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Created April 30, 2024 15:43
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//! Heavily based on <> and <>
//! See that video and repo for more information
//! # Finding what faces to draw
//! For more information, see:
//! - <>
//! First we build an bitmask of all [`Occupied<_>`] blocks for all 3 directions [`X`], [`Y`], and [`Z`]. We do this for each [`BlockId`].
//! Then we bitshift the occupied masks as followed:
//! ```
//! let mask = 0b01110010 // 1 = solid, 0 = air
//! let shifted = mask << 1;
//! assert_eq!(shifted, 0b11100100); // 0b11100100
//! let inverted = !shifted;
//! assert_eq!(inverted, 0b11100100); // 0b00011011
//! let faces = mask & inverted;
//! // 0b01110010
//! // 0b00011011
//! // ---------- &
//! // 0b00010010
//! assert_eq!(faces, 0b00010010);
//! ```
//! Which are all of our [`Face<_>`]s that we need to draw in that direction
//! To get all the faces in the other direction, we shift the mask to the right.
//! We apply this 6 times (2 directions, 3 axis) to get all the faces we need to draw.
//! *Note:* Even though our chunk is only 32 bits, we actually need 34 bits, as we also need to know the neighbour chunk blocks adjacent to this to chunk
//! # Merging face vertices
//! For more information, see:
//! - <>
//! We start with a [`Face<_>`] in each [`BlockSide`] direction.
//! These faces are a bitmask for each voxel side that needs to be rendered.
//! ```ignore
//! let face = [
//! 0b00000000, // -> x
//! 0b00011000, // |
//! 0b00011100, // v y
//! 0b00011100,
//! 0b00000000,
//! ];
//! ```
//! We check the first block we need to render, at `x = 3, y = 1`, marked with `*`
//! ```ignore
//! let face = [
//! 0b00000000,
//! 0b000*1000,
//! 0b00011100,
//! 0b00011100,
//! 0b00000000,
//! ];
//! ```
//! Then we grow that in the x direction as far as there are bits
//! ```ignore
//! let face = [
//! 0b00000000,
//! 0b000**000,
//! 0b00011100,
//! 0b00011100,
//! 0b00000000,
//! ];
//! ```
//! Then we step each `y` direction which matches this bitmask
//! ```ignore
//! let face = [
//! 0b00000000,
//! 0b000**000,
//! 0b000**100,
//! 0b000**100,
//! 0b00000000,
//! ];
//! ```
//! Once we can't fully match the bitmask any more, we are done, and clear out the bits
//! ```ignore
//! let face = [
//! 0b00000000,
//! 0b00000000,
//! 0b00000100,
//! 0b00000100,
//! 0b00000000,
//! ];
//! ```
//! And repeat for all the vertices we need to render.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub(crate) use crate::{state::BlockSide, BlockId};
use crate::{
utils::grid::{Grid2, Grid3},
pub(crate) struct MeshGen<'a> {
blocks: &'a Grid3<BlockId, 32, 32, 32>,
solids: (Occupied<X>, Occupied<Y>, Occupied<Z>),
transparents: (Occupied<X>, Occupied<Y>, Occupied<Z>),
pub(crate) trait Plane {
fn swizzle(x: u8, y: u8, z: u8) -> (u8, u8, u8);
fn side<const IS_POSITIVE: bool>() -> BlockSide;
pub(crate) struct X;
impl Plane for X {
fn swizzle(x: u8, y: u8, z: u8) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
(z, y, x)
fn side<const IS_POSITIVE: bool>() -> BlockSide {
} else {
pub(crate) struct Y;
impl Plane for Y {
fn swizzle(x: u8, y: u8, z: u8) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
(x, z, y)
fn side<const IS_POSITIVE: bool>() -> BlockSide {
} else {
pub(crate) struct Z;
impl Plane for Z {
fn swizzle(x: u8, y: u8, z: u8) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
(x, y, z)
fn side<const IS_POSITIVE: bool>() -> BlockSide {
} else {
pub(crate) struct Occupied<D> {
bits: Grid2<u64, 32, 32>,
pd: PhantomData<D>,
impl<D: Plane> Occupied<D> {
fn from_bits<const IS_POSITIVE: bool>(
bits: Grid2<u32, 32, 32>,
blocks: &Grid3<BlockId, 32, 32, 32>,
) -> BlockIdMap<Face<D, IS_POSITIVE>> {
