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Last active June 29, 2020 17:53
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Install Golang on WSL

How to set up Go on WSL, Go environment and hello world Go application

  1. install Go from here
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  1. set up development folders
mkdir -p ~/go/src
mkdir -p ~/go/pkg
mkdir -p ~/go/bin
  1. set up GOPATH & GOBIN

add the following lines to ~/.bashrc

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOBIN=$HOME/go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin
  1. check Go version and Go environment
source ~/.bashrc
go version
go env
  1. create hello.go
cd ~/go/src
vi hello.go 
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
        fmt.Printf("Hello, world.\n")
  1. run hello.go
go run hello.go # output: Hello, world.
  1. build and install hello.go
go build hello.go   # create a new file hello on the same directory
./hello             # output: Hello, world.
hello               # -bash: /home/you/go/bin/hello: No such file or directory
go install hello.go # create a new file hello on ~/go/bin directory
hello               # output: Hello, world.
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