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Last active March 5, 2018 04:35
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How to install plenv on Windows 10 WSL

plenv = Perl binary manager

Use plenv to pick a Perl version for your app. Compared with perlbrew, plenv supports project local version determination.

WSL = Windows Subsystem for Linux -Installation Guide

  1. check Linux version:
lsb_release -a  # Description: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
  1. update WSL (Ubuntu) and install build tools (e.g. make)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
  1. install plenv
git clone ~/.plenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.plenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
echo 'eval "$(plenv init -)"' >> ~/.profile
exec $SHELL -l
  1. check system perl version:
perl -v
  1. install Perl 5.26.1
plenv help
plenv install --list
plenv install 5.26.1 # this step takes a while
plenv global 5.26.1  # change global default perl to 5.26.1
plenv rehash
perl -v
plenv install-cpanm  # install cpanm for Perl 5.26.1

Perl 5.26.1 is now installed in the home directory, the system’s Perl is intact.

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