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Created May 24, 2019 05:05
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bckupIdx = "",
actEpi, jw, hs, mvid, prov, ar, table, currentKuki, mrload = !1,
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srvList = !1,
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tsdiv = 5;
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type: [],
sort: "year",
sub: [],
genre: [],
country: [],
year: []
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i =;
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$(".alert_overlay").remove(), $.confirm('<div><img src="' + r + '" height="100px" width="auto"/></div> Versi Aplikasi Anda Telah Usang, Update Ke Versi Terbaru?', function (e) {
e &&, "_blank")
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r = e.img2;
$(".alert_overlay").remove(), $.alert('<div><img src="' + r + '" height="100px" width="auto"/></div> Aplikasi Telah Diperbarui, Install Aplikasi Versi Terbaru Sebelum Melanjutkan!', function () {, "_blank")
}), localStorage.removeItem("check")
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r = e.img3;
$(".alert_overlay").remove(), $.alert('<div><img src="' + r + '" height="100px" width="auto"/></div> Aplikasi Sedang Maintenance, Harap Coba Lagi Nanti.', function () {
navigator.home.home(function () {
console.log("Successfully launched home intent")
}, function () {
console.log("Error launching home intent")
}), localStorage.removeItem("check")
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localStorage.msg = 10
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function createPage(e, t) {
loadContainer(1), $.get(e + ".html?q=" + (new Date).getTime(), function (a) {
switch ($("#cdv-logo").length && $("#cdv-logo").remove(), $("body").append('<div class="page" data-page="' + e + '"><div class="page-overlay"></div>' + a + "</div>"), e) {
case "home":
$(".category").each(function () {
$(this).click(function () {
createPage("movies", {
category: $(this).text().trim().toLowerCase()
}), $.ajax({
url: "",
cache: !1,
timeout: 15e3,
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data: {
key: uniqid().substring(-8, 10)
error: function (e) {
$("#home-page-list").html('<div id="featured-refresh-btn" style="padding: 8px;text-align: center;border: 1px solid #E7D064;background: #3f3f3f;display:inline-block;margin:auto%;transform: translateX(5%);-webkit-transform: translate(5%);border-radius: 5px;" onclick="getRecommends();"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Muat Ulang</div>'), $(".page-overlay").fadeOut(200), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page-overlay").remove(), loadContainer(0)
}, 200)
success: function (e) {
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case "trailer":
i = ' style="background:rgba(117,0,214,.8);"';
case "cam":
i = ' style="background:rgba(255,8,8,.8);"';
case "sd":
i = ' style="background:rgba(255, 57, 148, 0.8);"';
case "hd":
"3" == e[r].blu ? (e[r].quality = "4K", i = ' style="background: linear-gradient(#b07b01, #ffec83, #b07b01)!important;color: #191919 !important;font-weight: 800 !important;"') : (i = 0 == e[r].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(255, 146, 24, .8);"' : 1 == e[r].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(11,171,0,.8);"' : ' style="background:rgba(4,149,212,.8);"', "1" == e[r].blu && (e[r].quality = "FHD", 2 == e[r].hd_level && (e[r].quality = "BLU")))
} else a = "movie-eps", e[r].quality = "Eps<br/>" + e[r].Episodes;
$("#home-page-list").append('<div class="movie lazy" data-src="' + e[r].poster + '" style="background-position: center center;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size:cover;" data-url="' + e[r].url + '" data-type="' + e[r].type + '"><div class="movie-info"><div class="movie-ratdur"><i class="fa fa-star"></i> ' + e[r].imdb_rating + ' &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + e[r].duration + 'm</div><div class="movie-quality ' + a + '"' + i + ">" + e[r].quality + '</div><div class="movie-sub">' + t + '</div><div class="movie-title">' + e[r].title + " (" + e[r].year + ")</div></div></div>")
$("#home-page-list").append('<div style="clear:both;"></div>'), $(".movie-title").css("background", "url('" + imgReq + "/images/mask-title.png') center top repeat-x"), $("#home-page-list .movie").click(function () {
createPage("play", {
url: $(this).attr("data-url"),
type: $(this).attr("data-type")
}), $("#search-mv").attr("maxlength", "25"), $("#search-mv").keyup(function (e) {
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search: t
})) : t.length > 25 && (t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1), $("#search-mv").blur().val(t).focus())
}), $("#search-mv-btn").click(function () {
var e = $("#search-mv").val().trim();
$("#search-mv").blur(), createPage("movies", {
search: e
}), $("#filter-mv-btn").click(function () {
createPage("filter", {
dt: localStorage.filter
}), $(".appversion").text("Versi " + appVersion), lazy(), $(".page-overlay").fadeOut(200), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page-overlay").remove(), loadContainer(0)
}, 200)
case "play":
var i = "movie";
"2" != t.type && "45" != t.type && "55" != t.type || (i = "seri"), $("#player").attr("data-type", i), $("#player").attr("data-ref", t.url), $.ajax({
url: "",
cache: !1,
timeout: 15e3,
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
data: {
slug: t.url,
type: i,
key: uniqid().substring(-8, 10)
error: function (e) {
$(".page-overlay").fadeOut(200), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page-overlay").remove(), loadContainer(0), removePage()
}, 200), "timeout" == e.statusText ? $.alert("Pengambilan Data Terlalu Lama, Harap Coba Lagi!") : localStorage.failreq < 10 ? ($.alert("Terjadi Kesalahan, Harap Coba Lagi!"), localStorage.failreq++) : ($.alert("Server Sedang Tidak Stabil, Harap Bersabar dan Coba Lagi Nanti!"), localStorage.failreq = 0)
success: function (e) {
allowSeek = !0, noDrive = !1;
var a = e.plot_tmdb;
a || (a = e.plot_imdb), $("#vid").css({
background: "url('" + e.backdrop + "') center center no-repeat",
"background-size": "cover"
}), $("#player").attr("data-tmdb", e.tmdb), $("#player-title").text(e.title), $("#player-year").text(e.year), "HD" == e.quality && ("1" == e.blu ? (e.quality = "FULL HD", 2 == e.hd_level && (e.quality = "Blu-ray")) : "3" == e.blu ? e.quality = "4K HD" : 2 == e.hd_level && (e.quality += " (High)"), 0 == e.hd_level && (e.quality += " (Low)")), $("#player-data").html('<i class="fa fa-star"></i> ' + e.imdb_rating + ' | <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + e.duration + " Menit | " + e.quality + " | " +, $("#player-genre").text(e.genre), $("#player-director").text(e.director), $("#player-actor").text(, $("#player-desc").append(a), "movie" == i ? $("#vid-play-icon").click(function () {
if (playLoad(), "trailer" == e.quality.toLowerCase())
if (e.trailerq) {
var a = "";
if (e.trailerq.indexOf("") > -1 ? a = e.trailerq.split("v=")[1] : e.trailerq.indexOf("") > -1 ? a = e.trailerq.split("/")[3] : -1 == e.trailerq.indexOf("http") && (a = e.trailerq), a) {
var i = '<iframe id="myvid" width="100%" height="100%" src="' + a + '" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
} else cantPlay()
} else cantPlay();
else {
var r = setTimeout(function () {
$.alert("Pengambilan Data Terlalu Lama, Harap Coba Lagi!", function () {
r = "", removePage()
}, 3e4),
o = getChkSum(e.tmdb),
n = mvReq + "/?token=" + e.token + "&k=" + o + "&v=" + appVersion;
actEpi = 0, cordovaHTTP.setHeader("referer", "" + t.url + "/play"), cordovaHTTP.acceptAllCerts(!0, function () {
cordovaHTTP.get(n, {}, {}, function (e) {
if (r) {
var t =;
"[dmca]" == t && (t = "[null]"), -1 == t.indexOf('[{"sources') && -1 == t.indexOf("[null]") && -1 == t.lastIndexOf("[]") && (t = rc4("", t)), t.indexOf("adm") > -1 && (t = t.indexOf("[null]") > -1 || t.lastIndexOf("[]") == t.length - 2 ? "[null]" : '[{"sources' + (t = (t = (t = t.split("(adm)"))[t.length - 1].trim()).split('[{"sources'))[t.length - 1].trim()), beginPlay(JSON.parse(t))
