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Last active October 14, 2024 09:52
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  • Save VincentSit/b5b112d273513f153caf23a9da112b3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VincentSit/b5b112d273513f153caf23a9da112b3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatically update the PAC for ShadowsocksX. Only tested on OS X. (Deprecated)
# Author : VincentSit
# Copyright (c)
# Example usage
# ./
# Task Scheduling (Optional)
# crontab -e
# add:
# 30 9 * * * sh /path/
# Now it will update the PAC at 9:30 every day.
# Remember to chmod +x the script.
pip list | grep gfwlist2pac &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Installing gfwlist2pac."
pip install gfwlist2pac
echo "Downloading gfwlist."
curl -s "$GFWLIST" --fail --socks5-hostname "$PROXY" --output /tmp/gfwlist.txt
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "abort due to error occurred."
exit 1
cd ~/.ShadowsocksX || exit 1
if [ -f "gfwlist.js" ]; then
mv gfwlist.js ~/.Trash
if [ ! -f $USER_RULE_NAME ]; then
/usr/local/bin/gfwlist2pac \
--input /tmp/gfwlist.txt \
--file gfwlist.js \
--user-rule $USER_RULE_NAME \
rm -f /tmp/gfwlist.txt
echo "Updated."
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Hi, sorry for the delay, because Gist comments and mentions don't trigger notifications.

Yes, gfwlist2pac needs python 2.7.

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For OS X users, if crontab does't running your script, please consider specify PATH variable in the Crontab.

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zwpaper commented Jun 5, 2016

thanks for the code, but it would be better if could check the version of python.
I install gfwlist2pac by hand, but when i run the code, it download the gfwlist2pac again using pip3
I changed pip to pip2 and it works

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Your bash is fine.
But l'm wired of one thing. Here it is when l update latest gfwlist l found couldn't access google whether Autoproxy or Globalproxy. Something like latest gfwlist have some problem. l don't know any people encounter this problem?

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mitoop commented Jul 21, 2016

@tony-haibo-zhu Just close your ShadowsockX and restart it.

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fuurose commented Aug 5, 2016

The script returns:

Downloading gfwlist.
abort due to error occurred.

Is this because of an error with the gfwlist2pac install? The gfwlist2pac install returns:
The directory '/Users/xxx/Library/Caches/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.

Does this mean the installation was unsuccessful?

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langjun commented Aug 10, 2016

Good job!

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@xujchen I have the same problem, is there any way to use python3?

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THX!!! Line 63 --precise is useless and will cause error .

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lol2025 commented Aug 25, 2016

i want to know how to cancel

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@fuurose you should run it like sudo -H

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@Femtometer you can change line 48 as cd /Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/.ShadowsocksX || exit 1 to solve the problem

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DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. 
You can use --format=(legacy|columns)
 (or define a format=(legacy|columns)
 in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning.\
Downloading gfwlist.
abort due to error occurred.

系统是OS X 10.11 ,请问一下,该怎么解决

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holyen commented Mar 9, 2017

Desktop xxxx$ python
File "", line 28
pip list | grep gfwlist2pac &> /dev/null
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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这个脚本已经不需要了,也不维护了,请自行去下载 ShadowsocksX-NG

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