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Created May 13, 2012 19:25
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  • Save Vineeth-Mohan/2689861 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
* Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.engine.value;
import com.opengamma.core.value.MarketDataRequirementNames;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.FunctionDefinition;
* Standard names used to refer to particular computed values.
* <p>
* These name are used as keys to define specific required values in the engine.
* They should be used by a {@link FunctionDefinition} to state their required inputs
* and their potential outputs.
* These are a typical common set of names, which may be extended.
* <p>
* For names used to refer to market data, see {@link MarketDataRequirementNames}.
public final class ValueRequirementNames {
// TODO: Some names have spaces, some do not - make consistent
// IMPORTANT: The contents of this class are used to produce public documentation. Please keep Javadoc comments
// accurate and add new values to appropriate sections (or create new sections). Ideally a section should describe
// a concept or logical grouping rather than a specific asset class, especially if the value name has meaning
// for multiple asset classes. Lines starting with "/////" are treated as section breaks when producing
// documentation, all other non-javadoc comments are ignored. The ordering here is preserved into the documentation
// by default, keep things alphabetical unless another ordering makes sense.
* Restricted constructor.
private ValueRequirementNames() {
///// Market Data
* Cost of carry for an equity or index option (ie continuously-compounded dividend yield).
public static final String COST_OF_CARRY = "Cost Of Carry";
* The beta of a stock as of the previous close
public static final String DAILY_APPLIED_BETA = "Last Raw Beta";
* The market cap as of the previous close
public static final String VineethCustomValue = "MyOGFunction";
public static final String DAILY_MARKET_CAP = "Last Market Cap";
* The market value as of the previous close
public static final String DAILY_PRICE = "Last Price";
* The daily volume as of the previous close
public static final String DAILY_VOLUME = "Last Volume";
// public static final String DAILY_VOLUME_AVG_5D = "Last Volume Avg 5D";
// public static final String DAILY_VOLUME_AVG_10D = "Last Volume Avg 10D";
// public static final String DAILY_VOLUME_AVG_20D = "Last Volume Avg 20D";
// public static final String DAILY_CALL_IMP_VOL_30D = "Last Call Implied Vol 30D";
* The mark as of the previous close (e.g. equity price)
public static final String MARK = "Mark";
* The spot rate for currency pair
public static final String SPOT_RATE = "SpotRate";
///// Curves
* Curve containing (date, discount factor) pairs.
public static final String DISCOUNT_CURVE = "DiscountCurve";
* Forward curve containing (time, forward rate) pairs.
public static final String FORWARD_CURVE = "ForwardCurve";
* Curve containing (time, future price) pairs.
public static final String FUTURE_PRICE_CURVE_DATA = "FuturePriceCurveData";
* Curve containing (time, rate) pairs.
public static final String YIELD_CURVE = "YieldCurve";
* Curve containing (time, rate) pairs that is constructed by directly interpolating between market data points (ie no settlement day corrections, ignoring the type of instrument etc).
public static final String YIELD_CURVE_INTERPOLATED = "YieldCurveInterpolated";
* The Jacobian of a yield curve, that is a matrix where each row is the sensitivity of an instrument used in yield curve construction to the nodal points of the curve.
public static final String YIELD_CURVE_JACOBIAN = "YieldCurveJacobian";
* The raw market data that is used in yield curve construction.
public static final String YIELD_CURVE_MARKET_DATA = "YieldCurveMarketData";
* The sensitivities of a cash-flow based fixed-income instrument to each of the nodal points in a yield curve.
public static final String YIELD_CURVE_NODE_SENSITIVITIES = "Yield Curve Node Sensitivities";
* Curve property metadata.
public static final String YIELD_CURVE_SPEC = "YieldCurveSpec";
///// Surfaces
* Set of data containing surfaces of (x, y, parameter) triples, where the parameters are those in the Heston model.
public static final String HESTON_SURFACES = "Heston Surfaces";
* Surface containing (x, y, volatility) triples that is constructed by directly interpolating market data.
public static final String INTERPOLATED_VOLATILITY_SURFACE = "InterpolatedVolatilitySurfaceData";
* Surface containing (x, y, volatility) triples that is constructed by piecewise fitting the SABR model through the smiles.