}) : $("#vid-play-icon").click(function () {
}), $(".prop-link").length || $(".bottom-menu").css("border-right", "1px solid #555"), $(".bottom-menu-content a:last-child div").css("border-right", "0"), $("#bottom-menu-eps").click(function () {
}), epArr = e.epis;
var r = 0;
if ($("#player").off("scroll").on("scroll", function () {
var e = $(this).scrollTop();
e > r ? $(".bottom-menu-content").fadeOut(100) : $(".bottom-menu-content").fadeIn(100), r = e
}), e.rel.length > 0) {
for (var o, n, s, l = 0; l < e.rel.length; l++) {
if (s = "", o = "", n = "", "0" != e.rel[l].suben_count && (s += '<img src=""/>'), "0" != e.rel[l].subid_count && (s += '<img src=""/>'), "1" == e.rel[l].type || "44" == e.rel[l].type || "54" == e.rel[l].type) switch (e.rel[l].quality.toLowerCase()) {
case "trailer":
n = ' style="background:rgba(117,0,214,.8);"';
case "hdcam":
e.rel[l].quality = "CAM", n = ' style="background:rgba(0, 155, 171, 0.68);"';
case "cam":
n = ' style="background:rgba(255,8,8,.8);"';
case "sd":
n = ' style="background:rgba(255, 57, 148, 0.8);"';
case "hd":
"3" == e.rel[l].blu ? (e.rel[l].quality = "4K", n = ' style="background: linear-gradient(#b07b01, #ffec83, #b07b01)!important;color: #191919 !important;font-weight: 800 !important;"') : (n = 0 == e.rel[l].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(255, 146, 24, .8);"' : 1 == e.rel[l].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(11,171,0,.8);"' : ' style="background:rgba(4,149,212,.8);"', "1" == e.rel[l].blu && (e.rel[l].quality = "FHD", 2 == e.rel[l].hd_level && (e.rel[l].quality = "BLU")))
} else o = "movie-eps", e.rel[l].quality = "Eps<br/>" + e.rel[l].Episodes;
$("#player-rel-list").append('<div class="movie rel-movie lazy" data-src="' + e.rel[l].poster + '" style="background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;" data-url="' + e.rel[l].url + '" data-type="' + e.rel[l].type + '"><div class="movie-info"><div class="movie-ratdur"><i class="fa fa-star"></i> ' + e.rel[l].imdb_rating + ' &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + e.rel[l].duration + 'm</div><div class="movie-quality ' + o + '"' + n + ">" + e.rel[l].quality + '</div><div class="movie-sub">' + s + '</div><div class="movie-title" style="white-space:normal;">' + e.rel[l].title + " (" + e.rel[l].year + ")</div></div></div>")
$(".movie-title").css("background", "url('" + imgReq + "/images/mask-title.png') center top repeat-x"), $("#player-rel-list .rel-movie").click(function () {
var e = {
url: $(this).attr("data-url"),
type: $(this).attr("data-type")
setTimeout(function () {
createPage("play", e)
}, 300)
}), $("#player-rel-content").show(), lazy()
$(".page-overlay").fadeOut(200), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page-overlay").remove(), loadContainer(0)
}, 200), analIntv && clearInterval(analIntv), analIntv = setInterval(function () {
jw && "playing" == jw.getState() && document.getElementById("analytic-frame").contentWindow.postMessage({
msg: "analytic",
name: "apk-watching",
category: i.ucwords(),
label: e.title
}, "*")
}, 3e5)
case "movies":
var r = ? : "",
o = t.category ? t.category : "",
n = t.filter ? t.filter : "";
t.xcountry && t.xcountry;
url: "",
cache: !1,
timeout: 15e3,
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
data: {
search: r,
category: o,
filter: n,
xcountry: t.xcountry,
limit: 0,
key: uniqid().substring(-5, 10)
error: function (e) {
$(".page-overlay").fadeOut(200), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page-overlay").remove(), loadContainer(0), removePage()
}, 200), "timeout" == e.statusText ? $.alert("Pengambilan Data Terlalu Lama, Harap Coba Lagi!") : localStorage.failreq < 10 ? ($.alert("Terjadi Kesalahan, Harap Coba Lagi!"), localStorage.failreq++) : ($.alert("Server Sedang Tidak Stabil, Harap Bersabar dan Coba Lagi Nanti!"), localStorage.failreq = 0)
success: function (e) {
if (o) $("#movies-title").html("<b>Category:</b> " + t.category.ucwords());
else if (n) {
var a = "";
a += (n = JSON.parse(n)).type.join(", ").replace("1", "Movie").replace("2", "Serial TV"), n.genre.length > 0 && (a += " | "), a += n.genre.join(", ").ucwords(), > 0 && (a += " | "), a +=", ").ucwords(), n.year.length > 0 && (a += " | "), a += n.year.join(", ").ucwords(), n.sub.length > 0 && (a += " | "), a += n.sub.join(",").replace("sub_id", "Sub Indo").replace("sub_en", "Sub Inggris"), $("#movies-title").html("<b>Hasil Pencarian:</b> " + a)
} else $("#movies-title").html("<b>Hasil Pencarian:</b> " +, "xsemi" == && ($('<div style="padding-top:15px;"><select id="xsemi-country" style="padding:10px;width:90%;background:#505050;border:0;border-radius:5px;color:#f8f8f8;box-shadow:0 0 3px #f8f8f8;"><option value="">- Pilih Negara -</option><option value="usa">Barat</option><option value="korea">Korea</option><option value="japan">Jepang</option><option value="thailand">Thailand</option><option value="hong kong">Hongkong</option></select></div>').insertAfter("#movies-title"), $("#xsemi-country").val(t.xcountry), setTimeout(function () {
$("#xsemi-country").change(function () {
var e = $(this).val();
removePage(), setTimeout(function () {
createPage("movies", {
category: t.category,
xcountry: e
}, 300)
}, 500));
if (e.length > 0) {
for (var i, r, s, l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
if (i = "", r = "", s = "", "0" != e[l].suben_count && (i += '<img src=""/>'), "0" != e[l].subid_count && (i += '<img src=""/>'), "1" == e[l].type || "44" == e[l].type || "54" == e[l].type) switch (e[l].quality.toLowerCase()) {
case "trailer":
s = ' style="background:rgba(117,0,214,.8);"';
case "hdcam":
e[l].quality = "CAM", s = ' style="background:rgba(0, 155, 171, 0.68);"';
case "cam":
s = ' style="background:rgba(255,8,8,.8);"';
case "sd":
s = ' style="background:rgba(255, 57, 148, 0.8);"';
case "hd":
"3" == e[l].blu ? (e[l].quality = "4K", s = ' style="background: linear-gradient(#b07b01, #ffec83, #b07b01)!important;color: #191919 !important;font-weight: 800 !important;"') : (s = 0 == e[l].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(255, 146, 24, .8);"' : 1 == e[l].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(11,171,0,.8);"' : ' style="background:rgba(4,149,212,.8);"', "1" == e[l].blu && (e[l].quality = "FHD", 2 == e[l].hd_level && (e[l].quality = "BLU")))
} else r = "movie-eps", e[l].quality = "Eps<br/>" + e[l].Episodes;
$("#movies-page-list").append('<div class="movie lazy" data-src="' + e[l].poster + '" style="background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;" data-url="' + e[l].url + '" data-type="' + e[l].type + '"><div class="movie-info"><div class="movie-ratdur"><i class="fa fa-star"></i> ' + e[l].imdb_rating + ' &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + e[l].duration + 'm</div><div class="movie-quality ' + r + '"' + s + ">" + e[l].quality + '</div><div class="movie-sub">' + i + '</div><div class="movie-title">' + e[l].title + " (" + e[l].year + ")</div></div></div>")
$("#movies-page-list").append('<div id="movies-cfix" style="clear:both;"></div>'), $(".movie-title").css("background", "url('" + imgReq + "/images/mask-title.png') center top repeat-x"), $("#movies-page-list .movie").click(function () {
createPage("play", {
url: $(this).attr("data-url"),
type: $(this).attr("data-type")
}), 24 == $("#movies-page-list .movie").length && ($("#movies-loader").show(), loading = !1, perLoad = 24, controller || setTimeout(function () {
controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller, scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: "#movies-loader",
triggerHook: "onEnter"
}).addTo(controller).on("enter", function (e) {
(lastIndex = $("#movies-page-list .movie").length) < perLoad ? $("#movies-loader").hide() : loading || (loading = !0, getMoreMovies(t))
}, 300)), lazy()
} else $(".movies-container .movies").append('<div style="padding:10px;text-align:center;">Tidak Ada Hasil.</div>');
$(".page-overlay").fadeOut(200), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page-overlay").remove(), loadContainer(0)
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case "filter":
