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Created August 21, 2016 20:40
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NTAC Config.yml - NTAC's config file
#String formating:
#You can use the essentials color codes
# Orig Chars --> Will be replaced with
# %n --> A new line
# %nn --> 5 new lines
#Unit: Tick:
#"Tick" is a minecraft-time-unit.
#20 Ticks equal one second
#Example = 3 Seconds = 3 * 20 = 60 Ticks
Killaura-NPC: true # Stable DEFAULT: true
Aimbot: false # False positives, fixed soon :D
Anti-Knockback: true # Recoded and awesome DEFAULT: true
Auto-Clicker: true # Code stable, customize dat settings DEFAULT: true
Criticals: true # Stable, by HorizonCode DEFAULT: true
Auto-Armor: false # Stable, take a look at InvMove too! DEFAULT: true
#Movement (all require movement base enabled)
Speed: true # Stable, fixes Speeds bypassing NC+, BETA, please report any false positives DEFAULT: true
Boat-Fly: true # Stable, fixes the most common 1.9 fly bypass using boats. :D DEFAULT: true
NCP-Drag-Down: true # Drag players down if NoCheatPlus detects fly
Jesus: true # Stable DEFAULT: true (by HorizonCode)
Bad-Packets: true # Fixes blink / damage exploits / regen, all movement spammy hacks
Sneak: true # Stable, patches a NC+ Bypass DEFAULT: true
Fast-Ladder: true # Stable, NC+ is unable to fix it :(
Inventory-Move: true # Blocks all moves when inventory is open / item-actions if inv is not open,
# may fuck up archivements, may have false positives DEFAULT: true
Anti-AFK: false # Beta, testing on + more subchecks'll be added soon! DEFAULT: true
# Player
SkinDerp: true # Stable, even in AAC --> Hive! DEFAULT: true
Headless: true # Stable :D
Abilities: true # Cancel suspicious client abilities (e.g. vanilla-fly) (by HorizonCode)
# Render
#Tracers: true # Not implemented yet :/
# Miscellanious
Anti-Chorus-Fruit: true # Block teleportation caused by chorus fruit to prevent people to teleport trough walls
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# General settings
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Should people be automaticly be banned?
# The vl is equal to the points given by the /ntac addbanpoint <Player> <Amount> command,
# so you can put you're own weights to certain checks :D
# 3: "ntac ban %PLAYER% 15m"
# 4: "ntac ban %PLAYER% 1h"
# 5: "ntac ban %PLAYER% %VL%h"
10000: 'cancel'
# Some options for the bases of NTAC
# The movement base is a part of the integrated framework which keeps
# tracking the player movement and saves serveral position data
# Can be disabled if you don't use any of the movement checks
# If disabled the movement base, enabled movement checks will be buggy / not working
Enable-Movement-Base: true
# The combat base is required for every combat check (e.g. Killaura-NPC; AutoClicker)
Enable-Combat-Base: true
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Combat hacks
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Killaura NPC-Check settings
# Combat time
# Time (in milliseconds (1000 ms equal 1 sec) the bot is visible after
# hitting an entity
# DEFAULT: 5000 (equals 5 seconds)
Combat-Time: 5000
# Should NTAC always create a fake identity, this fixes some incompatiblity issues
# but allowes some bypasses
Only-Random-Identity: false
# Should the bot be of the same type as the attacked entity?
# Used to patch mobaura which ignores players.
# If false, the bot will always be a player
# Only-Random-Identity need to be set to false to apply this value!
Copy-Attacked-Type: true
# How high should the bot be, anything under 2.7 may affect PvP, anything above 4.5 may be out of range
Min-Height: 3.4
Max-Height: 4
Jump-Multiplier: 1.3
# How far away should the bot be (on x and y axis)
Min-Distance: 2
Max-Distance: 4
# Which angle should the bot have in relation the the player pitch
Angle: 90
# Set to something >= 100 to disable the bot going down, will unpatch some bypasses
Down-Probability: 95
# Slow weapon vl increasement
# How much should the vl be increased when the player is using a slow weapon, e.g. an axe
Slow-Weapon-Increment: 2
#The commands run when a player is suspected for killaura
#Each violation is equal to a hit
2: "ntac respawn %PLAYER%"
- "ntac addbanpoint %PLAYER% 1"
- "ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Killaura%%"
- "ntac notify %%Notify-Killaura-Kick%%"
