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* Ad Copy Length Analysis
* Download an ad performance report for the account and break up the
* information and aggregate by component lengths. This will create a sheet for
* Headline1, Headline2, Headline3, Description1, Description2, Path1, Path2
* and Headline/Description/Path, which concatenates the respective components.
* Google Ads Script
* @author Brainlabs
function main() {
const spreadsheetUrl = "YOUR_SPREADSHEET_URL_HERE";
const dateRange = "LAST_30_DAYS";
const attributes = [
const metrics = [
const calculatedMetrics = {
CPC: function (d) {
return d.Cost / d.Clicks;
CTR: function (d) {
return d.Clicks / d.Impressions;
CPA: function (d) {
return d.Conversions / d.Cost;
const validAdTypes = [
const query = _buildQuery(attributes.concat(metrics), validAdTypes, dateRange);
const report =, {
includeZeroImpressions: false
const ads = [];
const rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
* The variables affecting performance:
const variables = [
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);
const groupSummer = GroupSummer(ads, metrics);
const formatter = Formatter("# chars", ["# ads"].concat(metrics), calculatedMetrics);
const numColumns = 2 + metrics.length + Object.keys(calculatedMetrics).length;
variables.forEach(function (varname) {
const table = formatter(groupSummer(varname));
const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(varname) || spreadsheet.insertSheet(varname);
const range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, table.length, numColumns);
const maxRows = sheet.getMaxRows();
const maxCols = sheet.getMaxColumns();
// Prune the sheet.
if (maxRows > table.length) {
sheet.deleteRows(table.length + 1, maxRows - table.length);
if (maxCols > numColumns) {
sheet.deleteColumns(numColumns + 1, maxCols - numColumns);
* @param {string[]} fields Fields to include in the report
* @param {string[]} validAdTypes Ad types to filter by
* @param {string} dateRange Date range for metrics
function _buildQuery(fields, validAdTypes, dateRange) {
return "SELECT " + fields.join(", ")
+ " WHERE AdType IN [" + validAdTypes.join(", ") + "]"
+ " AND Impressions > 0"
+ " DURING " + dateRange;
function Formatter(keyName, metrics, calculations) {
var calculatedMetrics = Object.keys(calculations);
var header = [keyName].concat(metrics, calculatedMetrics);
* Format the aggregated data from GroupSummer into a table as a 2d array.
return function (aggregate) {
// Get the number of characters in increasing order.
var keys = Object.keys(aggregate);
keys.sort(function (i, j) {
return i - j;
var rows = (key) {
var data = aggregate[key];
var performanceData = (m) {
return data[m];
var calculatedData = (c) {
return calculations[c](data);
return [key].concat(performanceData, calculatedData);
return [header].concat(rows);
function GroupSummer(ads, metrics) {
* Get the sum of all the metrics, grouped by the length of the number
* of characters in `field`.
return function (field) {
function reducer(result, ad) {
const numCharacters = ad[field].length;
const aggregate = result[numCharacters] || {
"# ads": 0
aggregate["# ads"] += 1;
metrics.forEach(function (m) {
aggregate[m] = parseFloat(ad[m]) + (aggregate[m] || 0);
result[numCharacters] = aggregate;
return result;
const result = ads.reduce(reducer, {});
return result;
* Convert a row from an AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT into a normalised structure
* for an ad.
function _normalised(row) {
const ad = Object.create(row);
ad.Headline1 = row.HeadlinePart1 || row.Headline;
ad.Headline2 = row.HeadlinePart2 || "";
ad.Headline3 = row.ExpandedTextAdHeadlinePart3 || "";
ad.Description1 = row.Description || row.Description1 || "";
ad.Description2 = row.Description2 || row.ExpandedTextAdDescription2 || row.ExpandedDynamicSearchCreativeDescription2 || "";
ad.Headline = ad.Headline1 + ad.Headline2 + ad.Headline3;
ad.Description = ad.Description1 + ad.Description2;
ad.Path = ad.Path1 + ad.Path2;
return ad;
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