n = JSON.parse(localStorage.filter);
$(".filter-input").each(function () {
var e = $(this);
if ("Tahun / Dekade" == e.find("h4").text())
for (var t = (new Date).getFullYear(), a = 2019; a <= t; a++) $('<div class="filter"><input type="checkbox" value="' + a + '" class="filter-year"/> ' + a + "</div>").insertAfter(e.find("h4"))
}), $(".filter input").each(function () {
var e = $(this).val();
(n.type.indexOf(e) > -1 || n.genre.indexOf(e) > -1 || > -1 || n.year.indexOf(e) > -1 || n.sub.indexOf(e) > -1 || n.sort == e) && ($(this).prop("checked", !0), $(this).parent().addClass("active"))
}), $(".filter").click(function () {
var e = $(this).find("input");":checked") && "checkbox" == e.attr("type") ? ($(this).removeClass("active"), e.prop("checked", !1)) : ("radio" == e.attr("type") && $(".filter-input:last-child .filter").removeClass("active"), $(this).addClass("active"), e.prop("checked", !0))
}), $("#filter-submit").click(function () {
n.type = [], $(".filter-type:checked").each(function () {
}), n.genre = [], $(".filter-genre:checked").each(function () {
}), = [], $(".filter-country:checked").each(function () {$(this).val())
}), n.year = [], $(".filter-year:checked").each(function () {
}), n.sub = [], $(".filter-sub:checked").each(function () {
}), n.sort = $(".filter-sort:checked").val(), localStorage.filter = JSON.stringify(n), createPage("movies", {
filter: localStorage.filter
}), $(".page-overlay").fadeOut(200), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page-overlay").remove(), loadContainer(0)
}, 200)
function getEpList(e) {
var t, a, i, r, o, n = $("#player").attr("data-ref");
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$("#player").prepend('<div class="eplist"><div style="padding:15px;padding-bottom:5px;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:0 0 3px #9f9f9f;">Pilih Episode</div><div class="divider"></div>' + s + "</div>"), $(".ep").unbind().click(function (e) {
allowSeek = !0, uSwitch = !1, mrload = !1, srvList = !1, nextTry = !1, havesend = !1, bannerShowed = !1, $("#myvid, #infosv").remove(), $("#server-list-title,#server-list-content").fadeOut(), epi = $(this).attr("data-child"), epiTitle = $(this).text();
var t = $(this).attr("data-prov"),
a = $(this).attr("data-eps"),
i = $(this).attr("data-nno");
var r = getChkSum($("#player").attr("data-tmdb")),
o = tvReq + "/?sv=" + t + "&ep=" + a + "&no=" + i + "&k=" + r + "&v=" + appVersion;
actEpi = a, cordovaHTTP.setHeader("referer", "" + n + "/play"), cordovaHTTP.acceptAllCerts(!0, function () {
cordovaHTTP.get(o, {}, {}, function (e) {
var t =;
"[dmca]" == t && (t = "[null]"), -1 == t.indexOf('[{"sources') && -1 == t.indexOf("[null]") && -1 == t.lastIndexOf("[]") && (t = rc4("", t)), t.indexOf("adm") > -1 && (t = t.indexOf("[null]") > -1 || t.lastIndexOf("[]") == t.length - 2 ? "[null]" : '[{"sources' + (t = (t = (t = t.split("(adm)"))[t.length - 1].trim()).split('[{"sources'))[t.length - 1].trim()), beginPlay(JSON.parse(t))
}), setTimeout(function () {
$("#player-container").on("click", function () {
$("#player-container").off("click"), $(".eplist").remove()
}, 500)
function getRecommends() {
background: "transparent",
border: "0"
}).removeAttr("onclick").text("Mengambil.."), $.ajax({
url: "",
cache: !1,
timeout: 15e3,
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
data: {
key: uniqid().substring(-8, 10)
error: function () {
$("#home-page-list").html('<div id="featured-refresh-btn" style="padding: 8px;text-align: center;border: 1px solid #E7D064;background: #3f3f3f;display:inline-block;margin:auto%;transform: translateX(5%);-webkit-transform: translate(5%);border-radius: 5px;" onclick="getRecommends();"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Muat Ulang</div>'), localStorage.failreq < 10 ? localStorage.failreq++ : ($.alert("Server Sedang Tidak Stabil, Harap Bersabar dan Coba Lagi Nanti!"), localStorage.failreq = 0)
success: function (e) {
var t, a, i;
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
if (t = "", a = "", i = "", "0" != e[r].suben_count && (t += '<img src=""/>'), "0" != e[r].subid_count && (t += '<img src=""/>'), "1" == e[r].type || "44" == e[r].type || "54" == e[r].type) switch (e[r].quality.toLowerCase()) {
case "trailer":
i = ' style="background:rgba(117,0,214,.8);"';
case "hdcam":
e[r].quality = "CAM", i = ' style="background:rgba(0, 155, 171, 0.68);"';
case "cam":
i = ' style="background:rgba(255,8,8,.8);"';
case "sd":
i = ' style="background:rgba(255, 57, 148, 0.8);"';
case "hd":
"3" == e[r].blu ? (e[r].quality = "4K", i = ' style="background: linear-gradient(#b07b01, #ffec83, #b07b01)!important;color: #191919 !important;font-weight: 800 !important;"') : (i = 0 == e[r].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(255, 146, 24, .8);"' : 1 == e[r].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(11,171,0,.8);"' : ' style="background:rgba(4,149,212,.8);"', "1" == e[r].blu && (e[r].quality = "FHD", 2 == e[r].hd_level && (e[r].quality = "BLU")))
} else a = "movie-eps", e[r].quality = "Eps<br/>" + e[r].Episodes;
$("#home-page-list").append('<div class="movie lazy" data-src="' + e[r].poster + '" style="background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;" data-url="' + e[r].url + '" data-type="' + e[r].type + '"><div class="movie-info"><div class="movie-ratdur"><i class="fa fa-star"></i> ' + e[r].imdb_rating + ' &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + e[r].duration + 'm</div><div class="movie-quality ' + a + '"' + i + ">" + e[r].quality + '</div><div class="movie-sub">' + t + '</div><div class="movie-title">' + e[r].title + " (" + e[r].year + ")</div></div></div>")
$("#home-page-list").append('<div style="clear:both;"></div>'), $(".movie-title").css("background", "url('" + imgReq + "/images/mask-title.png') center top repeat-x"), $("#home-page-list .movie").click(function () {
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url: $(this).attr("data-url"),
type: $(this).attr("data-type")
}), lazy()
function getMoreMovies(e) {
url: "",
cache: !1,
timeout: 15e3,
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
data: {
category: e.category,
filter: e.filter,
xcountry: e.xcountry,
limit: lastIndex,
key: uniqid().substring(-5, 10)
error: function () {
success: function (e) {
if (e.length > 0) {
var t, a, i;
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
if (t = "", a = "", i = "", "0" != e[r].suben_count && (t += '<img src=""/>'), "0" != e[r].subid_count && (t += '<img src=""/>'), "1" == e[r].type || "44" == e[r].type || "54" == e[r].type) switch (e[r].quality.toLowerCase()) {
case "trailer":
i = ' style="background:rgba(117,0,214,.8);"';
case "cam":
i = ' style="background:rgba(255,8,8,.8);"';
case "sd":
i = ' style="background:rgba(255, 57, 148, 0.8);"';
case "hd":
"3" == e[r].blu ? (e[r].quality = "4K", i = ' style="background: linear-gradient(#b07b01, #ffec83, #b07b01)!important;color: #191919 !important;font-weight: 800 !important;"') : (i = 0 == e[r].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(255, 146, 24, .8);"' : 1 == e[r].hd_level ? ' style="background:rgba(11,171,0,.8);"' : ' style="background:rgba(4,149,212,.8);"', "1" == e[r].blu && (e[r].quality = "FHD", 2 == e[r].hd_level && (e[r].quality = "BLU")))
} else a = "movie-eps", e[r].quality = "Eps<br/>" + e[r].Episodes;
$("#movies-page-list").append('<div class="movie lazy" data-src="' + e[r].poster + '" style="background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;" data-url="' + e[r].url + '" data-type="' + e[r].type + '"><div class="movie-info"><div class="movie-ratdur"><i class="fa fa-star"></i> ' + e[r].imdb_rating + ' &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + e[r].duration + 'm</div><div class="movie-quality ' + a + '"' + i + ">" + e[r].quality + '</div><div class="movie-sub">' + t + '</div><div class="movie-title">' + e[r].title + " (" + e[r].year + ")</div></div></div>")
$("#movies-page-list").append('<div id="movies-cfix" style="clear:both;"></div>'), $(".movie-title").css("background", "url('" + imgReq + "/images/mask-title.png') center top repeat-x"), $("#movies-page-list .movie").unbind().click(function () {