public static final String PIECEWISE_SABR_VOL_SURFACE = "Piecewise SABR fitted surface";
* Set of data containing surfaces of (x, y, parameter) triples, where the parameters are those used in the SABR model.
public static final String SABR_SURFACES = "SABR Surfaces";
* Surface containing (x, y, volatility) triples that are the outer join of the values on the x and y axes.
public static final String STANDARD_VOLATILITY_SURFACE_DATA = "StandardVolatilitySurfaceData";
* Surface containing (x, y, volatility) triples (where (x, y) can be (expiry, strike) (equity options) or (expiry, tenor) (swaptions).
public static final String VOLATILITY_SURFACE = "VolatilitySurface";
* Surface containing arrays of x, y, and volatility values for (x, y) pairs.
public static final String VOLATILITY_SURFACE_DATA = "VolatilitySurfaceData";
* Result containing information about which points were used in a smile fit.
public static final String VOLATILITY_SURFACE_FITTED_POINTS = "Volatility Surface Fitted Points";
* A volatility surface specification
public static final String VOLATILITY_SURFACE_SPEC = "VolatilitySurfaceSpecification";
///// Cubes
* Cube containing sets of (x, y, z, volatility) that are the outer join of the values on the x, y and z axes.
public static final String STANDARD_VOLATILITY_CUBE_DATA = "StandardVolatilityCubeData";
* Cube containing sets of (x, y, z, volatility)
public static final String VOLATILITY_CUBE = "VolatilityCube";
* A volatility cube definition
public static final String VOLATILITY_CUBE_DEFN = "VolatilityCubeDefinition";
* Result containing information about which points were used in a smile fit.
public static final String VOLATILITY_CUBE_FITTED_POINTS = "Volatility Cube Fitted Points";
* The set of market data that is used in constructing a cube.
public static final String VOLATILITY_CUBE_MARKET_DATA = "VolatilityCubeMarketData";
* A volatility cube specification.
public static final String VOLATILITY_CUBE_SPEC = "VolatilityCubeSpec";
///// Pricing
* The credit sensitivities of an instrument
public static final String CREDIT_SENSITIVITIES = "Credit Sensitivities";
* The change in the value of an instrument if the credit curve is moved by 1 basis point.
public static final String CS01 = "CS01";
* The dividend yield of an equity or equity index.
public static final String DIVIDEND_YIELD = "Dividend Yield";
* The change in the dollar value of an instrument if a yield curve is moved by one basis point.
public static final String DV01 = "DV01";
* Sensitivities that are externally provided, not calculated by OpenGamma functions
public static final String EXTERNAL_SENSITIVITIES = "External Sensitivities";
* Fair value for a security (used for non-fixed income securities).
public static final String FAIR_VALUE = "FairValue";
* The present value of a cash-flow based fixed-income instrument.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE = "Present Value";
* The rate that prices a cash-flow based fixed-income instrument to zero.
public static final String PAR_RATE = "Par Rate";
* Sensitivity of par rate to a 1bp shift in the yield curve.
public static final String PAR_RATE_PARALLEL_CURVE_SHIFT = "Par Rate Parallel Shift Sensitivity";
* Fair value for a position (used for non-fixed income securities - the number of trades multiplied by FAIR_VALUE).
public static final String POSITION_FAIR_VALUE = "PositionFairValue";
* The PV01 of a cash-flow based fixed-income instrument.
public static final String PV01 = "PV01";
* The market price of a security,
public static final String SECURITY_MARKET_PRICE = "Security Market Price";
* The implied volatility of a security.
public static final String SECURITY_IMPLIED_VOLATLITY = "Security Implied Volatility";
* Generic valuation of a security, for example it might be FAIR_VALUE or PRESENT_VALUE depending on the asset class.
public static final String VALUE = "Value";
* Fair value for an option position (used for options - equal to the FAIR_VALUE multiplied by the number of trades and the point value).
public static final String VALUE_FAIR_VALUE = "ValueFairValue";
///// Greeks
* The carry rho of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the cost of carry).
public static final String CARRY_RHO = "CarryRho";
* The delta of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the spot).
public static final String DELTA = "Delta";
* The delta bleed of an option (derivative of the delta with respect to the spot and time).