# How many angles should the Aimbot-Check save?
Data-Count: 5
# How far are the angles allowed to fall apart to still
# be assumed as hacking
Angle-Threshold: 5
# How much must the head move the be checked for aimbot,
# important to fix false positives while the player is not
# moving the head
Min-Yaw: 5
# How long should there be no new violations until they are resettet?
Invalidate-Threshold: 60000
# Actions, the VL is equal to the amount of suspicious hits
- 'ntac addbanpoint %PLAYER% 1'
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Aimbot%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Aimbot-Kick%%'
# Auto-Clicker-Check, in development
# The count of stored delays, set higher to reduce false positives, will use more cpu and ram
Delay-Count: 10
# How many milliseconds should be used as puffer to make the check usefull
Timer-Puffer: 12
# The time between two hits to ignore that delay to make autoclicker more precise
Combat-Time: 5000
# The vl is equal to the amount of detected attacs
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Autoclicker-Suspect%%'
- 'ntac respawn %PLAYER%'
- 'ntac addbanpoint %PLAYER% 1'
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Autoclicker%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Autoclicker-Kick%%'
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 60000
# Anti-Knockback / NoVelocity-Check
# The adjustment is a delay (in ticks) to give player more time to move even if he should already have
Adjustment: 3
# Every velocity which is weaker than the given value on the y axis will be ignored
Minimum-Y-Velocity: 0.05
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 60000
# The VL equals the count of velocitys the players did not react to
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-AntiKnockback%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-AntiKnockback-Kick%%'
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 60000
# Action data, VL equal to the count of suspicious attacks
3: 'cancel'
- "ntac respawn %PLAYER%"
- "cancel"
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Criticals%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Criticals-Kick%%'
# AutoArmor works by adding a special diamond chestplate to the inventory of the player looks up if the player
# put it on in a certain time.
# How often (time between checks in seconds) should NTAC run the check
Check-Frequency: 300
# How long (in ticks) should the check pass on
Check-Time: 20
# How should the chestplace be named. Use this to leave a message to legit player NOT put the chestplate on
# (SUPPORTS custom messages)
Item-Name: '&4&lNICHT ANZIEHEN'
# Commands run when the player is suspected for AutoArmor.
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-AutoArmor%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-AutoArmor-Kick%%'
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Movement hacks
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Block people going faster than sonic, values skidded from AAC
# Basic speeds
Sprinting: 0.83
Sneaking: 0.215
Cobweb: 0.2
Ice: 1.7
Stairs: 1.5
Jump-Multiplier: 1.8
Velocity-Multiplier: 2
# Potion-Multipliers
Speed-Potion: 1.45
Slow-Potion: 0.8
# The vl is increased by (expectedSpeed - actualSpeed) * thisValue
VL-Multiplier: 3
# How fast should the VL decrease
VL-Decrease: 2
# How long (after an detection) should the vl NOT decrease (in milliseconds)
No-Decrease-Time: 300
# To prevent setback-exploits
Max-VL: 10
# VL equals the amount of suspicious moves
8: 'cancel' # The VL can increase up to 4 in combat by knockback and up to 1 by jumping...
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 250
# Should all movements upwards be cancelled? Suggested if the first VL with 'cancel' is above 1
# to prevent some bypasses and eventually exploits
Cancel-All-Up-Movements: true
# How long should boats be off ground untill they get checked? (Moves)
Min-Offground-Moves: 3
# How fast do someone have to fall to get ignored by the check
# This reenables the ability to glide legit with a boat. If you higher the value,
# you'll have to higher the Friction-Min-Time to prevent false positives.
# Set to Ignore-Threshold to 0 and the actions to 0: 'cancel' to completly disable falling
# with boats (no more MLG-Legit-Boatgliding)
Min-Down-Speed: 0.12
# Actions, the VL is equal to the count of suspicious movements
2: 'cancel'
10: 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Movement%%'
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# This is required for the position on the x and z axis to be