createPage("play", {
url: $(this).attr("data-url"),
type: $(this).attr("data-type")
}), lazy()
} else $("#movies-loader").hide(), controller.destroy(!0), controller = null, scene = null;
loading = !1
function beginPlay(e) {
var t, a = !1,
i = e.length;
i > 0 && !e[0] ? cantPlay() : setTimeout(function () {
if (srcIdx = [], sources = [], i > 1 && e[i - 1] && !e[i - 1].meta) subtitles = e[i - 1], i--;
else if (!havesend) {
havesend = !0;
var r = "movie" == $("#player").attr("data-type") ? "" : "" + actEpi;
cordovaHTTP.acceptAllCerts(!0, function () {
cordovaHTTP.get(r, {}, {}, function (e) {
var t =;
t && t.indexOf('[{"file"') > -1 && (t = '[{"file"' + (t = t.split('[{"file"'))[t.length - 1]).length > 5 && -1 == t.indexOf("(adm)") && t.indexOf('[{"file"') > -1 && (subtitles = JSON.parse(t))
e[i - 1] || i--, setTimeout(function () {
for (var r = 0; r < i; r++)
if (!(e[r].sources[0].file.indexOf(".akubebas.") > -1)) {
if (e[r].meta.backup2)
for (var o = 0; o < e[r].meta.backup2.length; o++) e[r].meta.backup2[o].file = {
file: "" + e[r].meta.backup2[o].driveid + "?alt=media&key=AIzaSyBXV3qGJ2rwDaxvUmAzaVpZMmn1t6PyU0E",
type: "mp4"
sources.push(e[r]), "lemon" == e[r].meta.type && $("#player").attr("data-lemon", "1"), a || (e[r].meta.type.indexOf("drives") > -1 || noDrive) && -1 == bannedType.indexOf(e[r].meta.type) && (srcIdx.push(r), currentIdx = r, e[r].meta.kuki && "gapake" != e[r].meta.kuki ? (t || (t = e[r]), setCookie(e[r].meta.kuki), setTimeout(function () {
startPlay(t), t = ""
}, 300)) : startPlay(e[r]), a = !0)
} a || (noDrive ? cantPlay() : (noDrive = !0, beginPlay(e)))
}, 300)
}, 300)
document.addEventListener("backbutton", function () {
freeze || removePage()
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var e = (new Date).getTime();
wsConnect(e %= 2), window.plugins.insomnia.keepAwake(), cordova.getAppVersion.getVersionNumber().then(function (e) {
appVersion = e, $(".appversion").text("Versi " + appVersion), appCheck(appVersion)
}), initLocals(), createPage("home"), document.addEventListener("resume", function () {
var e = (new Date).getTime();
wsConnect(e %= 2), appCheck(appVersion), 1 == $(".page").length && getRecommends()
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var defRatio = 0;
function startPlay(e) {
if ("iframe" == e.meta.type) {
var t = '<iframe id="myvid" width="100%" height="100%" src="' + e.sources[0].file.split("v=")[1] + '" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
return $("#vid-container").height("50vh").html(t), $(".bottom-menu-logo").hide(), void $("#bottom-menu-eps").css("width", "100%").show()
hs = e.meta.hardsub, mvid =, prov = e.meta.prov, 0 == defRatio && 0 != e.meta.ratio && (defRatio = e.meta.ratio), 0 == defRatio && (defRatio = 1.78), ar = "0" == e.meta.ratio ? defRatio : e.meta.ratio, table = e.meta.type, currentKuki = e.meta.kuki && "gapake" != e.meta.kuki ? e.meta.kuki : "";
var a, i = ar + ":1";
subtitles.length > 0 && "0" == hs && (a = subtitles);
for (var r = 0; r < e.sources.length; r++) e.sources[r].label && ("hd" == e.sources[r].label.toLowerCase() ? e.sources[r].label = "720p" : "sd" == e.sources[r].label.toLowerCase() && (e.sources[r].label = "360p"));
if (-1 != noFrameType.indexOf(table) || mrload || -1 != e.sources[0].file.toLowerCase().indexOf(".mp4")) {
var o = e.sources;
e.meta.kuki && "gapake" != e.meta.kuki || (e.meta.backup ? o = e.meta.backup : e.meta.backup2 && e.meta.backup2.length > 0 && (bckupIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * e.meta.backup2.length), o = e.meta.backup2[bckupIdx].file)), jw && (jwplayer("vid").remove(), jw = null), (jw = jwplayer("vid").setup({
primary: "html5",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
aboutlink: "",
abouttext: "INDOXXI",
aspectratio: i,
autostart: "true",
stretching: "uniform",
preload: "auto",
controls: !0,
sharing: {},
skin: {
name: "seven"
captions: {
color: "#E3E370",
backgroundOpacity: 60,
fontSize: 10
sources: o,
tracks: a
})).on("ready", onReady), jw.on("buffer", onBuffer), jw.on("play", onPlay), jw.on("pause", onPause), jw.on("seeked", onSeeked), jw.on("seek", onSeek), jw.on("captionsList", onCaptionList), jw.on("error", onError), jw.on("levelsChanged", onLevelsChanged), jw.on("captionsChanged", onCaptionsChanged), jw.on("complete", onComplete)
} else {
t = '<iframe id="myvid" src="' + e.sources[0].file + '" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:100%;height:100%;display:none;" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
$("#vid-container").html(t), playLoad(), "rapid" == table && $("#myvid").on("load", function () {
mrload = !0;
var e = $("#myvid").contents().find("source").attr("src");
sources[currentIdx].sources[0].file = e, $("#myvid").remove(), $("#vid-container").html('<div id="vid"></div>'), startPlay(sources[currentIdx])
}), "mango" == table && $("#myvid").on("load", function () {
mrload = !0;
var e = "https:" + $("#myvid").contents().find("#mgvideo_html5_api").attr("src");
if (-1 == e.indexOf(".mp4")) {
var t = new XMLHttpRequest;"HEAD", e), t.onreadystatechange = function () {
this.readyState == this.DONE && (e = this.responseURL, sources[currentIdx].sources[0].file = e, sources[currentIdx].sources[0].type = "mp4", $("#myvid").remove(), $("#vid-container").html('<div id="vid"></div>'), startPlay(sources[currentIdx]))
}, t.send()
} else sources[currentIdx].sources[0].file = e, sources[currentIdx].sources[0].type = "mp4", $("#myvid").remove(), $("#vid-container").html('<div id="vid"></div>'), startPlay(sources[currentIdx])
}), "oload" == table && $("#myvid").on("load", function () {
mrload = !0;
var e = $("#myvid").contents().find("div[style='display:none;']").children().last().text().trim();
e ? (e = "" + e + "?mime=true", sources[currentIdx].sources[0].file = e, $("#myvid").remove(), $("#vid-container").html('<div id="vid"></div>'), startPlay(sources[currentIdx])) : ($("#myvid").remove(), $("#vid-container").html('<div id="vid"></div>'), errPlay())
function showBanner(e, t) {
$(".jwseed").remove(), $("#vid-container").prepend('<div class="jwseed" onclick="event.stopPropagation();" style="position:relative;z-index:2;"><div id="banner-close" onclick="event.stopPropagation();$(this).parent().hide();" style="background:#111;color:#f8f8f8;font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;width:20px;line-height:20px;text-align:center;position:absolute;top:3px;right:3px;z-index:2;">X</div><img src="' + e + '" width="100%" height="auto"></div>'), $(".jwseed").css({
width: "800px",
height: "138px",
"max-width": "80%",
"max-height": "20%",
position: "absolute",
bottom: "50px",
left: "50%",
transform: "translateX(-50%)"
}), $(".jwseed").unbind().click(function () {, "_blank")
function onReady() {
totalQuals = jw.getPlaylistItem().sources.length - 1, qualIdx = jw.getCurrentQuality(), totalTry = 0, nextTry = !1, chgRes = !1, maxTry = null;
var e = Math.floor(Math.random() * banners.length + 0);
1 == e && (e = 0), banner = banners[e], bannerLink = bannersLink[e], bannerShowed = !1, $("#vid > div.jw-media.jw-reset > video").on("loadedmetadata", function () {
var e = this.videoWidth / this.videoHeight;
e = e.toFixed(2), ar != e && (ar = e, sources[currentIdx].meta.ratio = ar, startPlay(sources[currentIdx]))
function onBuffer() {
appendLogo(ar, prov), $("#player-loader,.jw-settings-sharing").remove(), $("#vid-container").height($("#vid").height()), $(window).off("resize").on("resize", function () {
function onPlay() {
srvList || (srvList = !0, serverList(), $("#server-list-title,#server-list-content").fadeIn());
var e = 3,
t = $("#player").attr("data-type");
"movie" == t && (e = 2), subtitles && 0 != subtitles.length || e--;
var a = "-1" == epi ? "" : epi,
i = $("#player").attr("data-tmdb") + "-" + a + "-time";
localStorage.getItem(i) && allowSeek && (allowSeek = !1,, playTimeInterval && clearInterval(playTimeInterval), playTimeInterval = setInterval(function () {