public static final String DELTA_BLEED = "DeltaBleed";
* The driftless theta of an option (the time decay of an option without considering the drift of the underlying or interest rates).
public static final String DRIFTLESS_THETA = "DriftlessTheta";
* Second order derivative of delta with respect to the volatility.
public static final String DVANNA_DVOL = "dVanna_dVol";
* First order derivative of the in-the-money probability (zeta) with respect to the volatility.
public static final String DZETA_DVOL = "dZeta_dVol";
* The sensitivity in percent to a percent change in the underlying.
public static final String ELASTICITY = "Elasticity";
* The gamma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the spot).
public static final String GAMMA = "Gamma";
* The gamma bleed of an option (derivative of the gamma with respect to time).
public static final String GAMMA_BLEED = "GammaBleed";
* The percentage gamma of an option.
public static final String GAMMA_P = "GammaP";
* The percentage gamma bleed.
public static final String GAMMA_P_BLEED = "GammaPBleed";
* The first order derivative with respect to the yield
public static final String PHI = "Phi";
* The aggregate carry rho of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the cost of carry).
public static final String POSITION_CARRY_RHO = "PositionCarryRho";
* The aggregate delta of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the spot).
public static final String POSITION_DELTA = "PositionDelta";
* The aggregate delta bleed of an option (derivative of the delta with respect to the spot and time).
public static final String POSITION_DELTA_BLEED = "PositionDeltaBleed";
* The aggregate driftless theta of an option (the time decay of an option without considering the drift of the underlying or interest rates).
public static final String POSITION_DRIFTLESS_THETA = "PositionDriftlessTheta";
* Aggregate second order derivative of delta with respect to the volatility.
public static final String POSITION_DVANNA_DVOL = "PositiondVanna_dVol";
* Aggregate first order derivative of the in-the-money probability (zeta) with respect to the volatility.
public static final String POSITION_DZETA_DVOL = "PositiondZeta_dVol";
* The aggregate sensitivity in percent to a percent change in the underlying.
public static final String POSITION_ELASTICITY = "PositionElasticity";
* The aggregate gamma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the spot).
public static final String POSITION_GAMMA = "PositionGamma";
* The aggregate gamma bleed of an option (derivative of the gamma with respect to time).
public static final String POSITION_GAMMA_BLEED = "PositionGammaBleed";
* The aggregate percentage gamma of an option.
public static final String POSITION_GAMMA_P = "PositionGammaP";
* The aggregate percentage gamma bleed.
public static final String POSITION_GAMMA_P_BLEED = "PositionGammaPBleed";
* The aggregate first order derivative with respect to the yield
public static final String POSITION_PHI = "PositionPhi";
* The aggregate rho of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the interest rate).
public static final String POSITION_RHO = "PositionRho";
* The aggregate speed of an option (third order derivative of price with respect to the spot).
public static final String POSITION_SPEED = "PositionSpeed";
* The aggregate strike delta of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the strike).
public static final String POSITION_STRIKE_DELTA = "PositionStrikeDelta";
* The aggregate strike gamma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the strike).
public static final String POSITION_STRIKE_GAMMA = "PositionStrikeGamma";
* The aggregate percentage speed.
public static final String POSITION_SPEED_P = "PositionSpeedP";
* The aggregate theta of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to time).
public static final String POSITION_THETA = "PositionTheta";
* The aggregate ultima of an option (third order derivative of price with respect to the volatility).
public static final String POSITION_ULTIMA = "PositionUltima";
* The aggregate vanna of an option (first order derivative of delta with respect to the volatility).
public static final String POSITION_VANNA = "PositionVanna";
* The aggregate ultima of an option (third order derivative of price with respect to the variance).
public static final String POSITION_VARIANCE_ULTIMA = "PositionVarianceUltima";
* The aggregate variance vanna of an option (first order derivative of delta with respect to the variance).
public static final String POSITION_VARIANCE_VANNA = "PositionVarianceVanna";
* The aggregate variance vega of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the variance).
public static final String POSITION_VARIANCE_VEGA = "PositionVarianceVega";
* The aggregate variance vomma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the variance).
