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Last active February 21, 2017 04:35
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1. Give one difference between Modules and Classes.

Modules contain static information, meaning they can be used as "mixins" where a class includes the module & thereby acts like the module's methods are its own.

2. Defining Modules

First, create a module Doughy which defines a method has_carbs? that always returns true. Then, given the following Pizza class, update Pizza to use your new Doughy module to gain the defined has_carbs? behavior.

module Doughy
  def has_carbs?
class Pizza
  include Doughy
  def tasty?
3. What are two benefits modules provide us in Ruby? Elaborate on each.

Modules allow us to add namespacing & mixins to our classes. Namespacing lets us better modulate & organize classes of a similar type (you can create a class that is namespaced under a module that groups classes of similar functionality). Mixins allow us to group static information; that information can be "included" in any class that would like to use the module's functions as its own.

4. What values in Ruby evaluate as "falsy"?

Nil & False

5. Give 3 examples of "truthy" values in Ruby.

"0", 0, ""

6. List 3 HTTP Verbs


7. HTTP Parsing: given the following HTTP Request, identify the following:
  • HTTP Verb = "POST"
  • Request Path = "/students?name=horace"
  • Query Parameters = "name" (value is "horace)
POST /students?name=horace HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Accept: text/html
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8

What is the full request URL? = ""

8. Git and Branches: give a git command to accomplish each of the following:
  • Switch to an existing branch iteration-1 = "git checkout iteration-1"
  • Create a new branch iteration-2 = "git branch iteration-2" or "git checkout -b iteration-2"
  • Push a branch iteration-2 to a remote origin = "git push origin iteration-2"
  • Merge a branch iteration-1 into a branch master (assume you are not on master to begin with) =
git checkout master
git merge iteration-1
9. Load Paths and Requires

Given a project with the following directory structure, give 2 ways that we could require file_one from file_two.

require "./lib/file_one"
require_relative "file_one"
10. Refactoring: given the following snippet of code, show 2 refactorings you might make to improve the design of this code.
class Encryptor
  def date_offset
    date_squared ="%d%m%y").to_i.send(:*, 2) # eliminates the need for date ** 2
    last_four_digits = date_squared.to_s[-4..-1].split("").map { |digit| digit.to_i} # eliminates the need for building an array & tranlating each to an integer
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