# sure that no one flyes very fast while abusing going down slowly
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 250
# Should jesus care about the jumping in water? This will fix several bypasses
Jump-Jesus: true
# Actions performed when player is suspected for jesus, VL equals to the count of suspicious moves.
2: 'cancel' # First cancel should be at lease 2 to fix a "Wrong movement" false positive
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Movement%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Jesus-Kick%%'
# VL is equal to the packets send withing 3 ticks
- 'cancel'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Bad-Packets-Suspect%%'
- "ntac respawn %PLAYER%"
# Sneak properties
# NOTE: This check isn't ment to be a completly check for Sneak. It is a patch for NC+ fixes a bypass (for NC+)
# The time between to sneak actions to get detected as legit.
Sneak-Threshold: 40
# Actions, the vl equals the count of detected packets
3: 'cancel'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Sneak-Suspect%%'
- 'cancel'
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Movement%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Sneak-Kick%%'
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 1000
# The frequencie (in ticks) for the invalidate-cycle
Invalidate-Freq: 5
# The normal climbing speed
Climbing-Speed: 0.13
# The speed allowed when you start to climb a ladder
Start-Speed: 1.5
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 250
# The actions, the vl equals the count of suspicious movements
3: 'cancel'
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Movement%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-FastLadder-Kick%%'
# Should all item-actions be blocked when the invenotry is closed? This fixes
# AutoArmor. Note that actions with items in the hotbar wont be blocked since
# you are able right click them to put armor on...
Cancel-Item-Actions: true
# How long after opening the inventory / getting damage should players be ignored
Grace-Time: 1000
# The time until the VL get's invalidated (in ms)
# NOTE: The VL only get's invalidated when there are no new VLs.
Invalidate-Threshold: 250
# Actions performed when player moves while the inv is opened, VL equals the count of moves
2: 'cancel'
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Movement%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-InvMove-Kick%%'
# Anti-AFK
# Time (in seconds) of a player being afk until he get's kicked. DEFAULT: 300
Kick-Threshold: 180
# Frequency for the check weather a player should be kicked. DEFAULT: 100
Kick-Check-Frequency: 100
# The message shown when a player is kicked cause AFK. DEFAULT: AFK
Kick-Message: '%%Kick-AFK%%'
# Subcheck-Properties
# Move-In-Range-Check
# This check checks weather the player has moved a several distance
# Should this subcheck be enabled DEFAULT: true
Enabled: false
# This is the distance a player have to walk until the movement is
# recognized as not-afk (bot) movement by the MoveInRange-Check
# This is limit to 2 for testings purposes and to limit false-positives at the
# beginning. DEFAULT: 2
Range-Threshold: 2
# Push-Device-Check
# This check checks weather the player is in water, lava or riding to kill
# AFK-Maschines, experimental (and work in progress)
# Should this subcheck be enabled DEFAULT: true
Enabled: true
# Should movements in water be marked as AFK. DEFAULT: true
Mark-In-Water: true
# Should movements in lava be marked as AFK. DEFAULT: true
Mark-In-Lava: true
# Should movements while the player is riding or using a minecart be marked as AFK. DEFAULT: true
Mark-In-Vehicle: true
# The delay (ms) until a player is unmarked, required to ignore steps in afk-maschines (also fixes infinite jump-maschines) DEFAULT: 3000
Unmark-Delay: 3000
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Player hacks
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Skinderp-Properties:
# Time between skin-changes to make a change legit (Milliseconds) DEFAULT: 100
Time-Threshold: 100
# Count of unlegit changes till the player get kicked DEFAULT: 10
Count-Threshold: 50
# Kick-message DEFAULT: Skinderp
Kick-Message: Skinderp
# The commands run when a player is suspected for killaura
# Each violation is equal to a hit
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Derp%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Derp-Kick%%'
# Headless
# The commands run when someone get suspected for headless, the vl is equal to the count of suspicious movements
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Derp%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Derp-Kick%%'
# This abuses a bug in almost every vanilla-fly (creative-fly)
Vanilla-Fly: true
- 'ntac kick %PLAYER% %%Kick-Actions%%'
- 'ntac notify %%Notify-Abilities-Kick%%'
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