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Last active August 6, 2023 02:15
Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G (veux global) Linux update script temporary fix
cd "`dirname "$0"`"
[ ! -f $fastboot ] && echo "$fastboot not found." && exit 1
[ ! -x $fastboot ] && echo "$fastboot cannot be executed." && exit 1
echo "Waiting for device..."
device=`$fastboot getvar product 2>&1 | grep -F 'product:' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
[ -z "$device" ] && device='unknown'
[ "$device" != 'veux' ] && [ "$device" != 'peux' ] && echo "Compatible devices: veux, peux" && echo "Your device: $device" && exit 1
echo "##################################################################"
echo "Please wait. The device will reboot when installation is finished."
echo "##################################################################"
$fastboot set_active a
$fastboot flash abl_a images/abl.img
$fastboot flash abl_b images/abl.img
$fastboot flash bluetooth_a images/bluetooth.img
$fastboot flash bluetooth_b images/bluetooth.img
$fastboot flash core_nhlos_a images/core_nhlos.img
$fastboot flash core_nhlos_b images/core_nhlos.img
$fastboot flash devcfg_a images/devcfg.img
$fastboot flash devcfg_b images/devcfg.img
$fastboot flash dsp_a images/dsp.img
$fastboot flash dsp_b images/dsp.img
$fastboot flash dtbo_a images/dtbo.img
$fastboot flash dtbo_b images/dtbo.img
$fastboot flash featenabler_a images/featenabler.img
$fastboot flash featenabler_b images/featenabler.img
$fastboot flash hyp_a images/hyp.img
$fastboot flash hyp_b images/hyp.img
$fastboot flash imagefv_a images/imagefv.img
$fastboot flash imagefv_b images/imagefv.img
$fastboot flash keymaster_a images/keymaster.img
$fastboot flash keymaster_b images/keymaster.img
$fastboot flash modem_a images/modem.img
$fastboot flash modem_b images/modem.img
$fastboot flash qupfw_a images/qupfw.img
$fastboot flash qupfw_b images/qupfw.img
$fastboot flash rpm_a images/rpm.img
$fastboot flash rpm_b images/rpm.img
$fastboot flash tz_a images/tz.img
$fastboot flash tz_b images/tz.img
$fastboot flash uefisecapp_a images/uefisecapp.img
$fastboot flash uefisecapp_b images/uefisecapp.img
$fastboot flash vbmeta_a images/vbmeta.img
$fastboot flash vbmeta_b images/vbmeta.img
$fastboot flash vbmeta_system_a images/vbmeta_system.img
$fastboot flash vbmeta_system_b images/vbmeta_system.img
$fastboot flash xbl_a images/xbl.img
$fastboot flash xbl_b images/xbl.img
$fastboot flash xbl_config_a images/xbl_config.img
$fastboot flash xbl_config_b images/xbl_config.img
$fastboot flash boot_a images/boot.img
$fastboot flash boot_b images/boot.img
$fastboot flash vendor_boot_a images/vendor_boot.img
$fastboot flash vendor_boot_b images/vendor_boot.img
$fastboot flash cust images/cust.img.0
$fastboot flash cust images/cust.img.1
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.0
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.1
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.2
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.3
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.4
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.5
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.6
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.7
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.8
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.9
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.10
$fastboot flash super images/super.img.11
$fastboot reboot
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