open] issues":
R(use_palette("Open on GitHub: Issues"),
rdescript="Atom: Open On Github @ Issues"),
"github [open] repository":
R(use_palette("Open on GitHub: Repository"),
rdescript="Atom: Open On Github @ Repository"),
#Open on GitHub
"github close different":
R(use_palette("GitHub: Close All Diff Views"),
rdescript="Atom: GitHub: Close All Diff Views"),
"github empty different":
R(use_palette("GitHub: Close Empty Diff Views"),
rdescript="Atom: GitHub: Close Empty Diff Views"),
"github [show waterfall] diagnostics":
R(use_palette("GitHub: Github Show Waterfall Diagnostics"),
rdescript="Atom: GitHub: Github Show Waterfall Diagnostics"),
"github [open] (issues | pull request)":
R(use_palette("GitHub: Open Issue or Pull Request"),
rdescript="Atom: GitHub: GitHub: Open Issue or Pull Request"),
"github view staged changes [for current file]":
R(use_palette("GitHub: View Staged Changes for Current File"),
rdescript="Atom: GitHub: GitHub: View Staged Changes for Current File"),
"github view unstaged changes [for current file]":
R(use_palette("GitHub: View Unstaged Changes for Current File"),
rdescript="Atom: GitHub: GitHub: View Unstaged Changes for Current File"),
#Open on GitHub
"github pull":
R(Key("s-g"), rdescript="Atom: GitHub Pull"),
"github push":
R(Key("a-g") + Key("p"), rdescript="Atom: GitHub Push"),
"github clone":
R(Key("a-g") + Key("equal"), rdescript="Atom: GitHub Clone"),
"github fetch":
R(Key("a-g") + Key("f"), rdescript="Atom: GitHub Fetch"),
"github logout":
R(use_palette("GitHub: Logout"), rdescript="Atom: GitHub Logout"),
"github force push":
R(Key("a-g"), rdescript="Atom: GitHub Force Push"),
"github tab [toggle]":
R(Key("c-8"), rdescript="Atom: Github Toggle Github Tab"),
"github focus [tab]":
R(Key("c-9") + Key("enter"), rdescript="Atom:Toggle Github Focus"),
# Adom Development
"dev (restart | reload) [atom]":
R(use_palette("Window: Reload"), rdescript="Atom: Restart/Reload Atom"),
# ----Atom Optional Third-Party Packages and Dependencies-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Install through command prompt, Atom install manager or a .bat file at
# pip install --upgrade autopep8T
# apm install project-sidebar
# apm install project-manager
# apm install git-plus
# apm install script
# apm install atom-beautify
# apm install goto-last-edit
# apm install tab-numbers
# apm install menu-manager
# apm install string-looper
# apm install toggle-quotes
# apm install delete-Plus
# apm install expand-selection-to-quotes
# apm install highlight-selected
# apm install sublime-style-column-selection
#Atom Third-Party Package Commands-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Atom Beautify
"beautify editor":
R(use_palette("Atom Beautify: Beautify Editor"),
rdescript="Atom : Beautify Editor"),
"beautify migrate settings":
R(use_palette("Atom Beautify: Migrate Settings"),
rdescript="Atom: Beautify: Migrate Settings"),
"beautify debug editor":
R(use_palette("Atom Beautify: Help Debug Editor"),
rdescript="Atom: Beautify: Debug Editor"),
#Toggle Quotes
"toggle quotes":
R(Key("cs-apostrophe"), rdescript="Atom: Toggle Quotes: Single or Double"),
"script run":
R(use_palette("Script: Run"), rdescript="Atom: Script: run"),
"script [run] options":
R(use_palette("Script: Run Options"),
rdescript="Atom: Script: Run Options or Configure"),
"script [run] profile":
R(use_palette("Script: Run With Profile"),
rdescript="Atom: Script: Run With Profile"),
"script run [by] line":
R(use_palette("Script: Run By Line Number"),
rdescript="Atom: Script: Run Script by Line"),
"script kill [process]":
R(use_palette("Script: Kill Process"),
rdescript="Atom: Script: Kill Process"),
"script close view":
R(use_palette("Script: Close View"), rdescript="Atom: Script: Close View"),
"script copy [run] [results]":
R(use_palette("Script: Copy Run Results"),
rdescript="Atom: Script: Copy Run Results"),
#"script close window and stop script": R(use_palette("Script: Close Window and Stop Script"), rdescript="Atom: Script: Close Window and Stop Script"),
#Delete Plus
"delete words":
R(use_palette("Delete Plus: Delete"), rdescript="Atom: Delete Plus"),
#Last Edit
"back edit":
R(Key("c-i"), rdescript="Atom: Previous Edit"),
"next edit":
R(Key("ca-i"), rdescript="Atom: Next Last Edit"),
#"cursor loud|capitalize [<n3>]": R(Key("a-down"), rdescript="Atom: Looper Capitalize") * Repeat(extra="n"), # Not fully implemented
#"cursor camel [<n4>]": R(Key("a-down"), rdescript="Atom: Looper Camelcase") * Repeat(extra="n"), # Not fully implemented
#"cursor lowercase [<n5>]": R(Key("a-down"), rdescript="Atom: Looper Lowercase") * Repeat(extra="n"), # Not fully implemented
"looping down cursor":
R(Key("a-down"), rdescript="Atom: Looping Down at Cursor"),
"looping up cursor":
R(Key("a-up"), rdescript="Atom: Looping Up at Cursor"),
"looping up":
R(Key("wa-up"), rdescript="Atom: Looping Up"),
#Git Plus
"git (custom | run)":
R(use_palette("Git Plus: Run"), rdescript="Atom: Git Run"),
#"git log": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Log"), rdescript="Atom: Git Log"),
#"git log current [file]": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Log Current File"), rdescript="Atom: Git Current File"),
#"git status": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Status"), rdescript="Atom: Git Status"),
#"git show": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Show"), rdescript="Atom: Git Show"),
#"git tags": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Tags"), rdescript="Atom: Git Tags"),
#"git open changed files": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Git Open Changed Files"), rdescript="Atom: Git Open Changed Files"),
