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Created February 3, 2014 20:52
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<div class="prize">
<header class="prize__header">
<h2 class="prize__rank">#4</h2>
<h1 class="prize__headline">fdsaf fdsa fdsa</h4>
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<li class="prize__control--left">
<button class="icon" data-prize-id="a0Mi0000002oZIwEAM" data-action="edit-prize"></button>
<li class="prize__control--right">
<button class="icon" data-prize-id="a0Mi0000002oZIwEAM" data-action="remove-prize"></button>
<section class="prize__details">
<img src="" class="prize__badge" />
<p class="prize__description">Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet shank brisket pork loin tri-tip, short loin salami spare ribs meatloaf. Corned beef short ribs pork belly sirloin, rump landjaeger ground round andouille filet mignon.</p>
// ----
// Sass (v3.2.14)
// Compass (v0.12.2)
// Modular Scale (v1.0.6)
// (v1.1.2)
// ----
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// Modular Scale
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border: 0
background: transparent
> li
float: left
float: right
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margin: 0 auto
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+rhythm-borders(1px, 0, ms(0), solid)
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background: nth($neutral, 3)
+rhythm-borders(1px, 0, ms(0), solid)
border-color: nth($neutral, 2)
+box-shadow(inset 0 1px 0 0 nth($neutral, 4), 0 -2px 0 0 nth($shade, 3))
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color: nth($shade, 6)
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<div class="prize">
<header class="prize__header">
<h2 class="prize__rank">#4</h2>
<h1 class="prize__headline">fdsaf fdsa fdsa</h4>
<ul class="prize__controls">
<li class="prize__control--left">
<button class="icon" data-prize-id="a0Mi0000002oZIwEAM" data-action="edit-prize"></button>
<li class="prize__control--right">
<button class="icon" data-prize-id="a0Mi0000002oZIwEAM" data-action="remove-prize"></button>
<section class="prize__details">
<img src="" class="prize__badge" />
<p class="prize__description">Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet shank brisket pork loin tri-tip, short loin salami spare ribs meatloaf. Corned beef short ribs pork belly sirloin, rump landjaeger ground round andouille filet mignon.</p>
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