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Forked from BaldarSilveraxe/markdown.js
Last active May 27, 2024 18:55
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var markdown = markdown || (() => {
const version = '1.0.10';
const lastUpdate = 1716580335;
const checkInstall = () => {
log('-=> markdown v'+version+' <=- ['+(new Date(lastUpdate*1000))+']');
var MDA = [];
var STYLES = {};
var escpUnescp = escpUnescp || (() => {
const decodeArray = [
{find: /(%%GREATERTHANSIGN%%%)/g, rplc:'>'},
{find: /(%%UMBERSIGN%%%%%%%%%)/g, rplc:'#'},
{find: /(%%ASTERISK%%%%%%%%%%)/g, rplc:'*'},
{find: /(%%GRAVEACCENT%%%%%%%)/g, rplc:'`'},
{find: /(%%TILDE%%%%%%%%%%%%%)/g, rplc:'~'},
{find: /(%%HYPHEN%%%%%%%%%%%%)/g, rplc:'-'},
{find: /(%%VERTICALBAR%%%%%%%)/g, rplc:'|'},
{find: /(%%PERIOD%%%%%%%%%%%%)/g, rplc:'.'},
{find: /(%%PARENTHESISLEFT%%%)/g, rplc:'('},
{find: /(%%PARENTHESISRIGHT%%)/g, rplc:')'},
{find: /(%%SQUAREBRACKETRIG%%)/g, rplc:'['},
{find: /(%%SQUAREBRACKETLEF%%)/g, rplc:']'}
const encodeArray = [
{regexp: /(\\#)/g, newSubstr:'%%UMBERSIGN%%%%%%%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\`)/g, newSubstr:'%%GRAVEACCENT%%%%%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\~)/g, newSubstr:'%%TILDE%%%%%%%%%%%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\-)/g, newSubstr:'%%HYPHEN%%%%%%%%%%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\&gt;)/g, newSubstr:'%%GREATERTHANSIGN%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\(\*))/g, newSubstr:'%%ASTERISK%%%%%%%%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\(\|))/g, newSubstr:'%%VERTICALBAR%%%%%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\(\.))/g, newSubstr:'%%PERIOD%%%%%%%%%%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\(\())/g, newSubstr:'%%PARENTHESISLEFT%%%'},
{regexp: /(\\(\)))/g, newSubstr:'%%PARENTHESISRIGHT%%'},
{regexp: /(\\(\[))/g, newSubstr:'%%SQUAREBRACKETRIG%%'},
{regexp: /(\\(\]))/g, newSubstr:'%%SQUAREBRACKETLEF%%'}
const encode = (s) => {
encodeArray.forEach(function(item) {
(s.match(item.regexp)||[]).forEach(function(regexp) {
s = s.replace(regexp, item.newSubstr );
return s;
const decode = (s) => {
decodeArray.forEach(function(item) {
(s.match(item.find)||[]).forEach(function(each) {
s = s.replace( each, item.rplc );
return s;
return {
Encode: encode,
Decode: decode
const getCSS = (props) => {
var txt = '';
var stl = {};
var htm = {};
var declarations;
var selector;
props.text = props.text.replace( /(<!--\sAPI_markdown\s-->)/g, '' )
.replace( /(<!--\sAPI_markdown_end\s-->)/g, '' )
.replace( /^\[css\]\(.*?\)/mi, '' )
.replace( /^\[css\]/m, '' )
.replace( /&nbsp;/g, '' )
.replace( /"/g, "'" )
.replace( /\n/g, '')
.replace( /\s+/g, ' ').trim();
if ( !(/.*?\{(.*?)\}/g).test(props.text) ) return {cssId: null, styles: null, markdown: null, mdCssTag: null};
props.text.match(/.*?\{(.*?)\}/g).forEach(function(css) {
selector = css.substring(0, css.indexOf('{')).trim();
declarations = css.substring(css.indexOf('{') + 1,css.indexOf('}'));
htm[selector] = declarations.split(';').filter(Boolean);
stl[selector] = ` style="${ declarations }" `;
Object.keys(htm).forEach(function(selector) {
txt = `${ txt }${ selector }&nbsp;{<br>`;
