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Web technologies lover!

Victor Jesús Rosario Vásquez Victor1890

Web technologies lover!
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Victor1890 /
Created April 8, 2024 11:49 — forked from nicolasmontielf/
This is a template for your PR's


Gives the reviewer some context about the work and why this change is being made, the WHY you are doing this. This field goes more into the product perspective.


Provide a detailed description of how exactly this task will be accomplished. This can be something technical. What specific steps will be taken to achieve the goal? This should include details on service integration, job logic, implementation, etc.

Changes in the codebase

This is where becomes technical. Here is where you can be more focused on the engineering side of your solution. Include information about the functionality they are adding or modifying, as well as any refactoring or improvement of existing code.

Changes outside the codebase

Victor1890 / excel.util.ts
Created March 27, 2024 01:20
Create table excel
import excelJS from 'exceljs'
export interface ISheetExcel {
columns: Array<string>
rows: Array<ObjectI>
sheetName: string,
export interface ITablesExcel {
sheets: Array<ISheetExcel>
Victor1890 / base-provider.ts
Created December 27, 2023 22:51
This TypeScript class, named Base, is designed to be extended by other classes, serving as a solid foundation for building HTTP clients in TypeScript applications. It leverages the Fetch API to simplify common HTTP operations, including GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests. The class provides a clean and extensible interface for making API call…
class Base {
private readonly api: string
private readonly headers: HeadersInit
constructor(api: string, headers: HeadersInit = {}) {
this.api = api
this.headers = headers
private params(params: Record<string, any>): string {