jw && jw.getPosition() > 60 ? localStorage.setItem(i, jw.getPosition()) : clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
}, 3e3), $(".bottom-menu-logo").hide(), $(".bottom-menu").css("width", 100 / e + "%").show(), "movie" == t && $("#bottom-menu-eps").hide(), subtitles && 0 != subtitles.length || $("#bottom-menu-sub").hide(), btout && clearTimeout(btout), jw.getPosition() < 10 ? ($(".jwseed").show(), btout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1e3 * (10 - jw.getPosition()))) : $(".jwseed").hide()
function onPause() {
btout && clearTimeout(btout), $(".jwseed").show()
function onSeek() {}
function onSeeked() {
jw.getPosition() > 10 && $(".jwseed").hide()
function onCaptionList() {
var e = jw.getCaptionsList();
if (e.length > 0) {
for (var t = "off", a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
if ("off" != (t = e[a].label.toLowerCase())) {
if (-1 == t.indexOf("english") && -1 == t.indexOf("-0")) {
t = a;
t = a
"off" != t && jw.setCurrentCaptions(t)
function onError() {
allowSeek = !0;
var e = JSON.stringify(jw.getPlaylistItem().sources);
if (e.indexOf("/*/") > -1 || "mp4s" == table) {
if (maxTry) maxTry--;
else if (e.indexOf("/*/") > -1 && "mp4s" != table) maxTry = 2;
else if (maxTry = 2, "lk" == prov && e.indexOf("Expires") > -1) parseInt((new Date).getTime().toString().substring(0, 10)) <= parseInt(sources[currentIdx].sources[0].file.split("Expires=")[1].split("&")[0]) && (maxTry = 6);
if (maxTry) e = e.indexOf("/*/") > -1 && sources[currentIdx].meta.backup && "mp4s" != table ? sources[currentIdx].meta.backup : jw.getPlaylistItem().sources, jw.load(jw.getPlaylistItem());
else {
if (nextTry = !0, e.indexOf("/*/") > -1 && "mp4s" != table && (sources[currentIdx].meta.backup && (sources[currentIdx].meta.backup = ""), sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2 && sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2.length > 0)) return void startPlay(sources[currentIdx]);
if (uSwitch)
if ("mp4s" == table && ignoreIdx.push(currentIdx), e.indexOf("/vids/") > -1) $("#player").attr("data-mp4s", "1"), cantPlay();
else {
if (sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2 && sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2.length > 0) return void startPlay(sources[currentIdx]);
"mp4s" != table && ignoreIdx.push(currentIdx), errPlay()
} else if ("blogspot" == table || "blogger" == table) maxTry || (maxTry = 3 * (totalQuals + 1)), totalTry < maxTry ? (!1 === chgRes ? ++qualIdx > totalQuals && (qualIdx = 0) : qualIdx = chgRes, setTimeout(function () {
jw.load(jw.getPlaylistItem()), jw.setCurrentQuality(qualIdx),, totalTry++
}, 0)) : (nextTry = !0, uSwitch && (ignoreIdx.push(currentIdx), errPlay()));
else if (-1 == noFrameType.indexOf(table) || e.indexOf("lemonstream") > -1 || e.indexOf("mycloud") > -1)
if (maxTry || (maxTry = 5), totalTry >= maxTry)
if (-1 == noFrameType.indexOf(table)) {
var t = '<iframe id="myvid" src=\'' + jw.getPlaylistItem().sources[0].file + "' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='width:100%;height:100%;' allowfullscreen></iframe>";
} else nextTry = !0;
else totalTry++, uSwitch ? jw.load(jw.getPlaylistItem()) : jw.load({
sources: sources[srcIdx[srcIdx.length - 1]].sources
else if (maxTry ? maxTry-- : maxTry = 5, totalTry >= maxTry) {
if (table.indexOf("drives") > -1 && (sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2 && sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2.splice(bckupIdx, 1), sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2 && sources[currentIdx].meta.backup2.length > 0)) return void startPlay(sources[currentIdx]);
nextTry = !0, uSwitch && (ignoreIdx.push(currentIdx), errPlay())
} else totalTry++, uSwitch ? jw.load(jw.getPlaylistItem()) : jw.load({
sources: sources[srcIdx[srcIdx.length - 1]].sources[qualIdx]
if (nextTry && !uSwitch)
if (totalTry = 0, maxTry = null, nextTry = !1, srvList = !1, srcIdx.length < sources.length) {
for (var a, i = !1, r = 0; r < sources.length; r++)
if (-1 == srcIdx.indexOf(r) && -1 == bannedType.indexOf(sources[r].meta.type)) {
srcIdx.push(r), currentIdx = r, sources[r].meta.kuki ? (a || (a = sources[r]), setCookie(sources[r].meta.kuki), setTimeout(function () {
startPlay(a), a = ""
}, 300)) : startPlay(sources[r]), i = !0;
} i || cantPlay()
} else cantPlay()
function onLevelsChanged() {}
function onCaptionsChanged() {}
function onComplete() {
var e = $("#player").attr("data-type"),
t = $("#player").attr("data-tmdb") + "-time";
if (localStorage.removeItem(t), "seri" == e && epArr.length - 1 > parseInt(epi)) {
var a = $("#player").attr("data-ref");
allowSeek = !0, uSwitch = !1, mrload = !1, srvList = !1, nextTry = !1, havesend = !1, bannerShowed = !1, $("#myvid, #infosv").remove(), $("#server-list-title,#server-list-content").fadeOut(), epi = parseInt(epi) + 1, epiTitle = epArr[epi].title, playLoad();
var i = epArr[epi].prov,
r = epArr[epi].eps,
o = epArr[epi].nno,
n = getChkSum($("#player").attr("data-tmdb")),
s = tvReq + "/?sv=" + i + "&ep=" + r + "&no=" + o + "&k=" + n + "&v=" + appVersion;
actEpi = r, cordovaHTTP.setHeader("referer", "" + a + "/play"), cordovaHTTP.acceptAllCerts(!0, function () {
cordovaHTTP.get(s, {}, {}, function (e) {
var t =; - 1 == t.indexOf('[{"sources') && -1 == t.indexOf("[null]") && -1 == t.lastIndexOf("[]") && (t = rc4("", t)), t.indexOf("adm") > -1 && (t = t.indexOf("[null]") > -1 || t.lastIndexOf("[]") == t.length - 2 ? "[null]" : '[{"sources' + (t = (t = (t = t.split("(adm)"))[t.length - 1].trim()).split('[{"sources'))[t.length - 1].trim()), beginPlay(JSON.parse(t))
function appendLogo(e, t) {
if (jw.getPlaylistItem().sources[jw.getCurrentQuality()]) var a = parseInt(jw.getPlaylistItem().sources[jw.getCurrentQuality()].label);
else a = sources[currentIdx].sources[0].label;
if ($(".jw-logo-top-left,.jw-logo-top-right").remove(), "kds" == t) $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-right" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 1.8%; margin-top: 2%; width: 28%; height: 11%; min-height: 6px; min-width: 65px; background-image: url(\'https://img.' + dom + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>");
else if ("kata1" == t) $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-right" style="opacity: 1; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.1%; width: 20%; height: 9%; min-height: 10px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>");
else if ("kata2" == t) e > 2 ? $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-right" style="opacity: 1; margin-right: -1.4%; margin-top: 2.2%; width: 18%; height: 9%; min-height: 10px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>") : $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-right" style="opacity: 1; margin-right: 0%; margin-top: 2%; width: 17%; height: 8.5%; min-height: 10px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>");
else if ("kita1" == t) $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0%; margin-top: -0.4%; width: 18.5%; height: 9%; min-height: 10px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>");
else if ("ng" == t || "nontongo" == t) {
$("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0%; margin-top: -0.2%; width: 19%; height: 11%; min-height: 6px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>")
} else if ("ns22" == t) $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-right" style="opacity: 1; margin-right: 3.8%; margin-top: 0.1%; width: 17%; height: 11%; min-height: 6px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'https://img.' + dom + '/images/vp-logo-bg.gif\');" data-href=""></div>');
else if ("ns21" == t) $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0%; margin-top: -0.3%; width: 17%; height: 11%; min-height: 6px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + '/images/vp-logo-bg.gif\');" data-href="' + dom + '/tools/"></div>');
else if ("na" == t || "anime" == t) {
var i = '<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 1.5%; margin-top: 1%; width: 28%; height: 12%; min-height: 10px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/koleksi-anime-notif9.gif');\"></div>" + ('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 81%; margin-top: 1%; width: 19%; height: 7%; min-height: 10px; min-width: 50px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>");
