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Last active January 1, 2019 22:21
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import { Result, Ok, isOk, succeed, fail, Err } from "./Result";
// Experimenting some stuff in there
type GeneratorResult<T, E> = IterableIterator<Result<T, E>>;
function addOne(a: number): number {
return a + 1;
// Given a function that may fail
function divide(a: number, b: number): Result<number, string> {
return b === 0 ? fail("Division by Zero") : succeed(a / b);
// Compare this :
function example2(): Result<number, string> {
const divResult = divide(8, 2);
if (isOk(divResult)) {
const r1 = addOne(divResult.value);
const rr1 = addOne(r1);
const divResult1 = divide(rr1, 0);
if (isOk(divResult1)) {
const divResult2 = divide(divResult1.value, 2);
if (isOk(divResult2)) {
return succeed(addOne(divResult2.value));
} else {
return fail(divResult2.error);
} else {
return fail(divResult1.error);
} else {
return fail(divResult.error);
// Chaining style
function example1(): Result<number, number> {
return divide(8, 2)
.bind(v => divide(v, 0)) // ouch
.bind(v => divide(v, 2))
.mapErr(s => Number(s))
// To This !!
function* exampleGenerator(): GeneratorResult<number, string> {
const r = yield divide(8, 2);
const r1 = addOne(r);
const rr1 = addOne(r1);
const r2 = yield divide(rr1, 2); // ouch!!
const r3 = yield divide(r2, 2);
return succeed(addOne(r3));
function foo(): Result<number, string> {
return DoResult(exampleGenerator);
function DoResult<T, E>(gen: () => GeneratorResult<T, E>): Result<T, E> {
const it = gen();
function aux(v?: T): Result<T, E> {
const { done, value: r } =;
if (done) {
return isOk(r) ? succeed(r.value) : fail(r.error);
} else {
return r.bind(aux);
return aux();
function DoPromise<T>(gen: () => IterableIterator<Promise<T>>): Promise<T> {
const it = gen();
function aux(v?: T): Promise<T> {
const { done, value: r } =;
if (done) {
return r;
} else {
return r.then(aux);
return aux();
function* test() {
const a = yield Promise.resolve(1);
const c = a + 2;
const d = yield Promise.resolve(10);
const e = yield Promise.resolve(10);
return c + d + e;
function log<T>(v: T): T {
return v;
function logR<T, E>(r: Result<T, E>): Result<T, E> {
if (r instanceof Ok) {
log(`OK: ${r.value}`);
} else if (r instanceof Err) {
log(`Error: ${r.error}`);
return r;
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