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nginx modsecurity ubuntu 16.04
sudo -i
apt-get update
apt-get install \
apache2-dev \
autoconf \
automake \
build-essential \
bzip2 \
checkinstall \
devscripts \
flex \
g++ \
gcc \
git \
graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat \
graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat \
libaio-dev \
libaio1 \
libass-dev \
libatomic-ops-dev \
libavcodec-dev \
libavdevice-dev \
libavfilter-dev \
libavformat-dev \
libavutil-dev \
libbz2-dev \
libcdio-cdda1 \
libcdio-paranoia1 \
libcdio13 \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libfaac-dev \
libfreetype6-dev \
libgd-dev \
libgeoip-dev \
libgeoip1 \
libgif-dev \
libgpac-dev \
libgsm1-dev \
libjack-jackd2-dev \
libjpeg-dev \
libjpeg-progs \
libjpeg8-dev \
liblmdb-dev \
libmp3lame-dev \
libncurses5-dev \
libopencore-amrnb-dev \
libopencore-amrwb-dev \
libpam0g-dev \
libpcre3 \
libpcre3-dev \
libperl-dev \
libpng12-dev \
libpng12-0 \
libpng12-dev \
libreadline-dev \
librtmp-dev \
libsdl1.2-dev \
libssl-dev \
libssl1.0.0 \
libswscale-dev \
libtheora-dev \
libtiff5-dev \
libtool \
libva-dev \
libvdpau-dev \
libvorbis-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libxslt-dev \
libxslt1-dev \
libxslt1.1 \
libxvidcore-dev \
libxvidcore4 \
libyajl-dev \
make \
openssl \
perl \
pkg-config \
tar \
texi2html \
unzip \
zip \
cd /opt/
git clone
cd ModSecurity
git checkout -b libmodsecurity origin/libmodsecurity
git submodule init
git submodule update
make install
cd /opt/
git clone
cd /opt/ModSecurity-nginx
cd /opt/
tar -xvzf openresty-
cd openresty-
./configure \
--add-module=/opt/ModSecurity-nginx \
--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
--error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log \
--group=www-data \
--http-client-body-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/body \
--http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/fastcgi \
--http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log \
--http-proxy-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/proxy \
--http-scgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/scgi \
--http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/uwsgi \
--lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock \
--pid-path=/run/ \
--prefix=/usr/share/nginx \
--sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx \
--user=www-data \
--with-debug \
--with-file-aio \
--with-http_addition_module \
--with-http_auth_request_module \
--with-http_dav_module \
--with-http_flv_module \
--with-http_geoip_module \
--with-http_gunzip_module \
--with-http_gzip_static_module \
--with-http_iconv_module \
--with-http_image_filter_module \
--with-http_mp4_module \
--with-http_perl_module \
--with-http_random_index_module \
--with-http_realip_module \
--with-http_secure_link_module \
--with-http_slice_module \
--with-http_ssl_module \
--with-http_stub_status_module \
--with-http_sub_module \
--with-http_v2_module \
--with-http_xslt_module \
--with-ipv6 \
--with-lua51 \
--with-mail \
--with-mail_ssl_module \
--with-pcre-jit \
--with-poll_module \
--with-select_module \
--with-stream \
--with-stream_ssl_module \
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