Face::from_iter(bits.iter_copy().flat_map(|(x, y, mut face)| {
std::iter::from_fn(move || {
if face == 0 {
} else {
let z = face.trailing_zeros();
face ^= 1 << z;
let (x, y, z) = D::swizzle(x, y, z as u8);
Some((x, y, z, blocks.get(x, y, z)))
fn face_positive(&self, blocks: &Grid3<BlockId, 32, 32, 32>) -> BlockIdMap<Face<D, true>> {
self.bits.clone().modify(|b| {
let shifted = b >> 1;
let inverted = !shifted;
let faces = b & inverted;
// faces is actually 34 bits, because we also have the neighbouring chunks around, so shift to the right and cast to `u32`
(faces >> 1) as u32
fn face_negative(&self, blocks: &Grid3<BlockId, 32, 32, 32>) -> BlockIdMap<Face<D, false>> {
self.bits.clone().modify(|b| {
let shifted = b << 1;
let inverted = !shifted;
let faces = b & inverted;
// faces is actually 34 bits, because we also have the neighbouring chunks around, so shift to the right and cast to `u32`
(faces >> 1) as u32
fn set(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8, z: u8) {
let (x, y, z) = D::swizzle(x, y, z);
// we need to add 1 bit because we have the neighbouring chunk blocks around
*self.bits.get_mut(x, y) |= 1u64 << ((z + 1) as u32);
pub(crate) struct Face<D, const IS_POSITIVE: bool> {
bits: Grid2<u32, 32, 32>,
pd1: PhantomData<D>,
impl<D, const IS_POSITIVE: bool> Default for Face<D, IS_POSITIVE> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
bits: Grid2::default(),
pd1: PhantomData,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub(crate) struct VertexFace {
pub(crate) side: BlockSide,
pub(crate) x: u8,
pub(crate) y: u8,
pub(crate) z: u8,
pub(crate) width: u8,
pub(crate) height: u8,
impl<D: Plane, const IS_POSITIVE: bool> Face<D, IS_POSITIVE> {
fn from_iter(iter: impl Iterator<Item = (u8, u8, u8, BlockId)>) -> BlockIdMap<Self> {
let mut map = BlockIdMap::<Self>::default();
for (x, y, z, id) in iter {
*map[id].bits.get_mut(z, x) |= 1 << y as u32;
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn side(&self) -> BlockSide {
fn iter_faces(mut self, mut cb: impl FnMut(VertexFace)) {
let side = self.side();
for z in 0..32 {
let mut y = 0;
while y < 32 {
let row = self.bits.get_mut(y, z);
if *row == 0 {
// no faces in this x coordinate
y += 1;
let x = row.trailing_zeros();
let width = (*row >> x).trailing_ones();
debug_assert!(width > 0);
let mask = ((1 << width) - 1) << x; // clear out the bits
*row &= !mask;
let mut height = 1;
// find the width of the rectangle, as far as we can go
for y2 in y + 1..32 {
let row = self.bits.get_mut(y2, z);
if *row & mask == mask {
*row &= !mask; // also clear out these bits
height += 1;
} else {
cb(VertexFace {
x: x as u8,
width: width as u8,
height: height as u8,
fn validate_occupied_into_faces() {
let mut occupied = Occupied::<X>::default();
let mut blocks = Grid3::default();
// Generate a somewhat interesting shape
for x in 1..=3 {
for y in 1..=3 {
for z in 1..=3 {
occupied.set(x, y, z);
blocks.set(x, y, z, BlockId::Stone);
// for x in 3..=4 {
// for y in 3..=5 {
// for z in 3..=6 {
// occupied.set(x, y, z);
// }
// }
// }
let faces_right = occupied.face_positive(&blocks);
for (block_id, face) in faces_right.into_iter() {
if face.is_empty() {
assert_eq!(block_id, BlockId::Stone);
assert_eq!(face.side(), BlockSide::Right);
let mut faces = Vec::new();
face.iter_faces(|f| faces.push(f));
&[VertexFace {
side: BlockSide::Right,
x: 1,
y: 1,
z: 3,
width: 3,
height: 3
let faces_left = occupied.face_negative(&blocks);
for (block_id, face) in faces_left.into_iter() {
if face.is_empty() {
assert_eq!(block_id, BlockId::Stone);
assert_eq!(face.side(), BlockSide::Left);
let mut faces = Vec::new();
face.iter_faces(|f| faces.push(f));
&[VertexFace {
side: BlockSide::Left,
x: 1,
y: 1,
z: 1,
width: 3,
height: 3
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