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Last active April 19, 2024 23:30
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Unity Range Step Slider Property Attribute, allow the user to increase a float value or int value by step, like 0.25f or 3 or 100.15f
using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
// Use Example 1: [VTRangeStep(0f, 10f, 0.25f)]
// Use Example 2: [VTRangeStep(100, 1000, 25)]
namespace Victor.Tools
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class VTRangeStep : PropertyAttribute
internal readonly float m_Min = 0f;
internal readonly float m_Max = 100f;
internal readonly float m_Step = 1;
internal readonly int m_Precision;
// Whether a increase that is not the step is allowed (Occurs when we are reaching the end)
internal readonly bool m_AllowNonStepReach = true;
internal readonly bool m_IsInt = false;
/// <summary>
/// Allow you to increase a float value in step, make sure the type of the variable matches the the parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min"></param>
/// <param name="max"></param>
/// <param name="step"></param>
/// <param name="allowNonStepReach">Whether a increase that is not the step is allowed (Occurs when we are reaching the end)</param>
public VTRangeStep(float min, float max, float step = 1f, bool allowNonStepReach = true)
m_Min = min;
m_Max = max;
m_Step = step;
m_Precision = Precision(m_Step);
m_AllowNonStepReach = allowNonStepReach;
m_IsInt = false;
/// <summary>
/// Allow you to increase a int value in step, make sure the type of the variable matches the the parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min"></param>
/// <param name="max"></param>
/// <param name="step"></param>
/// <param name="allowNonStepReach"></param>
public VTRangeStep(int min, int max, int step = 1, bool allowNonStepReach = true)
m_Min = min;
m_Max = max;
m_Step = step;
m_AllowNonStepReach = allowNonStepReach;
m_IsInt = true;
private static int Precision(float f)
string str = f.ToString();
int decimalPointPos = str.IndexOf('.');
if (decimalPointPos < 0)
return 0;
int decimalPlaces = str.Length - decimalPointPos - 1;
return Mathf.Min(decimalPlaces, 7);
internal sealed class RangeStepDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
var rangeAttribute = (VTRangeStep)base.attribute;
if (!rangeAttribute.m_IsInt)
float rawFloat = EditorGUI.Slider(position, label, property.floatValue, rangeAttribute.m_Min, rangeAttribute.m_Max);
property.floatValue = Step(rawFloat, rangeAttribute);
int rawInt = EditorGUI.IntSlider(position, label, property.intValue, (int)rangeAttribute.m_Min, (int)rangeAttribute.m_Max);
property.intValue = Step(rawInt, rangeAttribute);
// This is time tested and bug free!
// I stayed up late until 2:50 AM in September 23 2022 trying to get this right, relentless curiocity paid off
internal float Step(float rawValue, VTRangeStep range)
float f = rawValue;
if (range.m_AllowNonStepReach)
// In order to ensure a reach, where the difference between rawValue and the max allowed value is less than step
float topCap = (float)Math.Round(Mathf.Floor(range.m_Max / range.m_Step) * range.m_Step, range.m_Precision);
float topRemaining = (float)Math.Round(range.m_Max - topCap, range.m_Precision);
// If this is the special case near the top maximum
if (topRemaining < range.m_Step && f > topCap + topRemaining / 2)
f = range.m_Max;
// Otherwise we do a regular snap
f = (float)Math.Round(Snap(f, range.m_Step), range.m_Precision);
else if(!range.m_AllowNonStepReach)
f = (float)Math.Round(Snap(f, range.m_Step), range.m_Precision);
// Make sure the value doesn't exceed the maximum allowed range
if (f > range.m_Max)
f -= range.m_Step;
f = (float)Math.Round(f, range.m_Precision);
return f;
internal int Step(int rawValue, VTRangeStep range)
int f = rawValue;
if (range.m_AllowNonStepReach)
// In order to ensure a reach, where the difference between rawValue and the max allowed value is less than step
int topCap = (int)range.m_Max / (int)range.m_Step * (int)range.m_Step;
int topRemaining = (int)range.m_Max - topCap;
// If this is the special case near the top maximum
if (topRemaining < range.m_Step && f > topCap)
f = (int)range.m_Max;
// Otherwise we do a regular snap
f = (int)Snap(f, range.m_Step);
else if (!range.m_AllowNonStepReach)
f = (int)Snap(f, range.m_Step);
// Make sure the value doesn't exceed the maximum allowed range
if (f > range.m_Max)
f -= (int)range.m_Step;
return f;
/// <summary>
/// Snap a value to a interval
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <param name="snapInterval"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static float Snap(float value, float snapInterval)
return Mathf.Round(value / snapInterval) * snapInterval;
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