htm[selector].forEach(function(declaration) {
txt = `${ txt }&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;${ declaration.trim() };<br>`;
txt = `${ txt }}<br><br>`;
return {
cssId: null,
styles: stl,
markdown: escpUnescp.Decode(`<!-- API_markdown -->[css](${props.cssId})<br><br>${txt}<!-- API_markdown_end -->`),
mdCssTag: props.mdCssTag
const getMd = ( cid, mdtag ) => {
let count = {// add ol and ul counts to this
bqCount: 0,
bqDepth: 0,
tableStarted: false,
tdStyles: [],
thStyles: [],
rowCount: 0
let txt = '';
let passcount = 0;
let dirTags = [
{opn: /(&lt;)(\s*?div style=").*?(\s*?&gt;)/gi, cls: /(&lt;\/div&gt;)/gi, tagOpn: '<div>', tagCls: '</div>'},
{opn: /(&lt;)(\s*?span style=").*?(\s*?&gt;)/gi, cls: /(&lt;\/span&gt;)/gi, tagOpn: '<span>', tagCls: '</span>'},
{opn: /(&lt;)(\s*?p style=").*?(\s*?&gt;)/gi, cls: /(&lt;\/p&gt;)/gi, tagOpn: '<p>', tagCls: '</p>'},
{opn: /(&lt;)(\s*?table\s+?style=).*?(\s*?&gt;)/gmi, cls: /(&lt;)(\s*?\/table\s*?&gt;)/gi, tagOpn: '<table>', tagCls: '</table>'},
{opn: /(&lt;)(\s*?tbody\s+?style=).*?(\s*?&gt;)/gmi, cls: /(&lt;)(\s*?\/tbody\s*?&gt;)/gi, tagOpn: '<tbody>', tagCls: '</tbody>'},
{opn: /(&lt;)(\s*?tr\s+?style=).*?(\s*?&gt;)/gmi, cls: /(&lt;)(\s*?\/tr\s*?&gt;)/gi, tagOpn: '<tr>', tagCls: '</tr>'},
{opn: /(&lt;)(\s*?td\s+?style=).*?(\s*?&gt;)/gmi, cls: /(&lt;)(\s*?\/td\s*?&gt;)/gi, tagOpn: '<td>', tagCls: '</td>'}
const getStyle = (s) => ((STYLES ?, s) : false) ? STYLES[s] : '');
const getBetween = (s1, s2, s3) => s1.substring(s1.indexOf(s2) + s2.length, s1.indexOf(s3));
const tdAsArray = (s) => s.line.split('|').filter(Boolean);
const isEven = ( n ) => n % 2 == 0;
const isOdd = ( n ) => n % 2 == 1;
const getStyleTD = ( s ) => {
s = s.replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ' ).trim();
s = ((/^-{3,}:$/m).test(s)
? 'td.align-right'
: ((/^:-{3,}:$/m).test(s)
? 'td.align-center'
: 'td.align-left'));
return getStyle(s);
const has = {
fence: (i) => (/^`{3,}(?!.*`)/m).test(MDA[i].line),
inLineCode: (i) => (/`{3,}(?=.*`{3,})/g).test(MDA[i].line),
hRule: (i) => (/^(_{3}_*|-{3}-*|\*{3}\**)$/m).test(MDA[i].line),
blockquote: (i) => (/^&gt;(\s|&nbsp;)(?=\S)/m).test(MDA[i].line),
tableRow: (i) => (/^\|.*\|$/m).test(MDA[i].line),
tdStyles: (i) => (/((\|:-{3,}:)|(\|:-{3,})|(\|-{3,}:))/gm).test(MDA[i].line.replace(/(&nbsp;|\s)/g, '')),
ol: (i) => (/^(&nbsp;|\s)*\d+\.(&nbsp;|\s)(?=\S+)/m).test(MDA[i].line),
ul: (i) => (/^(&nbsp;|\s)*-(&nbsp;|\s)(?=\S+)/m).test(MDA[i].line),
heading: (i) => (/^#{1,6}(?=\s\S+)/m).test(MDA[i].line),
breakTag: (i) => (/(&lt;)\s*?(br)\s*?(\/|)(&gt;)/mi).test(MDA[i].line),
breakSpaces: (i) => (/(&nbsp;|\s)(&nbsp;|\s)$/mi).test(MDA[i].line),
typeComment: (i) => MDA[i].type === 'comment',
typeCode: (i) => MDA[i].type === 'code',
typeUnknown: (i) => MDA[i].type === 'unknown',
typeQuote: (i) => MDA[i].type === 'quote'
const parseFence = (i) => {
let k;
let j = i + 1;
while (j < MDA.length) {
if ( has.fence(j) ) {
k = i + 1;
while (k < MDA.length) {
if (has.fence(k)) {
MDA[i] = {type: 'code', line: MDA[i].line.replace(/^`{3,}(?!.*`)/m, `<pre${ getStyle('pre') }>`)};
MDA[k] = {type: 'code', line: MDA[k].line.replace(/^`{3,}(?!.*`)/m, '</pre>')};