var r = setInterval(function () {
jw.getPosition() > 30 && (clearInterval(r), $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset > div:nth-child(5)").hide())
}, 1e3)
} else "kd" == t || "ni" == t ? a <= 480 ? $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0.5%; margin-top: 1%; width: 24%; height: 16%; min-height: 28px; min-width: 115px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>") : $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0%; margin-top: 1.1%; width: 22%; height: 13%; min-height: 28px; min-width: 115px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>") : "nn" != t && "lkc21" != t && "lk" != t || (a <= 360 ? e < 2 ? $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 2.5%; margin-top: 2.9%; width: 22%; height: 12%; min-height: 28px; min-width: 115px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>") : $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0.5%; margin-top: 0.5%; width: 22%; height: 13%; min-height: 28px; min-width: 115px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>") : a <= 1080 && (e < 2 ? $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0.5%; margin-top: 0.5%; width: 24%; height: 12%; min-height: 28px; min-width: 115px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>") : $("div.jw-controls.jw-reset").append('<div class="jw-logo jw-reset jw-logo-top-left" style="opacity: 1; margin-left: 0.4%; margin-top: 0.4%; width: 24%; height: 12%; min-height: 28px; min-width: 115px; background-image: url(\'' + imgReq + "/images/indoxx1com.png');\"></div>")));
$(".jw-logo").unbind().click(function () {
$(this).attr("data-href") &&$(this).attr("data-href"), "_blank")
function serverList() {
var e, t, a;
uSwitch || (ignoreIdx = srcIdx.slice(0)).pop(), $("#server-list-content").text("");
for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++)
if (-1 == ignoreIdx.indexOf(i) && -1 == bannedType.indexOf(sources[i].meta.type)) {
e = getServerIcon(sources[i].meta.type), t = "360p", a = "";
for (var r = 0; r < sources[i].sources.length; r++) sources[i].sources[r].label && ("hd" == sources[i].sources[r].label.toLowerCase() ? sources[i].sources[r].label = "720p" : "sd" == sources[i].sources[r].label.toLowerCase() && (sources[i].sources[r].label = "360p"), parseInt(t) < parseInt(sources[i].sources[r].label) && -1 == (t = sources[i].sources[r].label).indexOf("p") && (t += "p"));
parseInt(t) > 2e3 && (e = "<img class='server-icon' src='" + imgReq + "/images/icon-server/4k.png'/>"), "1" == sources[i].meta.hardsub && (e += "<img class='server-icon' src='" + imgReq + "/images/icon-server/hardsub.png'/>"), currentIdx == i && (a = "active"), $("#server-list-content").append('<div class="server ' + a + '" data-idx="' + i + '">' + e + " <div>" + t + "</div></div>")
} $(".server").unbind().click(function () {
$(".server").removeClass("active"), $(this).addClass("active");
var e = $(this).attr("data-idx");
allowSeek = !0, mrload = !1, uSwitch = !0, currentIdx = e, $(".bottom-menu").hide(), $(".bottom-menu-logo").fadeIn(), $("#myvid,#infosv").remove(), playLoad(), sources[e].meta.kuki && "gapake" != sources[e].meta.kuki ? (setCookie(sources[e].meta.kuki), setTimeout(function () {
}, 300)) : startPlay(sources[e])
function getServerIcon(e) {
switch (e) {
case "mp4s":
return '<img class="server-icon" src="' + imgReq + '/images/icon-server/mp4.png">';
case "mango":
return '<img class="server-icon" src="' + imgReq + '/images/icon-server/mango.png">';
case "rapid":
return '<img class="server-icon" src="' + imgReq + '/images/icon-server/rpid.png">';
case "oload":
return '<img class="server-icon" src="' + imgReq + '/images/icon-server/oload.png">';
case "blogspot":
case "blogger":
case "facebook":
return '<img class="server-icon" src="' + imgReq + '/images/icon-server/blogspot.png">';
case "drives":
case "drives_muvi":
case "drives_lk21":
return '<img class="server-icon" src="' + imgReq + '/images/icon-server/google.png">'
function cantPlay() {
$("#infosv,#player-loader").remove(), $("#player").attr("data-lemon") || $("#player").attr("data-mp4s") ? $("#vid-container, #vid").height(250).prepend('<div id="infosv" style="position:absolute;top:50%;transform: translateY(-50%);color:#f8f8f8;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:9;background:#000;"><div style="display:inline-block;position:relative;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-48%,-50%);padding:10px;"><div style="padding:5px;font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold;">Mohon Maaf</div><div style="padding:5px;max-width:450px;line-height:1.5;">Untuk Sumber Film Ini Hanya Dapat Diputar Melalui Browser Komputer (Chrome/Firefox) Menggunakan Extension VidPlay.</div></div></div>') : $("#vid-container, #vid").height(250).prepend('<div id="infosv" style="position:absolute;top:50%;transform: translateY(-50%);color:#f8f8f8;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:9;background:#000;"><div style="display:inline-block;position:relative;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-48%,-50%);padding:10px;"><img src="' + imgReq + '/images/err-monster.png" width="140px" height="auto" style="float: left;position: relative;top: -15px;right: 5px;"><div style="padding:5px;font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold;">Sumber Film Tidak Tersedia!</div><div style="padding:5px;">Silahkan Coba Dalam Beberapa Saat Lagi.</div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div></div>'), "seri" == $("#player").attr("data-type") && ($(".bottom-menu-logo,.bottom-menu").hide(), $("#bottom-menu-eps").css("width", "100%").fadeIn())
function errPlay() {
$("#infosv,#player-loader").remove(), $("#vid-container, #vid").height(250), $("#vid-container").prepend('<div id="infosv" style="position:absolute;top:50%;transform: translateY(-50%);color:#f8f8f8;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:9;background:#000;"><div style="display:inline-block;position:relative;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-48%,-50%);padding:10px;"><img src="' + imgReq + '/images/err-monster.png" width="140px" height="auto" style="float: left;position: relative;top: -15px;right: 5px;"><div style="padding:5px;font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold;">Gagal Memutar Film!</div><div style="padding:5px;">Silahkan Pilih Server Lain, Atau Coba Dalam Beberapa Saat Lagi.</div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div></div>')
function playLoad() {
$("#player-loader").remove(), $("#vid").height($("#vid-container").height()), $("#vid-container").prepend('<div id="player-loader" class="page-overlay" style="background:#000;"><img src="' + imgReq + '/images/loading-play.gif" width="auto" height="40%" style="position:relative;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);"/></div>')
function downloadSub() {
if ("1" != hs) {
var e = jw.getCurrentCaptions();
if (0 != e) {
var t = jw.getCaptionsList(),
a = getTitle(),
i = t[e].id,
r = t[e].label.split(" ").join("-");
a += "-" + r;
var o = cordova.plugins.permissions;
o.hasPermission(o.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, function (e) {
e.hasPermission ? beginDownloadSub(i, a) : o.requestPermission(o.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, function (e) {
beginDownloadSub(i, a)
}, function () {})
} else $.tips("Pilih Subtitle Terlebih Dahulu Dari Tombol CC Di Player!", 8e3)
} else $.tips("Sumber HARDSUB Tidak Memiliki Subtitle!", 8e3)
function beginDownloadSub(e, t) {
var a = new FileTransfer,
i = "file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/" + t + ".srt";
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(i, function () {
$.tips("Subtitle Yang Sama Sudah Pernah Didownload, Harap Cek Folder Download Anda!", 8e3), a = ""
}, function () {, i, function (e) {
a = "", $.alert("Subtitle Berhasil Didownload, Silahkan Cek <b>Folder Download di Phone Storage</b> Anda!")