public static final String POSITION_VARIANCE_VOMMA = "PositionVarianceVomma";
* The aggregate vega bleed of an option (derivative of the vega with respect to time).
public static final String POSITION_VEGA_BLEED = "PositionVegaBleed";
* The aggregate vega of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the volatility).
public static final String POSITION_VEGA = "PositionVega";
* The aggregate percentage vega of an option.
public static final String POSITION_VEGA_P = "PositionVegaP";
* The aggregate vomma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the volatility).
public static final String POSITION_VOMMA = "PositionVomma";
* The aggregate percentage vomma of an option.
public static final String POSITION_VOMMA_P = "PositionVommaP";
* The aggregate in-the-money probability of an option.
public static final String POSITION_ZETA = "PositionZeta";
* The aggregate of the time derivative of the in-the-money probability of an option.
public static final String POSITION_ZETA_BLEED = "PositionZetaBleed";
* The aggregate of the time derivative of the gamma of an option.
public static final String POSITION_ZOMMA = "PositionZomma";
* The aggregate of the time derivative of the percentage gamma of an option.
public static final String POSITION_ZOMMA_P = "PositionZommaP";
* The rho of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the interest rate).
public static final String RHO = "Rho";
* The speed of an option (third order derivative of price with respect to the spot).
public static final String SPEED = "Speed";
* The percentage speed.
public static final String SPEED_P = "SpeedP";
* The strike delta of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the strike).
public static final String STRIKE_DELTA = "StrikeDelta";
* The strike gamma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the strike).
public static final String STRIKE_GAMMA = "StrikeGamma";
* The theta of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to time).
public static final String THETA = "Theta";
* The ultima of an option (third order derivative of price with respect to the volatility).
public static final String ULTIMA = "Ultima";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to carry rho.
public static final String VALUE_CARRY_RHO = "ValueCarryRho";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to delta.
public static final String VALUE_DELTA = "ValueDelta";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to delta bleed.
public static final String VALUE_DELTA_BLEED = "ValueDeltaBleed";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to driftless theta.
public static final String VALUE_DRIFTLESS_DELTA = "ValueDriftlessTheta";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to dVannadVol.
public static final String VALUE_DVANNA_DVOL = "ValuedVanna_dVol";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to dZetadVol.
public static final String VALUE_DZETA_DVOL = "ValuedZeta_dVol";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to elasticity.
public static final String VALUE_ELASTICITY = "ValueElasticity";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to gamma.
public static final String VALUE_GAMMA = "ValueGamma";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to gamma bleed.
public static final String VALUE_GAMMA_BLEED = "ValueGammaBleed";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to percentage gamma.
public static final String VALUE_GAMMA_P = "ValueGammaP";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to gamma bleed.
public static final String VALUE_GAMMA_P_BLEED = "ValueGammaPBleed";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to phi.
public static final String VALUE_PHI = "ValuePhi";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to rho.
public static final String VALUE_RHO = "ValueRho";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to speed.
public static final String VALUE_SPEED = "ValueSpeed";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to percentage speed.
public static final String VALUE_SPEED_P = "ValueSpeedP";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to strike delta.
public static final String VALUE_STRIKE_DELTA = "ValueStrikeDelta";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to strike gamma.
public static final String VALUE_STRIKE_GAMMA = "ValueStrikeGamma";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to theta.
public static final String VALUE_THETA = "ValueTheta";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to ultima.
public static final String VALUE_ULTIMA = "ValueUltima";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to vanna.
public static final String VALUE_VANNA = "ValueVanna";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to variance ultima.
public static final String VALUE_VARIANCE_ULTIMA = "ValueVarianceUltima";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to variance vanna.
public static final String VALUE_VARIANCE_VANNA = "ValueVarianceVanna";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to variance vega.
public static final String VALUE_VARIANCE_VEGA = "ValueVarianceVega";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to variance vomma.
public static final String VALUE_VARIANCE_VOMMA = "ValueVarianceVomma";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to vega.
public static final String VALUE_VEGA = "ValueVega";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to vega bleed.
public static final String VALUE_VEGA_BLEED = "ValueVegaBleed";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to percentage vega.
public static final String VALUE_VEGA_P = "ValueVegaP";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to vomma.
public static final String VALUE_VOMMA = "ValueVomma";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to percentage vomma.