MDA[k] = {type: 'code', line: (k == (i + 1) ? MDA[k].line : '<br/>'.concat(MDA[k].line))};
const parseInLineCode = (i) => {
while ( has.inLineCode(i) ) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(/`{3}/m, `<span${ getStyle('code') }>`).replace(/`{3}/m, '</span>');
const parseHrule = (i) => {
var n = ('*-_').indexOf(MDA[i].line.charAt(0));
if ( n !== -1 ) {
MDA[i] = {type: '<hr />', line: `<hr${ getStyle(['hr','hr.style2','hr.style3'][n]) }>`};
const parseFormateElements = ( i ) => {
{rx: /(\*{3}).+?(\*{3})/gm, s1: '***', s2: `<b ${getStyle('b')}>`.concat(`<i ${getStyle('i')}>`), s3: '</i>'.concat('</b>')},
{rx: /(\*{2}).+?(\*{2})/gm, s1: '**', s2: `<b ${getStyle('b')}>`, s3: '</b>'},
{rx: /(\*{1}).+?(\*{1})/gm, s1: '*', s2: `<i ${getStyle('i')}>`, s3: '</i>'},
{rx: /~~.+?~~/gm, s1: '~~', s2: `<del ${getStyle('del')}>`, s3: '</del>'}
].forEach(function(each) {
(MDA[i].line.match(each.rx) || []).forEach(function(match) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(each.s1, each.s2).replace(each.s1, each.s3);
const parseImages = ( i ) => {
(MDA[i].line.match(/(!\[.*?\]\(.*?\))/g)||[]).forEach(function (img) {
let sel = _.first(getBetween(img,'[',']').split(' ')).trim();
let ttl = getBetween(img,'[',']').replace(sel,'').trim();
let url = getBetween(img, '(', ')');
ttl = (ttl === '') ? sel : ttl;
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(img, `<img src="${ url }"${ getStyle(sel) } title="${ ttl }" >`
const parseLinks = ( i ) => {
(MDA[i].line.match(/\[.*?\]\(.*?\)/g) || []).forEach(function(link) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(
`<a href="${ getBetween(link,'(',')') }">${ getBetween(link,'[',']') }</a>`);
const parseRollTwentyLinks = ( i ) => {
(MDA[i].line.match(/\[\(.*?\)\]/g) || []).forEach(function(link) {
let o = filterObjs(function(obj) {
return obj.get('name') === getBetween(link, '(', ')');
if (o && undefined !== o[0] ) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(link, `<a href="${ o[0].get('type') }/${ o[0].id }">${ o[0].get('name') }</a>`);
passcount = 0;
do {
let olTabs = 0;
let olCount = 0;
let ulTabs = 0;
let ulCount = 0;
cleanPass = true;
for (let i = 0; i < MDA.length; i++) {
if ( has.typeComment(i) || has.typeCode(i) ) continue;
if ( has.fence(i) ) parseFence(i);
if ( has.inLineCode(i) ) parseInLineCode(i);
if ( has.hRule(i) ) parseHrule(i);
if ( has.blockquote(i) ) {
count.bqDepth = MDA[i].line.match(/&gt;(\s|&nbsp;)(?=\S)/g).length;
while (count.bqCount < count.bqDepth) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(/^&gt;(\s|&nbsp;)(?=\S)/m, '');
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<blockquote>', line: `<blockquote ${getStyle('blockquote')}>`});
while (count.bqCount > count.bqDepth) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(/^&gt;(\s|&nbsp;)(?=\S)/m, '');
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</blockquote>', line: '</blockquote>'});
if (count.bqCount == count.bqDepth) {
for (let j = 0; j < count.bqDepth; j++) {
MDA[i] = {type: 'quote', line: MDA[i].line.replace(/^&gt;(\s|&nbsp;)(?=\S)/m, '')};
cleanPass = false;
while (count.bqCount > 0) {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</blockquote>', line: '</blockquote>'});
cleanPass = false;