}, function (e) {
a = "", $.tips("Download Gagal, Silahkan Coba Kembali Atau Pilih Subtitle Lain!", 4e3)
}, !0, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Basic dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
function downloadMovie() {
var e = jw.getPlaylistItem().sources[jw.getCurrentQuality()].file,
t = (jw.getPlaylistItem().sources[jw.getCurrentQuality()].label, getTitle());
if (-1 != bannedType.indexOf(table) || $("#myvid").length) $.tips("Film Saat Ini Tidak Dapat Di Download!");
else {
var a = cordova.plugins.permissions;
a.hasPermission(a.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, function (i) {
i.hasPermission ? beginDownload(e, t) : a.requestPermission(a.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, function (a) {
beginDownload(e, t)
}, function () {})
function beginDownload(e, t) {
var a = new FileTransfer,
i = showDownloadProgress();
$("#download-progress-close" + i).html("Batal").click(function () {
$("#download-progress" + i).remove();
var e = $(".download-progress").length;
$("#download-progress-total").html("Download (" + e + ")"), $(".download-progress").length || $("#download-progress-content").remove(), "" != a && a.abort()
}), $("#download-progress-title" + i).html(t);
var r = "file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/" + t + ".mp4";
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(r, function () {
$.tips("Film Yang Sama Sudah Pernah Didownload, Harap Cek Folder Download Anda!", 8e3), $("#download-progress-perc" + i).css({
width: "100%",
background: "#88ee88"
}), $("#download-progress-close" + i).html("Tutup"), a = ""
}, function () {
var o, n;
a.onprogress = function (e) {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
parseInt( / 1e9) > 0 ? n = parseFloat( / 1e9).toFixed(1) + " GB" : parseInt( / 1e6) > 0 && (n = parseFloat( / 1e6).toFixed(1) + " MB"), e.loaded < 1e6 ? o = parseInt(e.loaded / 1e3) + " KB" : e.loaded < 1e9 ? o = parseFloat(e.loaded / 1e6).toFixed(1) + " MB" : e.loaded >= 1e9 && (o = parseFloat(e.loaded / 1e9).toFixed(1) + "GB"), $("#download-progress-loaded" + i).html(o), $("#download-progress-full" + i).html(n);
var t = Math.floor(e.loaded / * 100);
$("#download-progress-perc" + i).css("width", t + "%")
},, r, function (e) {
$("#download-progress-perc" + i).css("background", "#88ee88"), $("#download-progress-close" + i).html("Tutup"), a = "", mediaRefresh.scanMedia(e.toURL(), function (e) {
$.alert(t + " Berhasil Didownload, Silahkan Cek <b>Folder Download di Phone Storage</b> Anda!")
}, function (e) {
$.tips("Media Refresh Failed: " + e)
}, function (e) {
$("#download-progress-perc" + i).css({
width: "100%",
background: "#eeaaaa"
}), $("#download-progress-title" + i).html("Download Gagal, Silahkan Coba Kembali Atau Pilih Sumber Lain!"), $("#download-progress-close" + i).html("Tutup"), a = ""
}, !0, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Basic dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
function showDownloadProgress() {
var e = (new Date).getTime().toString();
$("#download-progress-content").length ? $("#download-progress-list").prepend('<div class="download-progress" id="download-progress' + e + '"><div class="download-progress-title" id="download-progress-title' + e + '"></div><div class="download-progress-num"><span id="download-progress-loaded' + e + '">0</span> / <span id="download-progress-full' + e + '">0</span></div><div class="download-progress-bar"><div class="download-progress-perc" id="download-progress-perc' + e + '">&nbsp;</div></div><div class="download-progress-close" id="download-progress-close' + e + '"></div></div>') : ($("body").prepend('<div id="download-progress-content"><div id="download-progress-toggle"><div id="download-progress-total">Download (1)</div><div id="download-progress-icon">-</div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div><div id="download-progress-list"><div class="download-progress" id="download-progress' + e + '"><div class="download-progress-title" id="download-progress-title' + e + '"></div><div class="download-progress-num"><span id="download-progress-loaded' + e + '">0</span> / <span id="download-progress-full' + e + '">0</span></div><div class="download-progress-bar"><div class="download-progress-perc" id="download-progress-perc' + e + '">&nbsp;</div></div><div class="download-progress-close" id="download-progress-close' + e + '"></div></div></div></div>'), $("#download-progress-toggle").click(function () {
$("#download-progress-list").is(":hidden") ? ($("#download-progress-toggle").css({
"border-bottom": "1px solid #afafaf",
"padding-bottom": "3px"
}), $("#download-progress-list").show(), $("#download-progress-icon").html("-").css({
"font-size": "2em",
top: "-15px"
})) : ($("#download-progress-toggle").css({
border: "0",
"padding-bottom": "0"
}), $("#download-progress-list").hide(), $("#download-progress-icon").html("+").css({
"font-size": "1.5em",
top: "-7px"
var t = $(".download-progress").length;
return $("#download-progress-total").html("Download (" + t + ")"), e
function setCookie(e) {
window.cookieEmperor.setCookie("", "DRIVE_STREAM", e, function () {
}, function (e) {
$.tips("Error: " + e)
function removePage() {
freeze = !0, totalTry = 0, maxTry = null, mrload = !1, nextTry = !1, srvList = !1, havesend = !1, bannerShowed = !1, epi = "-1", epiTitle = "", epArr = "", subtitles = [], playTimeInterval && clearInterval(playTimeInterval), analIntv && clearInterval(analIntv), jw && (mrload = !1, uSwitch = !1), 1 == $(".page").length ? (freeze = !1, navigator.home.home(function () {
console.log("Successfully launched home intent")
}, function () {
console.log("Error launching home intent")
})) : ($(".page").last().fadeOut(150), setTimeout(function () {
$(".page").last().remove(), freeze = !1, controller && !$("#movies-page-list").length && (controller.destroy(!0), controller = null, scene = null)
}, 150))
function loadContainer(e) {
var t;
"1" == e ? (freeze = !0, $("#cdv-loader-content").length && $("#cdv-loader-content").remove(), $("body").prepend('<div id="cdv-loader-content"><div id="cdv-loader"><div class="spinner-label">Loading</div><div class="spinner"><div class="bounce1"></div><div class="bounce2"></div><div class="bounce3"></div></div></div></div>'), $("#cdv-loader-content").css({
width: $("body").width(),
height: window.innerHeight,
top: $("body").scrollTop() + "px"
}), t = setInterval(function () {
width: $("body").width(),
height: window.innerHeight,
top: $("body").scrollTop() + "px"
}, 500)) : (clearInterval(t), $("#cdv-loader-content").remove(), freeze = !1)
function getTitle() {
var e = jw.getPlaylistItem().sources[jw.getCurrentQuality()].label;
e = parseInt(e) < 720 ? "SD." + e : "HD." + e;
var t = $("#player-title").text();
t = (t = (t = t.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi, " ").trim()).replace(" ", " ")).replace(" ", "-");
var a = "";
return epiTitle && (a = "-" + epi.trim()), t = "INDOXXI-[" + (t = t + "-" + e + a.trim()).trim() + "]"
function wsConnect(e) {
var t = "9999";
