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Created October 21, 2021 03:13
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consul hashicorp/consul
# Install Vault CLI
curl -fsSL | apt-key add - && apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main" && apt-get update && apt-get install vault
# Grab the Helm chart repo
helm repo add hashicorp && helm repo update
# Create custom values file for Consul (Used as backend storage)
# Helm Chart Values Consul:
printf "server:\n resources:\n requests:\n memory: '512Mi'\n cpu: '500m'\n limits:\n memory: '512Mi'\n cpu: '500m'\n storageClass: 'cstor-csi'\n storage: 2Gi\nclient:\n resources:\n requests:\n memory: '512Mi'\n cpu: '500m'\n limits:\n memory: '512Mi'\n cpu: '500m'\nui:\n enabled: true\nconnectInject:\n enabled: true\n default: true\ncontroller:\n enabled: true\n" > config.yaml
helm install consul hashicorp/consul -f config.yaml
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