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Created August 10, 2020 13:40
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import yfinance
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as mplt
# Download dos dados
data =
tickers = 'PSSA3.SA ITUB4.SA',
interval = '1d',
treads = False
series_x = data['Close']['PSSA3.SA']
series_y = data['Close']['ITUB4.SA']
# Regressão e Resíduo
X = sm.add_constant(series_x.values)
mod = sm.OLS(series_y, X)
results =
def half_life(ts):
lagged = ts.shift(1).fillna(method="bfill")
delta = ts-lagged
X = sm.add_constant(lagged.values)
ar_res = sm.OLS(delta, X).fit()
half_life = -1*np.log(2)/ar_res.params['x1']
return half_life, ar_res
half_life, _ = half_life(results.resid)
print('halflife: ', half_life)
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