public static final String VALUE_VOMMA_P = "ValueVommaP";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to zeta.
public static final String VALUE_ZETA = "ValueZeta";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to zeta bleed.
public static final String VALUE_ZETA_BLEED = "ValueZetaBleed";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to zomma.
public static final String VALUE_ZOMMA = "ValueZomma";
* The amount by which the value of a portfolio would change due to percentage zomma.
public static final String VALUE_ZOMMA_P = "ValueZommaP";
* The vanna of an option (first order derivative of delta with respect to the volatility).
public static final String VANNA = "Vanna";
* The ultima of an option (third order derivative of price with respect to the variance).
public static final String VARIANCE_ULTIMA = "VarianceUltima";
* The variance vanna of an option (first order derivative of delta with respect to the variance).
public static final String VARIANCE_VANNA = "VarianceVanna";
* The variance vega of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the variance).
public static final String VARIANCE_VEGA = "VarianceVega";
* The variance vomma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the variance).
public static final String VARIANCE_VOMMA = "VarianceVomma";
* The vega of an option (first order derivative of price with respect to the volatility).
public static final String VEGA = "Vega";
* The vega bleed of an option (derivative of the vega with respect to time).
public static final String VEGA_BLEED = "VegaBleed";
* The bucketed vega of a security for a (expiry, delta) volatility surface.
public static final String VEGA_MATRIX = "Vega Matrix";
* The percentage vega an option.
public static final String VEGA_P = "VegaP";
* The bucketed vega of a security to the market data volatility cube.
public static final String VEGA_QUOTE_CUBE = "Vega Quote Cube";
* The bucketed vega of a security to the market data volatility surface.
public static final String VEGA_QUOTE_MATRIX = "Vega Quote Matrix";
* The vomma of an option (second order derivative of price with respect to the volatility).
public static final String VOMMA = "Vomma";
* The percentage vomma of an option.
public static final String VOMMA_P = "VommaP";
* The in-the-money probability of an option
public static final String ZETA = "Zeta";
* The time derivative of the in-the-money probability of an option.
public static final String ZETA_BLEED = "ZetaBleed";
* The time derivative of the gamma of an option.
public static final String ZOMMA = "Zomma";
* The time derivative of the percentage gamma of an option.
public static final String ZOMMA_P = "ZommaP";
///// Series Analysis
* The daily profit and loss of a security
public static final String DAILY_PNL = "Daily PnL";
* The Fisher kurtosis of a distribution (usually the return series of a security or its underlying).
public static final String FISHER_KURTOSIS = "Fisher Kurtosis";
* The median of a set of values.
public static final String MEDIAN = "Median";
* The Pearson kurtosis of a distribution (usually the return series of a security or its underlying).
public static final String PEARSON_KURTOSIS = "Pearson Kurtosis";
* The P&L of a position, from reference date.
public static final String PNL = "PnL";
* The P&L series of a position.
public static final String PNL_SERIES = "P&L Series";
* The price series of a security.
public static final String PRICE_SERIES = "Price Series";
* The return series of a security.
public static final String RETURN_SERIES = "Return Series";
* The skew of a distribution (usually the return series of a security or its underlying).
public static final String SKEW = "Skew";
* The sum of a set of values.
public static final String SUM = "Sum";
* The return series of the underlying of a security (usually an option).
public static final String UNDERLYING_RETURN_SERIES = "Underlying Return Series";
///// Value At Risk
* The VaR of a position or portfolio calculated using the historical P&L series (where the models make assumptions about the distribution e.g. assuming a Gaussian distribution).
public static final String HISTORICAL_VAR = "HistoricalVaR";
* The VaR of a position or portfolio calculated using the variance-covariance method (where the model can be first- or second-order).
public static final String PARAMETRIC_VAR = "ParametricVaR";
///// Capital Asset Pricing Model
* The beta of an equity position or portfolio calculated using the CAPM model.
