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Last active December 15, 2015 01:29
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Simple Lambda Interpreter
;;UCI Class Project - INF212 Analysis of Programming Languages
;;Nicholas DiGiuseppe and Vijay Krishna Palepu
;;1.interpreter is not case sensitive.
;;2.interpreter lives in the world of symbols and lists.
;;3.interpreter requires proper parenthesis.
;;4.does not work with numbers such as 1 2 3...
;;original 7 lines
; eval takes an expression and an environment to a value
(define (eval e env)
(display "evaluating ") (display e) (display " with ") (display env) (newline)
((symbol? e)
(display "option 1 ")
(display (if (boolean? (assq e env)) e (cadr (assq e env))))
(if (boolean? (assq e env)) e (cadr (assq e env)))
((= 1 (length e))
(display "option 2 ")
(display (cons e env))
(eval (car e) env)
((eq? (car e) 'λ)
(display "option 3 ")
(display (cons e env))
(cons e env)
(display "option 4 ")
(display e)
;(iterApply e env)
(apply (eval (car e) env) (eval (cadr e) env))
; apply takes a function and an argument to a value
(define (apply f x)
(display "applying ") (display x) (display " to ") (display f) (newline)
(if (symbol? f) ;if it is not pair
(begin (list f x))
(let ((chek (lambdaCheck f 0)))
((= 0 chek) (list (list f x)))
((< 0 chek) (list (list (car f) x)))
(else (eval (cddr (car f)) (cons (list (cadr (car f)) (find f x)) (cdr f))))
(define (interpret e env)
(display " e(interpret): ") (display e) (newline)
(if (pair? e)
(let ((e (eval e env)))
((symbol? e) e) ;consider doing a (not (pair? e)) instead of (symbol? e)
((= 1 (length e)) (car e))
((and (= 2 (length e)) (symbol? (car e))) e)
((= 2 (length e))
(let ((env (list (cadr e))) (e (car e)))
(itrate e '() env)
((< 2 (length e))
(let ((env (cdr e)) (e (car e)))
(itrate e '() env)
(define (itrate l nl env)
(if (null? l)
(cdr l)
(list (interpret (car l) env))
;begin alpha reduction
(define (flatten l nl)
(if (null? l)
((symbol? (car l)) (flatten (cdr l) (append nl (list (car l)))))
((pair? (car l)) (flatten (cdr l) (append nl (flatten (car l) '()))))
(define (find l al)
(let ((nl (flatten l '())))
((null? nl) al)
((eq? (car nl) 'λ)
(find (cddr nl) (replace al (cadr nl) '()))
(else (find (cdr nl) al))
(define (replace l var nl)
(if (null? l)
(if (symbol? l)
((eq? l var) (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string var) "1")))
((not (eq? l var)) l)
(replace (cdr l) var
(append nl
((and (symbol? (car l)) (eq? (car l) var)) (list (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string var) "1"))))
((and (symbol? (car l)) (not (eq? (car l) var))) (list (car l)))
((pair? (car l)) (list (replace (car l) var '())))
;end alpha reduction
(define (lambdaCheck l count)
((null? l) count)
((and (symbol? (car l)) (and (= count 1) (eq? (car l) 'λ)) -1))
((and (symbol? (car l)) (not (eq? (car l) 'λ))) count)
(else (lambdaCheck (car l) (+ 1 count)))
;;Test Cases::
(interpret '((λ n λ f λ x f ((n f) x)) (λ f λ x f (f (f x)))) '())
(λ f λ x f (f (f (f x))))
(λ m λ n λ f λ x ((m f) ((n f) x)))
(interpret '((((λ a (λ b (λ c ((a b) c)))) (λ x (λ y x))) (λ b b)) (λ c c)) '())
(λ b1 b1)
(interpret '((λ x (it x)) works) '())
(it works)
(interpret '((λ var ((fn1 var) & (fn2 var))) argument) '())
((fn1 argument) &)
(interpret '((λ var ((((fn1 var) &) (fn2 var)))) argument) '())
(((fn1 argument) &) (fn2 argument))
(interpret '((λ x (λ y1 (x y1))) z) '())
(λ y1 (z y1))
(interpret '((λ x (λ y (x y))) y) '())
(λ y (y1 y))
(interpret '((λ x (x x))(λ x (λ y (x y)))) '())
(λ y (λ y1 (y y1)))
(interpret '((λ x x) two) '())
(interpret '(λ x (x x) two) '())
((λ x (x x) two))
(interpret '((λ x (x x)) two) '())
(two two)
(interpret '((λ x ((x y) z)) z) '())
((z y) z)
(interpret '((λ x (w y)) z) '())
(w y)
(interpret '((λ x (P x)) j) '())
(p j)
(interpret '((λ x (P y)) j) '())
(p y)
(interpret '(((λ x (λ y (P y))) j) m) '())
(p m)
(interpret '(((λ x (λ y (P x))) j) m) '())
(p j)
(interpret '((λ P (P j)) (λ x (Q x))) '())
(q j)
(interpret '(((λ x (λ y ((K x) y))) j) m) '())
((k j) m)
;failed: (k j)
(interpret '(P j) '())
(p j)
(interpret '((((λ GQ (λ L (λ x ((GQ L) x)))) (λ Q (λ x (Q x)))) P) j) '())
(p j)
(interpret '((λ x ((A x) ((K x) j))) m) '())
((a m) (((k m) j)))
(interpret '(((λ x (λ y (x y))) two) three) '())
(two three)
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So this was a cool class project that I worked on where we were to implement a lambda calculus interpreter in any language of our choice. It just seemed too natural to do this in Scheme. :)

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