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Last active June 16, 2020 14:05
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  • Save VictorHugoBatista/ab01a30e50043d99627f88b33fbbf370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VictorHugoBatista/ab01a30e50043d99627f88b33fbbf370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
select * from city order by population desc limit 5;
| ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population |
| 1024 | Mumbai (Bombay) | IND | Maharashtra | 10500000 |
| 2331 | Seoul | KOR | Seoul | 9981619 |
| 206 | S Paulo | BRA | S Paulo | 9968485 |
select Name, GNP, GNPOld, (GNP - GNPOld) as GNPDiff from country order by GNP desc; # having GNPDiff > 0;
select Name, GNP, GNPOld, (GNP - GNPOld) as GNPDiff from country where (GNP - GNPOld) > 0 order by GNP desc limit 3;
select Name, GNP, GNPOld from country where GNP > GNPOld order by GNP desc limit 3;
| Name | GNP | GNPOld | GNPDiff |
| United States | 8510700.00 | 8110900.00 | 399800.00 |
| Germany | 2133367.00 | 2102826.00 | 30541.00 |
| France | 1424285.00 | 1392448.00 | 31837.00 |
select GovernmentForm, Population from country group by GovernmentForm order by sum(Population) desc limit 5;
| GovernmentForm | Population |
| Federal Republic | 37032000 |
| Republic | 12878000 |
| PeoplesRepublic | 1277558000 |
| Constitutional Monarchy | 68000 |
| Socialistic Republic | 11201000 |
select ANY_VALUE(`GovernmentForm`), count(`GovernmentForm`) from country group by GovernmentForm order by count(`GovernmentForm`) desc limit 5;
| ANY_VALUE(`GovernmentForm`) | count(`GovernmentForm`) |
| Republic | 122 |
| Constitutional Monarchy | 29 |
| Federal Republic | 15 |
| Dependent Territory of the UK | 12 |
| Monarchy | 5 |
select country.Continent,
(select maxCity.Name from city as maxCity where maxCity.Population = max(city.Population)) as maxCityName,
max(city.Population) as maxPopulation,
(select maxCountry.Population from country as maxCountry where maxCountry.Code = (select maxCity.CountryCode from city as maxCity where maxCity.Population = max(city.Population))) as countryPopulation,
(maxPopulation / countryPopulation) as percentage
from country
join city on country.Code = city.CountryCode
group by country.Continent;
| Continent | maxCityName | maxPopulation | code | countryPopulation |
| North America | Ciudad de Mico | 8591309 | MEX | 98881000 |
| Asia | Mumbai (Bombay) | 10500000 | IND | 1013662000 |
| Africa | Cairo | 6789479 | EGY | 68470000 |
| Europe | Moscow | 8389200 | RUS | 146934000 |
| South America | S Paulo | 9968485 | BRA | 170115000 |
| Oceania | Sydney | 3276207 | AUS | 18886000 |
select count(distinct District) from city;
| count(distinct District) |
| 1367 |
select countrylanguage.Language, count(country.Name) as NumberLanguages
from countrylanguage
join country
on countrylanguage.CountryCode = country.Code
group by countrylanguage.Language
having NumberLanguages >= 10
order by count(country.Name) desc;
select countrylanguage.Language, count(0) as NumberLanguages
from countrylanguage
group by countrylanguage.Language
having NumberLanguages >= 10
order by count(countrylanguage.Language) desc;
select country.Name, GROUP_CONCAT(countrylanguage.Language ORDER BY countrylanguage.Language),
count(countrylanguage.Language) as languageCount
from country
join countrylanguage
on country.Code = countrylanguage.CountryCode
where country.Continent = 'Europe'
and country.Name like '%c%'
and country.Name not like '%a%'
group by country.Name
having languageCount > 2;
select country.Name, GROUP_CONCAT(countrylanguage.Language order by countrylanguage.Language)
from country
join countrylanguage
on country.Code = countrylanguage.CountryCode
where country.Name = 'Sweden'
group by country.Name;
select country.Name, count(countrylanguage.Language) as languageCount
from country
left join countrylanguage
on country.Code = countrylanguage.CountryCode
group by country.Name
having languageCount = 0;
select country.Name, country.Population,
sum(city.Population) as sumCityPopulation, (sum(city.Population) / country.Population) * 100 as Percentage
from country
join city
on country.Code = city.CountryCode
group by country.Name
having country.Population >= sumCityPopulation
and sumCityPopulation / country.Population >= 0.8;
# estou testando com espanhol / francês porque não vi nenhum país espanhol / inglês
select country.Continent, country.Name, langSpanish.Language, langAnother.Language
from country
join countrylanguage as langSpanish
on country.Code = langSpanish.CountryCode
and langSpanish.Language = 'Spanish'
left join countrylanguage as langAnother
on country.Code = langAnother.CountryCode
and langAnother.Language = 'French'
where country.Continent = 'Europe'
and langAnother.Language is null;
select country.Continent, country.Name, langSpanish.Language, langAnother.Language
from country
join countrylanguage as langSpanish
on country.Code = langSpanish.CountryCode
and langSpanish.Language = 'Spanish'
left join countrylanguage as langAnother
on country.Code = langAnother.CountryCode
and langAnother.Language = 'English'
where country.Continent = 'Europe'
and langAnother.Language is null;
14. (????)
# Todas cidades, países e continentes.
select concat(city.Name, country.Continent) as CityToContinent, city.Name, country.Continent
from city
join country
on city.CountryCode = country.Code;
# ----
# Todas as cidades que aparecem em três ou mais países.
select Name, count(Name) as countries
from city
group by Name
having countries >= 3;
# Todos os continentes das cidades que aparecem em três ou mais países. Usa a query de cima como subquery.
select city.Name, country.Continent
from city
join country
on city.CountryCode = country.Code
where city.Name in
(select Name
from city
group by Name
having count(Name) >= 3);
# Cidades e continentes agrupados pelo nome da cidade e continente (apenas as cidades que aparecem em três ou mais países).
select city.Name, country.Continent
from city
join country
on city.CountryCode = country.Code
where city.Name in
( select Name
from city
group by Name
having count(Name) >= 3)
group by city.Name, country.Continent
order by city.Name;
# ----
# Cidades e continentes agrupados pelo nome da cidade e continente (todas as cidades).
select city.Name as CityName, country.Continent as CityContinent
from city
join country
on city.CountryCode = country.Code
group by city.Name, country.Continent
order by city.Name;
# Todas as cidades que aparecem em 3 ou mais continentes. Usa a query de cima como subquery.
select CityName, count(CityContinent) as CityContinentNumber
from ( select city.Name as CityName, country.Continent as CityContinent
from city
join country
on city.CountryCode = country.Code
group by city.Name, country.Continent
order by city.Name) as CityContinents
group by CityName
having CityContinentNumber >= 3;
# Todas as cidades que aparecem em dois ou mais países.
select Name, count(Name) as countries
from city
group by Name, CountryCode
having countries >= 3;
SET sql_mode = '';
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