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Last active May 11, 2021 20:27
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def get_session_id(df, time_out):
This function creates a session id column for each click
The session id grows in incremeant for each user's susbequent session
Session boundry is defined by the time_out
# Preallocate destination column for Numba
df["session_change_flag"] = cp.zeros(len(df), dtype="int32")
wcs_user_sk = df["wcs_user_sk"]._column.data_array_view
tstamp_inSec = df["tstamp_inSec"]._column.data_array_view
session_change_flag = df["session_change_flag"]._column.data_array_view
## configure kernel based on number of tasks
conf_session_change_flag_kernel = make_session_change_flag_kernel.forall(
conf_populate_session_ids_kernel = populate_session_ids_kernel.forall(
## Determine session boundries
wcs_user_sk, tstamp_inSec, session_change_flag, time_out
## Populate session ids
df = df.rename(columns={"session_change_flag": "session_id"})
return df
# dask cudf dataframe call to sessionize
# after repartitioning along a user key
df = df.map_partitions(create_session_id, 60 * 60)
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