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Last active March 25, 2017 16:24
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DrawableMatcher for medium article
public class DrawableMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<View> {
private final int expectedId;
private String resourceName;
private int isAnimatedDrawable = -1;
private int randomFrame = 0;
public DrawableMatcher(int expectedId) {
this.expectedId = expectedId;
public DrawableMatcher(int expectedId, int isAnimatedDrawable) {
this.expectedId = expectedId;
this.isAnimatedDrawable = isAnimatedDrawable;
protected boolean matchesSafely(View target) {
boolean result = false;
Resources resources = target.getContext().getResources();
resourceName = resources.getResourceEntryName(expectedId);
Bitmap objectBitmap = null;
Bitmap expectedBitmap = null;
Random random = new Random();
//if it's imageView
if (target instanceof ImageView) {
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) target;
if (expectedId < 0) {
return imageView.getDrawable() == null;
if (isAnimatedDrawable != DrawableUtils.ANIMATED_DRAWABLE) {
Drawable expectedDrawable = resources.getDrawable(expectedId);
if (expectedDrawable == null) {
return false;
objectBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap();
expectedBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) expectedDrawable).getBitmap();
result = objectBitmap.sameAs(expectedBitmap);
} else {
AnimationDrawable expectedDrawable = (AnimationDrawable) resources.getDrawable(expectedId);
if (expectedDrawable == null) {
return false;
//get a random frame
randomFrame = random.nextInt(expectedDrawable.getNumberOfFrames());
AnimationDrawable objectAnimationDrawable = ((AnimationDrawable) imageView.getDrawable());
Drawable drawable0 = objectAnimationDrawable.getFrame(randomFrame);
objectBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable0).getBitmap();
Drawable drawable1 = expectedDrawable.getFrame(randomFrame);
expectedBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable1).getBitmap();
result = objectBitmap.sameAs(expectedBitmap);
//if it's Button
else if (target instanceof Button) {
Button button = (Button) target;
if (isAnimatedDrawable == DrawableUtils.ANIMATED_DRAWABLE) {
AnimationDrawable expectedDrawable = (AnimationDrawable) resources.getDrawable(expectedId);
if (expectedDrawable == null) {
return false;
randomFrame = random.nextInt(expectedDrawable.getNumberOfFrames());
Drawable drawable0 = expectedDrawable.getFrame(randomFrame);
AnimationDrawable buttonBackground = ((AnimationDrawable) button.getBackground());
Drawable drawable1 = buttonBackground.getFrame(randomFrame);
objectBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable0).getBitmap();
expectedBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable1).getBitmap();
// if (buttonBackground.isRunning())
result = objectBitmap.sameAs(expectedBitmap);
return result;
public void describeTo(Description description) {
description.appendText("with drawable from resource id: ");
if(isAnimatedDrawable == DrawableUtils.ANIMATED_DRAWABLE){
description.appendText("frame chosen for matching: ");
if (resourceName != null) {
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