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Created March 1, 2011 09:35
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use v6;
class Growl {
has Str $.app_name;
method new (Str $app_name = "Perl6 Growl Library") {
self.bless(*, app_name => $app_name);
method register {
my Str $message = 'osascript <<EOF
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
register as application "' ~ $!app_name ~ '" all notifications {"Notification"} default notifications {"Notification"}
end tell
return qqx/$message/;
method notify (Str $title, Str $dscr, Int $priority = 0, Bool :$sticky = False) {
my $message = 'osascript <<EOF
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
notify with name "Notification" title "' ~ $title ~'" description "' ~ $dscr ~ '" application name "' ~ $!app_name ~ '" icon of application "Terminal" sticky ' ~ ($sticky??"yes"!!"no") ~ ' priority ' ~ $priority.Str ~
end tell
return qqx/$message/;
# 使い方
my Growl $growl =;
say $growl.app_name;
$growl.notify("notion", "にほんごのてすと");
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