#"git checkout [branch|tag]": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Checkout"), rdescript="Atom: Git Checkout Branch|Tag"),
#"git menu": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Menu"), rdescript="Atom: Git Menu"),
#"git pull": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Pull"), rdescript="Atom: Git Pull"),
#"git pull [using] rebase": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Pull Using Rebase"), rdescript="Atom: Git Pull Using Rebase"),
#"git push": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Push"), rdescript="Atom: Git Push"),
#"git commit": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Commit"), rdescript="Atom: Git Commit"),
#"git commit amend": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Commit Amend"), rdescript="Atom: Git Commit Amend"),
#"git merge": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Merge"), rdescript="Atom: Git Merge"),
#"git merge remote": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Merge Remote"), rdescript="Atom: Git Merge Remote"),
#"git diff": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Diff"), rdescript="Atom: Git Diff"),
#"git diff all": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Diff All"), rdescript="Atom: Git Diff All"),
#"git add": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Add"), rdescript="Atom: Git Add"),
#"git add all": R(use_palette("Git plus: Add All"), rdescript="Atom: Git Add All"),
#"git add [and] commit": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Add And Commit"), rdescript="Atom: Git Add And Commit"),
#"git add all [and] commit": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Add All and Commit"), rdescript="Atom: Git Add All and Commit"),
#"git add all commit [and] push": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Add All Commit And Push"), rdescript="Atom: Git Add All Commit Push"),
#"git new branch": R(use_palette("Git Plus: New Branch"), rdescript="Atom: Git New Branch"),
#"git rm|remove": R(use_palette("Git Plus: Remove"), rdescript="Atom: Git Remove"),
#Project Manager
"project manager [list]":
R(use_palette("Project Manager:List"),
rdescript="Atom: Project Manager: Toggle"),
"project manager save":
R(use_palette("Project Manager:Save Project"),
rdescript="Atom: Project Manager: Save Project"),
"project manager edit":
R(use_palette("Project Manager:Edit Project"),
rdescript="Atom: Project Manager: Edit Project"),
#Menu Sidebar
"[project manager] sidebar":
R(use_palette("Project Sidebar: Toggle"),
rdescript="Atom: Project Sidebar: Toggle"),
#Expand Selection to Quotes
"(expand | fill) quotes":
R(Key("c-apostrophe"), rdescript="Atom: Expand Selection to Quotes"),
#Auto Complete
"auto [complete]":
R(Key("c-space"), rdescript="Atom: Show Auto Complete Menu"),
#Highlight Selected---- #Placeholder
#Sublime Style Column Selection---- #Placeholder
#Atom | Dragonfly Development--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Template to create more commands. Documentation: and
# Used for basic key shortcuts
#"text for voice command": R(Key("modifier-key"), rdescript="program name: command name/description"),
#"": R(Key(""), rdescript="Atom: "),
# Used for command that utilizes the "command palette" shortcut in the absence of assigned keyboard shortcut.
#"text for voice command": R(use_palette("text as described in command palette"), rdescript="command name/description"),
#"": R(use_palette(""),
#For testing palette commands. Requires 'apm install expand-selection-to-quotes'
# Checks if pallet palette exists. Put the cursor in text if it's surrounded by quotes. Then say 'palette test'.
# Example ...R(Key("cs-p") + Text("Project Manager <Cursor here> :Edit Project")...
"[command] palette test":
R(Key("c-apostrophe") + Key("c-c") + Key("cs-p") + Key("c-p"),
rdescript="Atom: Command Palette Test"),
#Atom Shortcut Snippets
"dev keys [input] [<n>]":
R(Text(' #"": R(Key("-"), rdescript="Atom: "),') + Key("enter"),
rdescript="Macro: Dev Keys #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"dev [command] palette [<n>]":
R(Text(' #"": R(use_palette(""), rdescript="Atom: "),') +
rdescript="Macro: Dev Command Palette #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"dev convert":
Text('R(use_palette(""),') + Key("delete"),
#Repeatable Snippets
"dev numb keys [input] [<n>]":
R(Text('#" [<n>]": R(Key("-"), rdescript="Atom: ") * Repeat(extra="n"),')
+ Key("enter"),
rdescript="Macro: Numb Dev Keys #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"dev numb [command] palette [<n>]":
'#" [<n>]": R(use_palette("") + Pause(atom_palette_wait), rdescript="Atom: ") * Repeat(extra="n"),'
) + Key("enter"),
rdescript="Macro: Dev Numb Command Palette #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
# Basic Dragonfly Snippets
"dev key [<n>]":
R(Text('"": Key(""),'), rdescript="Dragonfly: Print Dev Key #") *
"dev text [<n>]":
R(Text('"": Text(""),'), rdescript="Dragonfly: Print Dev Text #") *
# Caster API
"send command [<n>]":
R(Text('"": R(Function(SendJsonCommands, a_command=""), rdescript=""),'),
rdescript="Macro: Print SendJsonCommands template #") * Repeat(extra="n"),
extras = [
IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10000),
IntegerRefST("n2", 1, 9),
defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
context = AppContext(executable="atom", title="Atom")
grammar = Grammar("Atom", context=context)
if settings.SETTINGS["apps"]["atom"]:
if settings.SETTINGS["miscellaneous"]["rdp_mode"]:
rule = AtomRule()
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