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Last active December 11, 2015 09:58
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Marionette Fail... Any Idea why this marionette app isn't rendering "name"? The collection is loaded.
<td><%= name %></td>
<tr class='header'>
define ["marionette", "views-angry-cats", "models-angry-cat", "collections-angry-cats"], (Marionette, AngryCatsView, AngryCat, AngryCats)->
init: ->
MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application()
mainRegion: "#content"
MyApp.addInitializer (options) ->
angryCatsView = new AngryCatsView
collection: options.cats
cats = new AngryCats [
new AngryCat name: "Poop"
new AngryCat name: "Pee"
new AngryCat name: "Piss"
new AngryCat name: "Shit"
MyApp.start cats:cats
console.log cats.toJSON()
define ["backbone", "models/angry-cat"], (Backbone, AngryCat)->
class AngryCats extends Backbone.Collection
model: AngryCat
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exports: "_"
deps: ["jquery", "underscore"]
exports: "Backbone"
deps: ["backbone"]
exports: "Marionette"
text: "vendor/text"
jquery: "vendor/jquery"
underscore: "vendor/underscore"
backbone: "vendor/backbone"
marionette: "vendor/backbone.marionette"
require ["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "marionette", "app"], ($, _, Backbone, Marionette, app) ->
console.log "Test output:"
console.log "$: #{typeof $}"
console.log "_: #{typeof _}"
console.log "Backbone: #{typeof Backbone}"
console.log "Marionette: #{typeof Backbone.Marionette}"
# use app here
do app.init
define ["backbone"], (Backbone)->
class AngryCat extends Backbone.Model
define ["marionette", "text!templates-angry-cat.html"], (Marionette, AngryCatTemplate)->
class AngryCatView extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
template: AngryCatTemplate
tagName: "tr"
className: "angry_cat"
define ["marionette", "views-angry-cat", "text!templates-angry-cats.html"], (Marionette, AngryCatView, AngryCatsTemplate)->
class AngryCatsView extends Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView
template: AngryCatsTemplate
tagName: "table"
id: "angry_cats"
itemView: AngryCatView
appendHtml: (collectionView, itemView) ->
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