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Created November 19, 2015 13:21
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Save VictorKoenders/5f0cdd2c334bcbf56624 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"use strict";
var zlib = require('zlib'),
fs = require('fs');
var str = "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";
var buffer = new Buffer(str, 'base64');
function percentage(total, value){
var percentage = (1 - (value / total)) * 100;
return Math.round(percentage * 100) / 100;
zlib.gunzip(buffer, function(error, data){
fs.writeFile('output.lua', data);
console.log("gzip changed size from " + data.length + " to " + str.length + " (" + percentage(data.length, str.length) + "% compression)")
// Do the actual parsing
var table = new LuaParser(data).parse();
fs.writeFile('output.json', JSON.stringify(table));
class LuaParser {
// Creates the LUA parser and sets initial variables
this._buffer = buffer;
this._index = 0;
// Parses the LUA object
// parses the stack and store the result
var result = this.parseStack();
// Our first (and only) entry will be something like:
// {"do local _": {<actual blueprint>}}
// we'll just strip this because we can
return result[Object.keys(result)[0]];
// Convert a stack to an object
// This can be one of the following options:
// ["name=", "\"straight-rail\""]
// This needs to be converted into:
// { name: "straight-rail" }
// ["[3]=", "\"chemical-plant\""]
// Here we simply convert it to:
// [3: "chemical-plant"]
// [<inner stack>, <inner stack>]
// we can just leave this as it is
var result = {};
// parse all keys, even index (0, 2, 4, etc)
for(var i = 0; i < stack.length - 1; i+=2){
if(typeof(stack[i]) !== "string") {
// This entry is not a key! This means we're dealing with an array of objects
// This means we can just return the original stack, as this is already an array
return stack;
// parse the key and value
var key = stack[i].substring(0, stack[i].length - 1);
var value = this.parseValue(stack[i + 1]);
result[key] = value;
// Now we have an object of key-value pairs
// There is one exception; if all keys are
// [0], [1], etc
// This means we're actually dealing with a LUA array
// NOT an object
// so we check for this
var keys = Object.keys(result);
// Check if every key is [0], [1], etc
var resultIsArray = keys.every(key => /^\[\d+\]$/.test(key));
// Okay, so we just return all the values
// NOTE: we could possibly change the index here
// This might be desired to keep in the future
var resultArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
resultArray[i] = result[keys[i]];
result = resultArray;
return result;
// Parses the value of a key. This is one of the following:
// <object>: return the object, don't change it
// "someText": return the value as text between quotes
// "-15.3": return the float value of the string
// TODO: Are there other possibilities?
if(typeof(value) !== "string") return value;
if(value[0] == '"' && value[value.length - 1] == '"'){
return value.substring(1, value.length - 1);
return parseFloat(value);
// Parse a single stack
// A stack is one of the following formats:
// LUA: {key="value"}
// JSON: { "key": "value" }
// LUA: {key={{x=-1},{x=-2}}}
// JSON: { "key": [ { "x": -1 }, { "x": -2 } ] }
var index = 0;
var result = [];
while(this._index < this._buffer.length){
var char = this.takeChar();
if(char == '}'){
if(char == '{'){
if(this.peekChar() == ','){
} else if(char == ','){
} else {
result[index] = (result[index] || '') + char;
if(char == '='){
return this.convertStackToObject(result);
// Return the next character, but leaves the character intact
return String.fromCharCode(this._buffer[this._index]);
// Returns the next character. After this call, the internal
// pointer will point to the character after this one
return String.fromCharCode(this._buffer[this._index++]);
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