public static final String CAPM_BETA = "CAPM Beta";
* The adjusted R-squared value of the regression.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_ADJUSTED_R_SQUARED = "CAPM Regression Adjusted R-Squared";
* The alpha of an equity position or portfolio calculated using linear regression on the CAPM model.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_ALPHA = "CAPM Regression Alpha";
* The p-value of alpha.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_ALPHA_PVALUES = "CAPM Regression Alpha p-Values";
* The residual of the regression for alpha.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_ALPHA_RESIDUALS = "CAPM Regression Alpha Residual";
* The t-statistic of alpha.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_ALPHA_TSTATS = "CAPM Regression Alpha t-Stats";
* The beta of an equity position or portfolio calculated using linear regression on the CAPM model.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_BETA = "CAPM Regression Beta";
* The p-value of beta.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_BETA_PVALUES = "CAPM Regression Beta p-Values";
* The residual of the regression for beta.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_BETA_RESIDUALS = "CAPM Regression Beta Residual";
* The t-statistic of beta.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_BETA_TSTATS = "CAPM Regression Beta t-Stats";
* The mean squared error of the regression.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_MEAN_SQUARE_ERROR = "CAPM Regression Mean Square Error";
* The R-squared value of the regression.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_R_SQUARED = "CAPM Regression R-Squared";
* The standard error of alpha.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_STANDARD_ERROR_OF_ALPHA = "CAPM Regression Alpha Standard Error";
* The standard error of beta.
public static final String CAPM_REGRESSION_STANDARD_ERROR_OF_BETA = "CAPM Regression Beta Standard Error";
///// Traditional Risk-Reward
* Jensen's alpha of an equity position or sub-portfolio in the portfolio.
public static final String JENSENS_ALPHA = "Jensen's Alpha";
* The Sharpe ratio of an equity position or sub-portfolio in the portfolio.
public static final String SHARPE_RATIO = "Sharpe Ratio";
* The total risk alpha of an equity position or sub-portfolio in the portfolio.
public static final String TOTAL_RISK_ALPHA = "Total Risk Alpha";
* The Treynor ratio of an equity position or sub-portfolio in the portfolio.
public static final String TREYNOR_RATIO = "Treynor Ratio";
* The weight of an equity position or sub-portfolio in the portfolio.
public static final String WEIGHT = "Weight";
///// Bonds
* The return earned on a repo transaction expressed as an interest rate on the case side of the transaction.
public static final String ACTUAL_REPO = "Actual Repo";
* The payment dates (actual settlement dates, not nominal) of the coupons and notional of a bond.
public static final String BOND_COUPON_PAYMENT_TIMES = "Bond Coupon Payment Times";
* The original tenor of a bond.
public static final String BOND_TENOR = "Bond Tenor";
* The clean price of a bond.
public static final String CLEAN_PRICE = "Clean Price";
* The conversion factor of a bond in the deliverable basket of a bond future (Note spelling mistake. To be fixed.).
public static final String CONVERTION_FACTOR = "Convertion Factor";
* The convexity of a bond.
public static final String CONVEXITY = "Convexity";
* The current yield of a bond
public static final String CURRENT_YIELD = "Current Yield";
* The dirty price of a bond.
public static final String DIRTY_PRICE = "Dirty Price";
* The gross basis of a bond in the deliverable basket of a bond future.
public static final String GROSS_BASIS = "Gross Basis";
* The implied repo rate of a bond in the deliverable basket of a bond future.
public static final String IMPLIED_REPO = "Implied Repo";
* The Macaulay duration of a bond.
public static final String MACAULAY_DURATION = "Macaulay Duration";
* The quoted market value of the clean price of a bond (ie excluding accrued interest).
public static final String MARKET_CLEAN_PRICE = "Market Clean Price";
* The quoted market value of the dirty price of a bond (ie excluding accrued interest).
public static final String MARKET_DIRTY_PRICE = "Market Dirty Price";
* The quoted market value of the yield to maturity of a bond.
public static final String MARKET_YTM = "Market Yield To Maturity";
* The modified duration of a bond.
public static final String MODIFIED_DURATION = "Modified Duration";
* The net basis of a bond in the deliverable basket of a bond future.
public static final String NET_BASIS = "Net Basis";
* A bond curve calculated using the Nelson-Siegel method.
public static final String NS_BOND_CURVE = "Nelson-Siegel Bond Curve";
* A bond curve calculated using the Nelson-Siegel-Svennson.
