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Last active August 1, 2017 12:29
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My Sublime Plugins List

My Sublime Plugins

  1. DocBlocker : Block comments / Documentation
  2. Emmet : Auto fill HTML Eg: ul>li*5
  3. Gist : Creating new gists from Sublime
  4. Package Control
  5. Select Quoted : Select texts inside quotes
  6. MarkdownEditing : Edit md files
  7. SideBarEnhancements
  8. SublimeCodeIntel : Sublime autocomplete
  9. SublimeLinter : Code Linting
  10. SublimeLinter-css
  11. SublimeLinter-php
  12. AutoFileName : Automatic path filler Eg: <img src="../"/>
  13. All Autocomplete : Autocomplete across all open files
  14. AdvancedNewFile : Create new files with path inside sublime
  15. Clipboard Manager
  16. Sublimerge : Diff finder
  17. TrailingSpaces : Highlight and delete trailing spaces

Language biased

  1. AngularJS
  2. Bootstrap 3 Autocomplete
  3. Laravel 5 Artisan
  4. Laravel 5 Snippets
  5. Laravel Blade Highlighter
  6. PHP Completions Kit
  7. PHPUnit Completions
  8. PHPunitkit
  9. php-snippets
  10. Javascript Completions
  11. TypeScript


  1. Boxy Theme
  2. CodeFormatter : Auto-code formatter for various languages
  3. Macroptimize : Manage macros
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mstnizam commented Mar 8, 2017


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