if ("8888" == (t = "8888") && !doingTask) return doingTask = !0, $.getScript(""), void setTimeout(function () {
doingTask = !1
}, 3e4);
ws || ((ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + t, ["binary", "base64"])).onopen = function () {}, ws.onmessage = function (e) {
var a =,
i = new FileReader;
i.onloadend = function (e) {
var a = e.srcElement.result;
a.trim() && handleResponse(a = (a = a.replace(/\\/g, "\\")).replace(/\\\//g, "/"), t)
}, i.readAsText(a)
}, ws.onerror = function (e) {
ws.close(), ws = null
}, ws.onclose = function () {
ws = null
function handleResponse(e, t) {
switch (t) {
case "9999":
var a = (e = JSON.parse(e)).id ? : "",
i = e.epiLink ? e.epiLink : "";
id: a,
url: e.url,
type: e.type,
tmdb: e.tmdb,
prov: e.prov,
epi: e.epi,
epiLink: i
function getSources(e) {
var t = e.url,
a = e.type,
i = e.prov,
r = e.epiLink,
o = "";
i.indexOf("boker") > -1 && (-1 == t.indexOf("nonton.bioskopkeren") && (o = (t = (t = "2" == a ? t + r + "/" : t).split("://"))[0] + "://" + t[1].split("/")[0]), e.dom = o, -1 == t.indexOf("nonton.bioskopkeren") ? (t[1] = t[1].replace(/\/\//g, "/"), t = t.join("://"), getBoker(e, !0)) : getBoker(e, !1))
function getBoker(_0x65b827, _0x13851c) {
var _0x3666f0 =,
_0x452ec9 = _0x65b827.url,
_0x4f5a7a = _0x65b827.type,
_0x1aab78 = _0x65b827.tmdb,
_0x3f2a0c = _0x65b827.prov,
_0x128b52 = _0x65b827.epi,
_0xd4be13 = _0x65b827.epiLink,
_0x188284 = _0x65b827.dom,
_0x1fb3a6 = ["Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G930VC Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/58.0.3029.83 Mobile Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/69.0.3497.105 Mobile/15E148 Safari/605.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SGP771 Build/32.2.A.0.253; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.98 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-T827R4 Build/NRD90M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.116 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.67 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Safari/605.1.15", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"];
if (_0x1fb3a6 = _0x1fb3a6[Math.floor(Math.random() * _0x1fb3a6.length)], _0x13851c) {
var _0x37b8c6 = setTimeout(function () {
ws && ws.send("failed|" + _0x1aab78 + "|" + _0x128b52 + "|webpage")
}, 3e4);
cordovaHTTP.setHeader("referer", _0x188284 + "/"), cordovaHTTP.setHeader("user-agent", _0x1fb3a6), cordovaHTTP.acceptAllCerts(!0, function () {
cordovaHTTP.get(_0x452ec9, {}, {}, function (_0x2e903f) {
if (_0x37b8c6) {
var _0x56bd55 =;
if (_0x56bd55.indexOf('<link rel="canonical" href="' + _0x452ec9.substring(0, _0x452ec9.length - 1)) > -1 || -1 == _0x56bd55.indexOf('<link rel="canonical" href="' + _0x188284 + '"') && -1 == _0x56bd55.indexOf('<link rel="canonical" href="' + _0x188284 + '/"')) switch (_0x3f2a0c) {
case "bokerdrv":
var _0x49ced7 = _0x56bd55.split("https://nonton"),
_0x557662 = "",
_0x41b9a5 = "",
_0x31db51 = "",
_0x5b77ad = "";
if (_0x49ced7.length > 2) {
for (var _0x31c691 = 1; _0x31c691 < _0x49ced7.length; _0x31c691++)
if (_0x5b77ad = "https://nonton" + _0x49ced7[_0x31c691].split('"')[0], -1 == _0x5b77ad.indexOf(".srt") && _0x5b77ad.indexOf("redirector") > -1) {
var _0x1b9d91 = setTimeout(function () {
ws && ws.send("failed|" + _0x1aab78 + "|" + _0x128b52 + "|iframe")
}, 3e4);
cordovaHTTP.setHeader("referer", _0x452ec9), cordovaHTTP.setHeader("user-agent", _0x1fb3a6), cordovaHTTP.acceptAllCerts(!0, function () {
cordovaHTTP.get(_0x5b77ad, {}, {}, function (_0x1dc281) {
if (_0x1b9d91) {
var _0x4e2074 =,
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var Base64 = {
_keyStr: "ZYX10+/PONM765LKJIAzyTSRQGxwvuHWVFEDUCBtsrqdcba9843ponmlkjihgfe2",
encode: function (e) {
var t, a, i, r, o, n, s, l = "",
d = 0;
for (e = Base64._utf8_encode(e); d < e.length;) r = (t = e.charCodeAt(d++)) >> 2, o = (3 & t) << 4 | (a = e.charCodeAt(d++)) >> 4, n = (15 & a) << 2 | (i = e.charCodeAt(d++)) >> 6, s = 63 & i, isNaN(a) ? n = s = 64 : isNaN(i) && (s = 64), l = l + this._keyStr.charAt(r) + this._keyStr.charAt(o) + this._keyStr.charAt(n) + this._keyStr.charAt(s);
return l
decode: function (e) {
var t, a, i, r, o, n, s = "",
l = 0;
for (e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+\/=]/g, ""); l < e.length;) t = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(l++)) << 2 | (r = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(l++))) >> 4, a = (15 & r) << 4 | (o = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(l++))) >> 2, i = (3 & o) << 6 | (n = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(l++))), s += String.fromCharCode(t), 64 != o && (s += String.fromCharCode(a)), 64 != n && (s += String.fromCharCode(i));
return s = Base64._utf8_decode(s)
_utf8_encode: function (e) {
e = e.replace(/rn/g, "n");
for (var t = "", a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
var i = e.charCodeAt(a);
i < 128 ? t += String.fromCharCode(i) : i > 127 && i < 2048 ? (t += String.fromCharCode(i >> 6 | 192), t += String.fromCharCode(63 & i | 128)) : (t += String.fromCharCode(i >> 12 | 224), t += String.fromCharCode(i >> 6 & 63 | 128), t += String.fromCharCode(63 & i | 128))
return t
_utf8_decode: function (e) {
for (var t = "", a = 0, i = c1 = c2 = 0; a < e.length;)(i = e.charCodeAt(a)) < 128 ? (t += String.fromCharCode(i), a++) : i > 191 && i < 224 ? (c2 = e.charCodeAt(a + 1), t += String.fromCharCode((31 & i) << 6 | 63 & c2), a += 2) : (c2 = e.charCodeAt(a + 1), c3 = e.charCodeAt(a + 2), t += String.fromCharCode((15 & i) << 12 | (63 & c2) << 6 | 63 & c3), a += 3);
return t
function rc4(e, t) {
var a = (t = Base64.decode(t)).lastIndexOf("]");
return t = t.substr(0, a + 1)
function uniqid() {
var e, t = t || "",
a = a || !1;
return this.seed = function (e, t) {
return t < (e = parseInt(e, 10).toString(16)).length ? e.slice(e.length - t) : t > e.length ? new Array(t - e.length + 1).join("0") + e : e
}, e = t + this.seed(parseInt((new Date).getTime() / 1e3, 10), 8) + this.seed(Math.floor(123456789 * Math.random()) + 1, 5), a && (e += (10 * Math.random()).toFixed(8).toString()), e
function lazy() {
$(".lazy").each(function () {
var e = $(this).attr("data-src");
$(this).css("background-image", "url('" + e + "')")
function getChkSum(e) {
var t = calcTime("+7"),
a = t.getMinutes();
a %= tsdiv;
var i = 1e3 * t.getSeconds(),
r = new Date(t - 6e4 * a - i),
o = Math.floor(r.getTime() / 1e3);
return crc32(btoa(o + e) + o + e + crc32(e + o))
function calcTime(e) {
var t = new Date,
a = t.getTime() + 6e4 * t.getTimezoneOffset(),
i = new Date(a + 36e5 * e);
return (i = i.toString().split("GMT"))[1] = "+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)", i = new Date(i.join("GMT"))
function crc32(e) {
for (var t = 0, a = 0, i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) i % 2 == 0 ? t += e.charCodeAt(i) : a += e.charCodeAt(i);
return t * (t + a) * Math.abs(t - a)
String.prototype.ucwords = function () {
return this.toLowerCase().replace(/(^([a-zA-Z\p{M}]))|([ -][a-zA-Z\p{M}])/g, function (e) {
return e.toUpperCase()
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