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Last active October 7, 2018 21:51
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/* Declaring variables */
//[val/var] name_of_variable : [type] = value
//no need for ; at the end of the line
val a: Int = 1
var b: String = "NullPointerException is dead"
var c: Double? = 0.4
//val - read only value, constant
//var - mutable variable
//the '?' after the type means that c can also be null, if this is not added then c won't be able to get null as value
//Built-in types types: Int, Long, Double, Short, Float, Long
//Also: String, Boolean, Char
val x: String? = "Null Safety"
x.length // won't compile
x?.length // will compile
val y: String = null // won't compile
/* Literals and expressions */
val i = 10 //don't have to explicitly state :Int
println("i = $i") // prints "i = 10"
val s = "kotlin"
println("$s.length is ${s.length}") // prints "abc.length is 6"
//best use: for logging and assiging value when fetching from servise or some data source
/* Expressions */
//replace the switch with 'when'
when (x) {
1 -> print("x == 1")
2 -> print("x == 2")
else -> { // Note the block
print("x is neither 1 nor 2")
//the result of if/else block can be directly assigned to val/var
val max = if (a > b) a else b
//Ranges defined as in [range_start]..[range_end]
if (i in 1..10) { // equivalent of 1 <= i && i <= 10
//ranges and iteration
for (i in 1..3) {
println(i) //1,2,3
/* Break and Continue Labels */
//Any expression in Kotlin may be marked with a label. Labels have the form of an identifier followed by the @
fun foo() {
listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).forEach lit@{
if (it == 3) return@lit // local return to the caller of the lambda, i.e. the forEach loop
print(" this point is reachable, done with explicit label") // if it wasn't for the lit@, this line in the code
//wouldn't have been reachable
//to be honest, I don't think there's market for this, but people always will find a way to fancy up their code.
/* Functions */
//[fun]function_name(argument:ArgumentType):returnType{} or =
//if void just ommit the return type or Unit
fun double(x: Int) = x * 2
//same as
fun double(x: Int):Int{return x * 2}
//for variable number of arguments 'vararg' modifier is used
fun <T> asList(vararg ts: T): List<T> {
val result = ArrayList<T>()
for (t in ts) // ts is an Array
return result
/* Classes */
//constructor is in the declaration of the class, which is known as primary constructor and cannot contain any code,
//Initialization can be placed in blocks that are prefixed with 'init'
//by default all classes are public if not specified
class Customer(name: String) {
val customerKey = name.toUpperCase()
//secondary constructor - has to be noted with the 'constructor' keyword, has to delegate the primary constructor
//either directly or indirectly
class Customer(name: String) {
init {
val customerKey = name.toUpperCase()
constructor(name: String, surname: String, age: Int) : this(name){
println("customer $name $surname, aged $age is always right")
//also it can be done like this
class MyView : View {
constructor(ctx: Context) : super(ctx)
constructor(ctx: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : super(ctx, attrs)
//Inheritance is done in the following manner
open class Base(p: Int)
class Derived(p: Int) : Base(p)
/* Instancing object - no 'new' keyword required */
val rectangle = Rectangle(5.0, 2.0)
//this means that you'll have to bend the rules when instancing new click listener with ->
//object:[the object implementation]
var view.setOnClickListener(object : View.OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(v: View?) {
toast("Kotlin is the best")
/* Class properties */
class Address {
private val LOG_TAG: String =
var name: String = "Jon"
var street: String = "Malkovich"
var city: String = "Copenhagen"
//properties and fields are by default public, no need to use getters and setters - yes I know it's more complex than that,
//just believe me.
//private - means visible inside this class only (including all its members);
//protected — same as private + visible in subclasses too;
//internal — any client inside this module who sees the declaring class sees its internal members;
//public — any client who sees the declaring class sees its public members.
/* Interfaces */
//nothing special regarding the interfaces in Kotlin compared to Java
interface MyInterface {
fun bar()
fun foo() {
// optional body
class Child : MyInterface {
override fun bar() {
// body
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