} // blockquote-------------------------------------------------
if ( has.tableRow(i) ) {
if (!count.tableStarted) {
count.tableStarted = true;
if ( has.tdStyles(i + 1) ) {
// Only invoked if the second table row has td styles.
tdAsArray(MDA[i + 1]).forEach((each, j) => {
count.tdStyles[j] = getStyleTD(each);
MDA.splice(i + 1, 1);
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<tr>', line: `<tr${ getStyle('tr:first-child') }>`});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<tbody>', line: `<tbody${ getStyle('tbody') }>`});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<table>', line: `<table${ getStyle('table') }>`});
i = i + 3;
} else {
tdAsArray(MDA[i]).forEach((each, j) => {
count.tdStyles[j] = getStyleTD(each);
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<tr>', line: `<tr${ getStyle('tr:first-child') }>`});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<tbody>', line: `<tbody${ getStyle('tbody') }>`});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<table>', line: `<table${ getStyle('table') }>`});
i = i + 3;
_.each(tdAsArray(MDA[i]), (eachTd, j) => {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</td>', line: '</td>'});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: 'data', line: eachTd});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<td>', line: `<td${ count.tdStyles[j] }>`});
i = i + 3;
MDA[i] = {type: '</tr>', line: '</tr>'};
} else {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<tr>', line: `<tr${
( !(/^\|.*\|$/m).test(MDA[i + 1].line) && (isEven(count.rowCount)) && STYLES.hasOwnProperty('tr:nth-child(last):nth-child(even)') )
? STYLES['tr:nth-child(last):nth-child(even)']
: ( !(/^\|.*\|$/m).test(MDA[i + 1].line) && (isOdd(count.rowCount)) && STYLES.hasOwnProperty('tr:nth-child(last):nth-child(odd)')
? STYLES['tr:nth-child(last):nth-child(odd)']
: (!(/^\|.*\|$/m).test(MDA[i + 1].line) && STYLES.hasOwnProperty('tr:nth-child(last)')
? STYLES['tr:nth-child(last)']
: (isEven(count.rowCount) && STYLES.hasOwnProperty('tr:nth-child(odd)')
? STYLES['tr:nth-child(odd)']
: (STYLES.hasOwnProperty('tr:nth-child(even)')
? STYLES['tr:nth-child(even)']
: ''))))}>`});
_.each(tdAsArray(MDA[i]), (eachTd, j) => {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</td>', line: '</td>'});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: 'data', line: eachTd});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<td>', line: `<td${ count.tdStyles[j] }>`});
i = i + 3;
MDA[i] = {type: '</tr>', line: '</tr>'};
} else {
if (count.tableStarted) {
count.tableStarted = false;
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</table>', line: '</table>'});
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</tbody>', line: '</tbody>'});
i = i + 2;
count.rowCount = 0;
count.tdStyles = [];
count.thStyles = [];
cleanPass = false;
} // table------------------------------------------------------
if ( has.ol(i) ) {
let bullet = MDA[i].line.match(/^(&nbsp;|\s)*\d+\.(&nbsp;|\s)(?=\S+)/m)[0].match(/^(&nbsp;|\s)*(?=\S)/m)[0].replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');
olTabs = (bullet.length / 4) + 1;
while (olCount < olTabs) {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<ol>', line: `<ol${ getStyle('ol') }>`});