public static final String NSS_BOND_CURVE = "Nelson-Siegel-Svennson Bond Curve";
* The sensitivity of a bond's PV to a unit change in the Z-spread.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE_Z_SPREAD_SENSITIVITY = "PV Z Spread Sensitivity";
* The yield to maturity of a bond.
public static final String YTM = "Yield To Maturity";
* The z-spread of a bond.
public static final String Z_SPREAD = "Z Spread";
///// Fixed Income
* The forward price of a security
public static final String FORWARD = "Forward";
* The sensitivity of the par rate of a cash-flow instrument to a shift of 100 percent in the (named) yield curve.
public static final String PAR_RATE_CURVE_SENSITIVITY = "Par Rate Curve Sensitivity";
* The sensitivity of the present value to the value of any fixed coupons of a cash-flow instrument.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE_COUPON_SENSITIVITY = "Present Value Coupon Sensitivity";
* The sensitivity of the present value to points on the yield curve at every point a cash-flow instrument has sensitivity.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE_CURVE_SENSITIVITY = "Present Value Curve Sensitivity";
* The sensitivity of the present value of an instrument to the alpha parameter of the SABR model.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE_SABR_ALPHA_SENSITIVITY = "Present Value SABR Alpha Sensitivity";
* The sensitivity of the present value of an instrument to the beta parameter of the SABR model.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE_SABR_BETA_SENSITIVITY = "Present Value SABR Beta Sensitivity";
* The sensitivity of the present value of an instrument to the rho parameter of the SABR model.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE_SABR_RHO_SENSITIVITY = "Present Value SABR Rho Sensitivity";
* The sensitivity of the present value of an instrument to the nu parameter of the SABR model.
public static final String PRESENT_VALUE_SABR_NU_SENSITIVITY = "Present Value SABR Nu Sensitivity";
///// FX
* The currency exposure of a FX instrument
public static final String FX_CURRENCY_EXPOSURE = "FX Currency Exposure";
* The sensitivities of the present value of a FX instrument to the curves to which it is sensitive.
public static final String FX_CURVE_SENSITIVITIES = "FX Curve Sensitivities";
* The present value in both currencies of a FX instrument.
public static final String FX_PRESENT_VALUE = "FX Present Value";
///// Local Volatility
//TODO this set of names might be too specific
* Result containing the Black price of an option at each of the points at the option maturity on a PDE grid.
public static final String BLACK_VOLATILITY_GRID_PRICE = "Black Price";
* The forward delta of an instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_DELTA = "Forward Delta (LV)";
* The domestic price of a FX instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_DOMESTIC_PRICE = "Domestic Price (LV)";
* The dual delta of an instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_DUAL_DELTA = "Dual Delta (LV)";
* The dual gamma of an instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_DUAL_GAMMA = "Dual Gamma (LV)";
* The pips present value of a FX instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_FOREX_PV_QUOTES = "Forex PV Quotes";
* The full PDE grid generated when calibrating a local volatility surface.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_FULL_PDE_GRID = "Full PDE Grid (LV)";
* The forward gamma of an instrument calculated using local volatility PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_GAMMA = "Forward Gamma (LV)";
* Result containing the equivalent Black volatilities of an option at each of the points at the option maturity on a PDE grid.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_GRID_IMPLIED_VOL = "Implied Vol (LV Black Equivalent)";
* Result containing the price calculated using local volatility of an option at each of the points at the option maturity on a PDE grid.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_GRID_PRICE = "Price (LV)";
* Result containing the bucketed vega of an option calculated using a PDE and local volatility
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_PDE_BUCKETED_VEGA = "PDE Bucketed Vega (LV)";
* Result containing the greeks of an option calculated using a PDE and local volatility
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_PDE_GREEKS = "PDE Greeks (LV)";
* Surface containing (x, y, volatility) triples calculated using the Dupire local volatility method.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_SURFACE = "Local Volatility Surface";
* The vanna of an instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_VANNA = "Forward Vanna (LV)";
* The vega of an instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_VEGA = "Forward Vega (LV)";
* The vomma of an instrument calculated using local volatility and PDE methods.
public static final String LOCAL_VOLATILITY_VOMMA = "Forward Vomma (LV)";
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