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Created January 13, 2017 01:01
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package = Tripal Download API Test
name = Test Download API
description = Provides an api for creating download pages. Uses tripal Jobs to generate files and provides a progress bar to users.
version = 7.x-0.x
core = 7.x
dependencies[] = tripal_core
dependencies[] = trpdownload_api
* @file
* Provides some examples showing how module developers could use the
* Tripal Download API.
* Implements hook_register_trpdownload_type().
function tripal_test_register_trpdownload_type() {
$types = array();
$types['organism_csv'] = array(
'type_name' => 'Organism CSV',
'format' => 'Comma-separated Values',
'functions' => array(
'generate_file' => 'tripal_test_organism_csv_generate_file',
return $types;
* Implements hook_menu().
function tripal_test_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['chado/organism/csv'] = array(
'title' => 'Download Features: CSV',
'page callback' => 'trpdownload_download_page',
'page arguments' => array('organism_csv', 3),
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
// /**
// * Generates a file listing feature in CSV.
// *
// * @param $variables
// * An associative array of parameters including:
// * - q: all the query paramters.
// * - site_safe_name: a sanitized version of your site name for use in variables & filenames.
// * - type_info: an array of info for the download type.
// * - suffix: the file format suffix.
// * - filename: the filename of the file to generate not including path.
// * - fullpath: the full path and filename of the file to generate.
// * - format_name: a human-readable description of the format.
// * @param $job_id
// * The ID of the tripal job executing this function ;-).
// */
function tripal_test_organism_csv_generate_file($variables, $job_id = NULL) {
// Create the file and ready it for writting to.
$filepath = variable_get('trpdownload_fullpath', '') . $variables['filename'];
drush_print("File: " . $filepath);
$FILE = fopen($filepath, 'w') or die ('Uable to create file to write to');
// Add header to the file.
fputcsv($FILE, array(
'Scientific Name',
'Common Name',
// Determine which where criteria to include based on what is in query parameters.
$where = array('true');
$where_args = array();
if (isset($variables['q']['common_name']) AND !empty($variables['q']['common_name'])) {
$where[] = "organism.common_name ~ :common_name";
$where_args[':common_name'] = $variables['q']['common_name'];
// feature.uniquename
if (isset($variables['q']['genus']) AND !empty($variables['q']['genus'])) {
$where[] = "organism.genus ~ :genus";
$where_args[':uniquename'] = $variables['q']['uniquename'];
// feature.type_id
if (isset($variables['q']['species']) AND !empty($variables['q']['species'])) {
$where[] = "organism.species = :species";
$where_args[':species'] = $variables['q']['species'];
// // organism.common_name
// if (isset($variables['q']['organism'])
// AND !empty($variables['q']['organism'])
// AND $variables['q']['organism']!= 'All') {
// $where[] = "organism.common_name = :organism";
// $where_args[':organism'] = $variables['q']['organism'];
// }
// Query copied from the views interface with where arguments determined above.
$query = "SELECT organism.genus AS organism_genus, organism.species AS organism_species, organism.common_name AS organism_common_name, organism.abbreviation AS organism_abbreviation FROM
{organism} organism
LEFT JOIN [chado_organism] chado_organism ON organism.organism_id = chado_organism.organism_id
LEFT JOIN [node] node_chado_organism ON chado_organism.nid = node_chado_organism.nid
LEFT JOIN [node] node ON chado_organism.nid = node.nid
WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) ."
ORDER BY organism_genus ASC, organism_species ASC OFFSET 0";
// feature.uniquename AS feature_uniquename,
// AS feature_name,
// AS cvterm_name,
// organism.common_name AS organism_common_name,
// feature.seqlen AS feature_seqlen,
// feature.is_obsolete AS feature_is_obsolete
// {feature} feature
// LEFT JOIN [chado_feature] chado_feature ON feature.feature_id = chado_feature.feature_id
// LEFT JOIN [node] node_chado_feature ON chado_feature.nid = node_chado_feature.nid
// LEFT JOIN {organism} organism ON feature.organism_id = organism.organism_id
// LEFT JOIN {cvterm} cvterm ON feature.type_id = cvterm.cvterm_id
// WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) ."
// ORDER BY organism.common_name ASC, ASC, ASC";
// Determine the total number of lines resulting from the query
// for tracking progress.
$count_query = preg_replace('/SELECT.*FROM/s', 'SELECT count(*) as num_lines FROM', $query);
$count_query = preg_replace('/ORDER BY .*$/', '', $count_query);
$total_lines = chado_query($count_query, $where_args)->fetchField();
drush_print('Total Lines: '.$total_lines);
// Execute the original query to get the results.
$resource = chado_query($query, $where_args);
// For each db result write a CSV line to the file.
$cur_line = 0;
foreach ($resource as $row) {
// Output the progress.
$percent = $cur_line/$total_lines * 100;
if ($percent%5 == 0) {
drush_print(round($percent,2).'% Complete.');
db_query('UPDATE {tripal_jobs} SET progress=:percent WHERE job_id=:id',
array(':percent' => round($percent), ':id' => $job_id));
// Don't forget to write the line to the file ;-).
fputcsv($FILE, (array)$row );
// Finally, close the file.
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