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Last active April 4, 2017 15:01
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Ideas for opening catch-phraseish thing

  • Comin atcya perpetually live! The turing podcast!
  • V : I'm your co-host, Victoria Vasys, a module-2 back-end engineering student
  • T : and I'm your co-host, Travis Gregory, a mod-2 front-end engineering student
  • V : In case you're new to the Turing lingo/format; we have 4 "mods" that are 6 weeks each, for a total of 7 months of schooling! Some people also repeat mods and some get hired before they finish, but generally, 7 months!
  • T : Another Turing-specific convention is how we name our cohorts: each one is the 2-digit-year followed by the 2-digit month of when your cohort started Mod 1. So for us mod-2ers, we're 1701 and our cohort will have that name til the end! :)
  • V : Speaking of Cohorts.... :D, Today at Turing:

"Newsletter": Project goings-on

incl. some tid-bits from current students
* M1 BE- W1: Ruby language Exercises; Credit Check; Sorting Suite, W2: hashes & enums, data structures: Jungle Beats (linked list), Date Night (binary search tree), Enigma paired proj crack encryption algorithm, W3: Battleship (playable game that runs on a REPL [read-eval-print loop] interface [interactive programming environment that takes single user inputs, evaluates them, and returns the result to the user] [command line interface is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text. A program which handles the interface is called a command language interpreter or shell])
* M1 FE- 
* M2 BE- Started actually building web apps & learning how the internet and relational databases work! The first week we had a really intense Sinatra project called Bike Share; Sinatra is a free & open-source web application library & domain-specific language (or DSL), named after Frank & lots of easter eggs (fun bonus features related to him).  We've learned the basics of the database language SQL and its liason to our app models, ActiveRecord. Moved on to learning more intricate parts of Rails, including namespaced and nested routes and testing with factories. We've completed very detailed tutorials where we made a blogger app, a music-storing app, and we're now working on building a job-tracking app.
* M2 FE- 
* M3 BE- Hit the ground running with Rails Engine project assigned on Day 1; they learned how to build internal APIs (application programming interface) (clearly defined methods of communication between various software components) and JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, which is a subset of Javascript and a lightweight data-interchange format that's both easy for humans to read & write and easy for machines to parse & generate. commonly used by APIs to send data back and forth when you don’t need/want to render a full web page. API Curious where they practiced outsourcing authentication with OAuth and consuming external APIs. Right now, they're in the middle of Cloney Island, where each group is attempting to clone a different website- Airbnb, Kickstarter, Dropbox & StackOveflow- in a week-and-a-half!.
* M3 FE- 
* M4 BE- Their first project = Quantified self was all front-end; they learned Javascript while building their app. The second project, they built a back-end for their first and wired it up to the front-end. Deeper into JS, including Express (Sinatra-inspired web development framework for node.js. (JavaScript runtime environment for developing a diverse variety of server tools and applications; interprets JavaScript using Google's V8 JavaScript engine)), AJAX (a set of Web development techniques using many Web technologies on the client side to create asynchronous Web applications. With Ajax, Web applications can send data to and retrieve from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page), site security and professional development and workflow. They kicked off their capstone projects last week, which they'll be working on throughout the rest of the mod; using the agile process, best-practice git workflow and accessibility design, documentation, well-factored code, with 3 "sprints", each ending with an evaluation and feedback on project progress.
* M4 FE- 

Interview: SomebodY!

tell us a lil about yerself! give us a little tidbit about your cohort! what makes you so special? is there a project or technology you've learned that really got your interest peaked? do you know what's coming for you? haha, anything you're really looking forward to in school? In the tech world in general?


Ask for questions?

  • V : We touched on a lot of complex topics today! Any topics we hit on that you want to learn more about?
  • T : Any thoughts or ideas on who we should interview next week?
  • V : We'd love to hear your feedback! Leave a comment on soundcloud or itunes or send us an email at or tweet at us @turingpodcast on twitter, that's @turingpodcast


  • T : I'm Travis Gregory
  • V : and I'm Victoria Vasys
  • T : Thanks to all of our guests today
  • V : Our opening & closing credit jingles, Shaving mirror & Digital Lemonade were made by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech. Thanks for sharing your music!
  • T : Logging out for now, Thanks for listening!
  • V : ctrl-slosh y'all.... mayyyybe
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