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Created September 22, 2017 08:58
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Prime factors kata early in me learning Clojure
(ns prime-factors.core)
(defn generate-recursive
"Prime factor kata that does not use tail call optimization"
([n] (generate-recursive n [] 2))
([n primes candidate]
(if (= 1 n)
(if (= 0 (mod n candidate))
(generate-recursive (/ n candidate) (conj primes candidate) candidate)
(generate-recursive n primes (inc candidate))))))
(defn generate
"Tail call form of the prime factors kata"
([n] (generate n [] 2))
([n primes candidate]
(if (= 1 n)
(if (= 0 (mod n candidate))
(recur (/ n candidate) (conj primes candidate) candidate)
(recur n primes (inc candidate))))))
(defn generate-loop
"Tail call optimized version using loop"
(loop [n num
primes []
candidate 2]
(if (= 1 n)
(if (= 0 (mod n candidate))
(recur (/ n candidate) (conj primes candidate) candidate)
(recur n primes (inc candidate))))))
(ns prime-factors.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[prime-factors.core :refer :all]))
(deftest prime-factors
(testing "generating the prime factors of 1"
(is (= [] (generate 1))))
(testing "generating the prime factors of 2"
(is (= [2] (generate 2))))
(testing "generating the prime factors of 3"
(is (= [3] (generate 3))))
(testing "generating the prime factors of 4"
(is (= [2 2] (generate 4))))
(testing "generating the prime factors of 6"
(is (= [2 3] (generate 6))))
(testing "generating the prime factors of 8"
(is (= [2 2 2] (generate 8))))
(testing "generating the prime factors of 9"
(is (= [3 3] (generate 9))))
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