MDA[i] = {type: '<li>', line: `<li${(_.has(STYLES, 'li.ordered') ? STYLES['li.ordered'] : '')}>${ MDA[i].line.replace(MDA[i].line.match(/^(&nbsp;|\s)*\d+\.(&nbsp;|\s)(?=\S+)/m)[0], '') }</li>`};
while (olCount > olTabs) {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</ol>', line: '</ol>'});
} else {
while (olCount > 0) {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</ol>', line: '</ol>'});
} // ordered list-----------------------------------------------
if ( has.ul(i) ) {
let bullet = MDA[i].line.match(/^(&nbsp;|\s)*-(&nbsp;|\s)(?=\S+)/m)[0].match(/^(&nbsp;|\s)*(?=\S)/m)[0].replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');
ulTabs = (bullet.length / 4) + 1;
while (ulCount < ulTabs) {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '<ul>', line: `<ul${ getStyle('ul') }>`});
MDA[i] = {type: '<li>', line: `<li${(_.has(STYLES, 'li.unordered') ? STYLES['li.unordered'] : '')}>${ MDA[i].line.replace(MDA[i].line.match(/^(&nbsp;|\s)*-(&nbsp;|\s)(?=\S+)/m)[0], '') }</li>`};
while (ulCount > ulTabs) {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</ul>', line: '</ul>'});
} else {
while (ulCount > 0) {
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: '</ul>', line: '</ul>'});
} // unordered list---------------------------------------------
if ( has.heading(i) ) {
let hDepth = MDA[i].line.match(/^#{1,6}(?=\s\S+)/m)[0].length;
MDA.splice(i, 0, {type: `<h${ hDepth }>`, line: `<h${ hDepth }${ getStyle('h' + hDepth) }>`});
MDA[i] = {type: `<h${ hDepth }>`, line: MDA[i].line.replace(MDA[i].line.match(/^#{1,6}(?=\s\S+)/m)[0] + ' ', '')};
MDA.splice(i + 1, 0, {type: `</h${ hDepth }>`, line: `</h${ hDepth }>`});
} // heading----------------------------------------------------
dirTags.forEach(function(eachTag) {
if ((eachTag.opn).test(MDA[i].line)) {
var j = i;
while (j < MDA.length) {
if ((eachTag.cls).test(MDA[j].line)) {
MDA[i] = {type: 'tag', line: MDA[i].line.replace(MDA[i].line.match(eachTag.opn)[0], MDA[i].line.match(eachTag.opn)[0].replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>'))};
MDA[j] = {type: 'tag', line: MDA[j].line.replace(MDA[j].line.match(eachTag.cls)[0], MDA[j].line.match(eachTag.cls)[0].replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>'))};
}); // direct tags----------------------------------------------
if ( has.breakTag(i) && has.typeUnknown(i + 1) ) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(/(&lt;)\s*?(br)\s*?(\/|)(&gt;)/mi, '<br/>') + MDA[i + 1].line;
MDA.splice(i + 1, 1);
} // break in text tag------------------------------------------
if ( has.breakSpaces(i) && has.typeUnknown(i + 1) ) {
MDA[i].line = MDA[i].line.replace(/(&nbsp;|\s)(&nbsp;|\s)$/mi, '<br/>') + MDA[i + 1].line;
MDA.splice(i + 1, 1);
} // break in text spaces----------------------------------------
if ( has.typeUnknown(i) ) {
MDA[i] = {type: '<p>', line: `<p${getStyle('p')}>${MDA[i].line}</p>`};
} // p----------------------------------------------------------
if ( has.typeQuote(i) ) {
MDA[i] = {type: '<p>', line: `<p${getStyle('p.blockquote')}>${MDA[i].line}</p>`};
} // p----------------------------------------------------------
if (passcount == 5) {
cleanPass = true;
