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Last active July 9, 2023 22:21
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  • Save Vinetos/69b875e90af55634b3e0591dea59dec4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Vinetos/69b875e90af55634b3e0591dea59dec4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package fr.vinetos.util.scoreboard;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.IScoreboardCriteria;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayOutScoreboardScore;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.UUID;
* @author zyuiop
* Work with all versions >= 1.8
* Updated and modified by Vinetos
public class Scoreboard
* Factories
private static final Class OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS = Reflection.getClass("{nms}.PacketPlayOutScoreboardObjective");
private static final Field O_NAME = Reflection.getField(OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS, "a");
private static final Field O_VALUE = Reflection.getField(OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS, "b");
private static final Field O_TYPE = Reflection.getField(OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS, "c");
private static final Field O_MODE = Reflection.getField(OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS, "d");
private static final Class DISPLAY_OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS = Reflection.getClass("{nms}.PacketPlayOutScoreboardDisplayObjective");
private static final Field DO_SLOT = Reflection.getField(DISPLAY_OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS, "a");
private static final Field DO_OBJ_NAME = Reflection.getField(DISPLAY_OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS, "b");
private static final Class SCORE_PACKET_CLASS = Reflection.getClass("{nms}.PacketPlayOutScoreboardScore");
private static final Field S_SCORE_NAME = Reflection.getField(SCORE_PACKET_CLASS, "a");
private static final Field S_OBJ_NAME = Reflection.getField(SCORE_PACKET_CLASS, "b");
private static final Field S_SCORE_INT = Reflection.getField(SCORE_PACKET_CLASS, "c");
private static final Field S_ACTION = Reflection.getField(SCORE_PACKET_CLASS, "d");
private final Team[] lines = new Team[15];
private UUID playerUUID;
private final String objectiveName;
private ScoreboardSlot slot;
private boolean created = false;
* Create a scoreboard for a given player and using a specific objective name
* @param playerUUID the player's uuid viewing the scoreboard sign
* @param objectiveName the name of the scoreboard sign (displayed at the top of the scoreboard)
* @param slot the slot where the scoreboard will be displayed
public Scoreboard(UUID playerUUID, String objectiveName, ScoreboardSlot slot)
this.playerUUID = playerUUID;
this.objectiveName = objectiveName;
this.slot = slot;
* Send the initial creation packets for this scoreboard. Must be called at least once.
public void create()
if (created)
// Send the scoreboard
Reflection.sendPacket(getPlayer(), createObjectivePacket(ScoreboardMode.CREATE, objectiveName));
// Send the slot
Reflection.sendPacket(getPlayer(), setObjectiveSlot(slot));
// Send lines
int i = 0;
while (i < lines.length)
created = true;
* Send the packets to update this scoreboard. A scoreboard must be created using {@link Scoreboard#create()} in order
* to be used
public void update()
if (!created)
// Send the scoreboard's update
Reflection.sendPacket(getPlayer(), createObjectivePacket(ScoreboardMode.UPDATE, objectiveName));
* Send the packets to remove this scoreboard. A destroyed scoreboard sign must be recreated using {@link Scoreboard#create()} in order
* to be used again
public void destroy()
if (!created)
// Remove the scoreboard
Reflection.sendPacket(getPlayer(), createObjectivePacket(ScoreboardMode.REMOVE, null));
// Remove teams
for (Team team : lines)
if (team != null && team.isCreated())
created = false;
* Change a scoreboard line and send the packets to the player. Can be called async.
* @param line the number of the line (0 <= line < 15)
* @param value the new value for the scoreboard line
public void setLine(int line, String value)
Team team = getOrCreateTeam(line);
String old = getValue(team);
if (old != null && created)
removeLine(team, old);
setValue(team, value);
* Remove a given scoreboard line
* @param line the line to remove
public void removeLine(int line)
Team team = getOrCreateTeam(line);
String old = getValue(team);
if (!created)
if (old != null)
removeLine(team, old);
* Get the current value for a line
* @param line the line
* @return the content of the line
public String getLine(int line)
if (line > 14 || line < 0)
return "";
return getValue(getOrCreateTeam(line));
private void sendLine(int line)
if (line > 14 || line < 0)
if (!created)
int score = (15 - line);
Team team = getOrCreateTeam(line);
String lineValue = getValue(team);
Reflection.sendPacket(getPlayer(), sendScore(lineValue, score));
private void removeLine(Team team, String scoreName)
Reflection.sendPacket(getPlayer(), SCORE_PACKET_CLASS.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class).newInstance(scoreName));
} catch (Exception e)
private Team getOrCreateTeam(int line)
if (lines[line] == null)
lines[line] = new Team("__fakeScore" + line, Collections.singletonList(getPlayer()));
return lines[line];
private Player getPlayer()
final Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(playerUUID);
if (player == null)
throw new NullPointerException("The player of uuid " + playerUUID.toString() + " isn't online !");
return player;
private void setValue(Team team, String value)
final int length = value.length();
if (length <= 16)
} else if (value.length() <= 32)
team.setPrefix(value.substring(0, 16));
} else if (value.length() <= 48)
team.setPrefix(value.substring(0, 16));
team.addPlayer(value.substring(16, 32));
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too long value ! Max 48 characters, value was " + length + " !");
private String getValue(Team team)
if (!team.getPlayers().iterator().hasNext())
return null;
return team.getPrefix() + team.getPlayers().iterator().next() + team.getSuffix();
private Object createObjectivePacket(ScoreboardMode mode, String displayName)
Object packet = OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS.newInstance();
// Nom de l'objectif
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, O_NAME, getPlayer().getName());
// Mode
// 0 : créer
// 1 : Supprimer
// 2 : Mettre à jour
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, O_MODE, mode.getMode());
if (mode != ScoreboardMode.REMOVE)
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, O_VALUE, displayName);
// TODO: 24/02/17 Use Reflection
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, O_TYPE, IScoreboardCriteria.EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay.INTEGER);
return packet;
} catch (Exception e)
return null;
private Object setObjectiveSlot(ScoreboardSlot slot)
Object packet = DISPLAY_OBJECTIVE_PACKET_CLASS.newInstance();
// Slot
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, DO_SLOT, slot.getMode());
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, DO_OBJ_NAME, getPlayer().getName());
return packet;
} catch (Exception e)
return null;
private Object sendScore(String line, int score)
Object packet = SCORE_PACKET_CLASS.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class).newInstance(line);
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, S_OBJ_NAME, getPlayer().getName());
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, S_SCORE_INT, score);
// TODO: 24/02/17 Use Reflection
Reflection.setFieldValue(packet, S_ACTION, PacketPlayOutScoreboardScore.EnumScoreboardAction.CHANGE);
return packet;
} catch (Exception e)
return null;
* The mode of the scoreboard (when the client receive the packet, what action it have to do)
public enum ScoreboardMode
private final int mode;
ScoreboardMode(final int mode)
this.mode = mode;
public final int getMode()
return this.mode;
* The slot where the scoreboard will be displayed
public enum ScoreboardSlot
private final int mode;
ScoreboardSlot(final int mode)
this.mode = mode;
public final int getMode()
return this.mode;
* The mode of the score
public enum ScoreMode
private final int mode;
ScoreMode(final int mode)
this.mode = mode;
public final int getMode()
return this.mode;
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