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Last active January 5, 2021 10:57
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  • Save VinACE/49983bbcbe09dfcb7eddefb8f5ecd98f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VinACE/49983bbcbe09dfcb7eddefb8f5ecd98f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
> resist the temptation of procrastination
> review the latest happenings in your research area
> Have a outline of the paper so that you can start from where you have left
Tables of data , Figures.. put them in order... Logical you arrange for a talk..
Don't write the introduction/Abstract.. at this time..
Easy part is to begin with the experimental part, because you have done it..
Results and discussion..Make sure the science that you have written is correct..
Conclusion in numbered format.. Conclusion 1 2 3.. outlines the contribution of the work..
Introduction kicks in now.
why was the study done..
what is its purpose
collect the essential background information and put that in the intro
work out with the references..
Abstract Writing ******** ***** write the ABSTRACT at last.. write from scratch..
1. Find out the requirements 150-200 words
2. pick the right type(descriptive/informative/critic)
descriptive, breief description of the work, mention the purpose and scope of the research
informative results and conclusion description,
3. Consider tour reader
4. explain the importance of the research, why you conducted the research, why it matters, to you and others
5. explain the problem and methods scope of the research any key claims and arguments, sources and approach
6. Avoid copy pasting make it beustiful and intriguing new vocabulary and phrase structure. no explanation and defnition in abstract.
7. Keep it well structured and logical (introduction body and conclusion)
no acronyms are abbrevations,
8. Include key phrases and words keywords 5 to 10 keywords,
9. Sum it up..
10 Editing and proof reading. --
a) the purpose and the motivation ( why did you choose to do this study)
b) Problem what is your research trying to understand or solve central claim or argument the purpose of the research is to study
c) Methods using what methods you solved the problem
d) results state only the most significant results.( link b/w problem and conclusion...
trends figures Correlations, any interesting outcomes )
e) Conclusiuon
Relate back to the problem and purpose
What do the results mean in the context of the problem?
what other unanswered question are there about the problem
Include only key terms and relevant terms..
1. find out the requirements,
Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man - Sir Francis Bacon..
Need to make sure our scientific arguments are correct and logical..
*** Review the manuscript for the journal of interest.. if not there is a high chance of returned and unreviewed
skillfull writing of an awful paper.. book RW murray..
**** how to read a paper efficiently..
Read the Abstract, then read the conclusion..
Transformer attention Weights for Video Summarization.
Review correction:
Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.
VSUMM is the name of the dataset..
Replace the term "Index Terms" with "Keywords".
Replaced {Not sure if the the correct latex style}
All the keywords used must be mentioned in the abstract.
yes done.
The introduction part requires more elaborations on the motivation of the present work that allows the reader to understand its importance.
The introduction does not cite a single literature paper that deals with the topic or shows a pressing problem to be solved.
The importance of this research must be added as a paragraph in introduction section to describe the limitations of researches related to what.
Some of references are more than 5 years. Please update the reference to less than 5 years.
Experimental analysis should be directed to answer the research questions asked by the author.
In this case the author must look at the relationship between data and facts in the experimental analysis with the research question.
Reviewer2 comments:
- The authors need the help of someone whose command over the language is good to improve the paper so that the composition and grammar of the language used are correct.
- List full and meaning full terminologies for keywords should be uniformed.
- The article contains a few typo mistakes.
- Add more uptodate literature.
- Add comparrison table with prvious published work.
- "." is missing at the end of the statements.
- Improve the quality of figure 3.
Grammar correction:
The memory-based network called the recurrent neural network (RNN) is used here to recognize the object in the video frame which is a memory-based network.
The recurrent neural network (RNN) recognizes the object in the video frame, which is a memory-based network.
, and
passive voice #
I was shushed by the librarian
Active voice:
The librarian shushed me.
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