} // limits passes----------------------------------------------
} while (!cleanPass);
if (_.has(STYLES, 'bg')) {
MDA.splice(1, 0, {type: 'div', line: `<div${ }>`});
MDA.splice(MDA.length - 1, 0, {type: '/div', line: '</div>'});
} // Background---------------------------------------------------------
_.each( MDA, ( line )=>{ //foreach
txt = `${ txt }${ line.line }`;
txt = escpUnescp.Decode(txt);
if ( txt == '<!-- API_markdown --><!-- API_markdown_end -->' ) {
return {
cssId: null,
styles: null,
markdown: null,
mdCssTag: null,
return {
cssId: cid,
styles: null,
markdown: txt,
mdCssTag: mdtag
const parser = ( props ) => {
var rgx = {
pClose: /(<\s*?\/\s*?p\s*?>)/gi,
br_Tag: /(<\s*?br(\s*?|\/|\s*?style.*?)>)/gi,
anyTag: /(<([^>]+)>)/gi,
md_Tag: /^\[md\]/m,
cssTag: /^\[css\]/m,
cssLnk: /(?:\[css\]\()(.*?)(?:\))/mi
var cssId;
var styles;
var mdCssTag;
var firstLine = false;
var returnNull={cssId:null,styles:null,markdown:null,mdCssTag: null};
MDA = [];
props = props || {};
props.text = props.text || '';
props.styles = props.styles || {};
props.objid = props.objid || '';
if ( 0 === props.text.length ) return returnNull;
props.text = escpUnescp.Encode(props.text);
[rgx.pClose, rgx.br_Tag].forEach(function(each) {
props.text = props.text.replace(each, '\n');
props.text = props.text.replace(rgx.anyTag, '');
mdCssTag = ((rgx.md_Tag).test(props.text)
? '[md]'
: ((rgx.cssTag).test(props.text)
? '[css]'
: undefined));
if ( mdCssTag == '[md]' ) {
cssId = (((rgx.cssLnk).test(props.text) && getObj( 'handout', props.text.match(rgx.cssLnk)[1]))
? props.text.match(rgx.cssLnk)[1]
: null);
STYLES = (props.styles.hasOwnProperty(cssId)
? props.styles[cssId]
: {});
if ( mdCssTag == '[css]' ) {
var o = getObj( 'handout', props.objid);
if( undefined === o ) return returnNull;
cssId =;
if ( mdCssTag === void 0 ) return returnNull;
[rgx.md_Tag, rgx.cssLnk, rgx.cssTag].forEach(function(each) {
props.text = ((each).test(props.text)
? props.text.replace(props.text.match(each)[0], '')
: props.text);
props.text = '<!-- API_markdown -->'
+ '\n'
+ props.text
+ '\n'
+ '<!-- API_markdown_end -->';
props.text.split('\n').forEach( (each) => {
if ( each == '<!-- API_markdown -->' || each == '<!-- API_markdown_end -->' ) {
MDA.push({ type: 'comment', line: each });
if ( firstLine ) {
MDA.push({ type: 'unknown', line: each });
if ( each.length != 0 ) { //avoid "/n" lines at that start
firstLine = true;
MDA.push({ type: 'unknown', line: each });
if ( mdCssTag == '[css]' ) return getCSS({text: props.text, mdCssTag: mdCssTag, cssId: cssId});
if ( mdCssTag == '[md]' ) return getMd(cssId, mdCssTag);
return returnNull;
return {
Parser: parser
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Added last row table formatting for cases of :nth-child(last):nth-child(even) and :nth-child(last):nth-child(odd).

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Villain1nGlasses commented May 22, 2024

Fixed typo bug (i = 1 + 3 should be i = i + 3) that caused table cell formatting to fail and led to infinite loop shutdowns when working with large tables.

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Version number update with time.

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