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Created October 28, 2018 15:06
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  • Save VincentGijsen/d2aea754282901329b319c2d9477a380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VincentGijsen/d2aea754282901329b319c2d9477a380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
klipper config for FLsun kossel with heatbed, magnetic arms (12mm mags)
step_pin: ar54
dir_pin: !ar55
enable_pin: !ar38
step_distance: .01
endstop_pin: ^ar2
homing_speed: 60
#position_endstop: 283.656381
#angle: 212.882415
#arm_length: 208
step_pin: ar60
dir_pin: !ar61
enable_pin: !ar56
step_distance: .01
endstop_pin: ^ar15
#angle: 333.398820
step_pin: ar46
dir_pin: !ar48
enable_pin: !ar62
step_distance: .01
endstop_pin: ^ar19
#angle: 90
step_pin: ar26
dir_pin: ar28
enable_pin: !ar24
#step_distance: 0.01179830753
step_distance: 0.006491905271
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: ar10
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: analog13
control: pid
pid_Kp: 25.349
pid_Ki: 1.216
pid_Kd: 132.130
min_extrude_temp: 150
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 275
heater_pin: ar8
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: analog14
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 130
control = pid
pid_kp = 68.179
pid_ki = 1.199
pid_kd = 968.991
pin: ar9
kick_start_time: 0.200
[heater_fan extruder_cooler_fan]
pin: ar44
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0
#serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0
pin_map: arduino
kinematics: delta
max_velocity: 2000
max_accel: 3000
max_z_velocity: 500
#delta_radius: 99.936993
minimum_z_position: -5
timeout: 360
radius: 80
#manual_probe: true
# If true, then DELTA_CALIBRATE will perform manual probing. If
# false, then a PROBE command will be run at each probe
# point. Manual probing is accomplished by manually jogging the Z
# position of the print head at each probe point and then issuing a
# NEXT extended g-code command to record the position at that
# point. The default is false if a [probe] config section is present
# and true otherwise.
# "RepRapDiscount 2004 Smart Controller" type displays
lcd_type: hd44780
rs_pin: ar16
e_pin: ar17
d4_pin: ar23
d5_pin: ar25
d6_pin: ar27
d7_pin: ar29
encoder_pins: ^ar31, ^ar33
click_pin: ^!ar35
kill_pin: ^!ar41
#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [printer]
#*# delta_radius = 99.151804
#*# [stepper_a]
#*# angle = 210.936368
#*# arm_length = 208.237698
#*# position_endstop = 280.859585
#*# [stepper_b]
#*# angle = 329.078898
#*# arm_length = 207.914204
#*# position_endstop = 284.890322
#*# [stepper_c]
#*# angle = 90.000000
#*# arm_length = 211.839408
#*# position_endstop = 283.492408
#*# [delta_calibrate]
#*# height0 = 0.0
#*# height0_pos = 28316.000,28316.000,28316.000
#*# height1 = 0.0
#*# height1_pos = 32812.000,32300.000,26026.000
#*# height2 = 0.0
#*# height2_pos = 27782.000,34681.000,27612.000
#*# height3 = 0.0
#*# height3_pos = 25828.000,31827.000,31593.000
#*# height4 = 0.0
#*# height4_pos = 27467.000,27749.000,32732.000
#*# height5 = 0.0
#*# height5_pos = 31118.000,26270.000,31289.000
#*# height6 = 0.0
#*# height6_pos = 34029.000,27805.000,27976.000
#*# distance0 = 65.5
#*# distance0_pos1 = 27846.388,28562.586,28536.426
#*# distance0_pos2 = 25787.178,31913.820,31952.016
#*# distance1 = 65.8
#*# distance1_pos1 = 27969.377,28319.134,28659.425
#*# distance1_pos2 = 27568.048,27834.206,34504.444
#*# distance2 = 65.8
#*# distance2_pos1 = 28212.926,28202.100,28536.426
#*# distance2_pos2 = 31672.825,26143.118,31952.016
#*# distance3 = 65.1
#*# distance3_pos1 = 28333.454,28326.165,28292.893
#*# distance3_pos2 = 34178.110,27940.288,27857.176
#*# distance4 = 64.9
#*# distance4_pos1 = 28208.000,28569.711,28172.326
#*# distance4_pos2 = 31579.132,32049.346,26112.908
#*# distance5 = 65.5
#*# distance5_pos1 = 27964.516,28689.130,28292.893
#*# distance5_pos2 = 27494.712,34533.390,27857.176
#*# distance6 = 66.0
#*# distance6_pos1 = 25901.021,31189.075,31657.519
#*# distance6_pos2 = 27727.747,27643.389,34205.657
#*# distance7 = 65.0
#*# distance7_pos1 = 27687.950,27610.222,33628.551
#*# distance7_pos2 = 31721.840,26183.412,31556.246
#*# distance8 = 65.3
#*# distance8_pos1 = 31371.445,26257.914,31219.849
#*# distance8_pos2 = 33875.764,28100.111,27662.414
#*# distance9 = 65.9
#*# distance9_pos1 = 33298.855,28059.200,27625.787
#*# distance9_pos2 = 31184.604,32097.054,26150.067
#*# distance10 = 65.0
#*# distance10_pos1 = 30852.088,31744.881,26224.587
#*# distance10_pos2 = 27302.676,34229.469,28016.576
#*# distance11 = 65.3
#*# distance11_pos1 = 27268.447,33652.673,27979.255
#*# distance11_pos2 = 25826.507,31519.858,32003.929
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