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Created January 21, 2016 00:46
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public class IPhone extends Phone {
public IPhone() {
System.out.println("IPhone constructor");
touch = true;
hasWifi = true;
screenSize = 3;
final public void call(String number) {
System.out.println("IPhone class is calling " + number);
public void sendSMS(String number, String message) {
System.out.println("IPhone class is sending sms " + message + " to " + number);
package Phone;
public class IPhone5 extends IPhone {
public IPhone5() {
System.out.println("IPhone5 constructor");
screenSize = 4;
public void call(String number) {
System.out.println("IPhone class is calling " + number);
}*/ // ошибка т.к. метод final
public void sendSMS(String number, String message) {
super.sendSMS(number, message);
System.out.println("IPhone5 class is sending sms " + message + " to " + number);
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(" 1.Посчитать колличество звонков , которые произвели телефоны и общее колличество созданных телефонов \n" +
" 2.Написать код для связи телефонов между собой. У каждого телефона будет свой номер. \n" +
" При вызове call(x) телефон должен найти собеседника по номеру x из всех доступных \n" +
" в данный момент телефонов из всех созданных объектов типа Phoneи вызвать его метод answer().\n \n"
final PhoneList pl = new PhoneList ();
Nokia3310 nokia = new Nokia3310();
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
nokia.sendSMS("567-78-89", "text message");
System.out.println(" --------------------------------------");
IPhone iphone = new IPhone();
for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
iphone.sendSMS("567-78-89", "text message");
System.out.println(" ----------------------------------");
IPhone5 iphone5 = new IPhone5();
pl.add(iphone5 );
iphone5.sendSMS("567-78-89", "text message");
SamsungS4 SamsungS4 = new SamsungS4();
pl.add(SamsungS4 );
SamsungS4.sendSMS("567-78-89", "text message");
System.out.println(" --------------------------------------");
System.out.println("Колличество звонков");
System.out.println("Nokia3310 " + nokia.callCounter + " Iphone " + iphone.callCounter + " Iphone5 " + iphone5.callCounter + " SamsungS4 " + SamsungS4.callCounter);
System.out.println(" --------------------------------------");
System.out.println("Колличество телефонов " + pl.getPhoneCounter());
Phone p1=pl.findPhone("444-44-44");
System.out.print(iphone5.getClass() + " telNumber " + iphone5.getTelNumber());
System.out.print(iphone.getClass() + " telNumber " + iphone.getTelNumber());
package Phone;
public class Nokia3310 extends Phone {
public Nokia3310() {
System.out.println("Nokia3310 constructor");
touch = false;
hasWifi = false;
screenSize = 2;
public void call(String number) {;
System.out.println("Nokia3310 class is calling " + number);
public void sendSMS(String number, String message) {
System.out.println("Nokia3310 class is sending sms " + message + " to " + number);
public abstract class Phone {
protected boolean touch;
protected boolean hasWifi;
protected int screenSize;
protected int callCounter ;
protected String telNumber;
public Phone() {
System.out.println("Phone constructor");
public boolean isTouch() {
return touch;
public boolean isHasWifi() {
return hasWifi;
public int getScreenSize() {
return screenSize;
public void call(String number) {
System.out.println("Phone class is calling " + number);
public void callTo (Phone ph) {
public void answer(Phone ph) {
System.out.println(" is calling to " + ph.getClass() + " telNumber " + ph.getTelNumber());
System.out.println(ph.getClass() + " is answer " );
public void callCounter (String number) {
callCounter++ ;
call( number);
System.out.println(" "
+ " CallCounter " + callCounter);
public int getCallCounter () {
return callCounter ;
public String getTelNumber () {
return telNumber ;
public void setTelNumber (String telNumber ) {
this.telNumber = telNumber;
public abstract void sendSMS(String number, String message);
public class PhoneList {
private Phone [] lst = new Phone [10];
private int PhoneCounter = 0;
public void add(Phone ph) {
lst[PhoneCounter] = ph;
+ " screent size: " +lst[PhoneCounter].getScreenSize()
+ " TelNumber " + lst[PhoneCounter].getTelNumber());
public Phone get(int n) {
return lst[n];
public int getPhoneCounter () {
return PhoneCounter;
public Phone findPhone (String number) {
for(int i=0; i<10; i++ ){
if(lst [i].getTelNumber().equals(number)){
return lst [i];
return null;
//Написать класс наследник SamsungS4 с диагональю экрана 5 дюймов,
//поддержкой Wifiи методом отправки SMS, который будет дописывать к сообщению слово “Hello”.
public class SamsungS4 extends Phone{
public SamsungS4() {
System.out.println("SamsungS4 constructor");
touch = true;
hasWifi = true;
screenSize = 5;
final public void call(String number) {
System.out.println("SamsungS4 class is calling " + number);
public void sendSMS(String number, String message) {
System.out.println("SamsungS4 class is sending sms " + message + " to " + number + " Hello!");
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