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Created June 9, 2020 14:39
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import argparse
import scipy.special
import csv
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Evaluate clustering results. This scripts will return the
precision, recall, F1-score and ARI of the provided clustering result""")
help="path to the .csv file with the clustering result")
help="path to the .csv file with the gold standard")
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
# Get paths to clustering result and gold standard
clustered_file = args["clustered"]
gold_standard_file = args["goldstandard"]
print("Clustering results file:", clustered_file)
print("gold standard file:", gold_standard_file)
# Get the number of clusters from the gold standard
gold_standard_n_clusters = 0
all_gold_standard_clusters_list = []
with open(gold_standard_file) as csvfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in readCSV:
gold_standard_clusters_list = list(set(all_gold_standard_clusters_list))
gold_standard_n_clusters = len(gold_standard_clusters_list)
print("\nNumber of clusters available in the gold standard: ", gold_standard_n_clusters)
# Get the gold standard
gold_standard_clusters = [[] for x in range(gold_standard_n_clusters)]
gold_standard_count = 0
with open(gold_standard_file) as contig_clusters:
readCSV = csv.reader(contig_clusters, delimiter=',')
for row in readCSV:
gold_standard_count += 1
contig = row[0]
bin_num = gold_standard_clusters_list.index(row[1])
print("Number of objects available in the gold standard: ", gold_standard_count)
# Get the number of clusters from the initial clustering result
n_clusters = 0
all_clusters_list = []
with open(clustered_file) as csvfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in readCSV:
clusters_list = list(set(all_clusters_list))
n_clusters = len(clusters_list)
print("Number of clusters available in the clustering result: ", n_clusters)
# Get initial clustering result
clusters = [[] for x in range(n_clusters)]
clustered_count = 0
clustered_objects = []
with open(clustered_file) as contig_clusters:
readCSV = csv.reader(contig_clusters, delimiter=',')
for row in readCSV:
clustered_count += 1
contig = row[0]
bin_num = clusters_list.index(row[1])
print("Number of objects available in the clustering result: ", len(clustered_objects))
# Functions to determine precision, recall, F1-score and ARI
# Get precicion
def getPrecision(mat, k, s, total):
sum_k = 0
for i in range(k):
max_s = 0
for j in range(s):
if mat[i][j] > max_s:
max_s = mat[i][j]
sum_k += max_s
return sum_k/total*100
# Get recall
def getRecall(mat, k, s, total, unclassified):
sum_s = 0
for i in range(s):
max_k = 0
for j in range(k):
if mat[j][i] > max_k:
max_k = mat[j][i]
sum_s += max_k
return sum_s/(total+unclassified)*100
# Get ARI
def getARI(mat, k, s, N):
t1 = 0
for i in range(k):
sum_k = 0
for j in range(s):
sum_k += mat[i][j]
t1 += scipy.special.binom(sum_k, 2)
t2 = 0
for i in range(s):
sum_s = 0
for j in range(k):
sum_s += mat[j][i]
t2 += scipy.special.binom(sum_s, 2)
t3 = t1*t2/scipy.special.binom(N, 2)
t = 0
for i in range(k):
for j in range(s):
t += scipy.special.binom(mat[i][j], 2)
ari = (t-t3)/((t1+t2)/2-t3)*100
return ari
# Get F1-score
def getF1(prec, recall):
return 2*prec*recall/(prec+recall)
# Determine precision, recall, F1-score and ARI for clustering result
total_clustered = 0
clusters_species = [[0 for x in range(gold_standard_n_clusters)] for y in range(n_clusters)]
for i in range(n_clusters):
for j in range(gold_standard_n_clusters):
n = 0
for k in range(clustered_count):
if clustered_objects[k] in clusters[i] and clustered_objects[k] in gold_standard_clusters[j]:
total_clustered += 1
clusters_species[i][j] = n
print("Number of objects available in the clustering result that are present in the gold standard:", total_clustered)
my_precision = getPrecision(clusters_species, n_clusters, gold_standard_n_clusters, total_clustered)
my_recall = getRecall(clusters_species, n_clusters, gold_standard_n_clusters, total_clustered, (gold_standard_count-total_clustered))
my_ari = getARI(clusters_species, n_clusters, gold_standard_n_clusters, total_clustered)
my_f1 = getF1(my_precision, my_recall)
print("\nEvaluation Results:")
print("Precision =", my_precision)
print("Recall =", my_recall)
print("F1-score =", my_f1)
print("ARI =", my_ari)
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Hello Vijini, thank you for the script. Would you mind show me an example of the clustering_result.csv and gold_standard.csv files.
Thank you

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Vini2 commented Sep 1, 2021

Hello @afsawadogo,

The clustering_result.csv file would look something like this.


Make sure to follow the format point_id,bin_id.

The gold_standard.csv file would look something like this.


Make sure to follow the format point_id,groundtruth_id.

bin_id and groundtruth_id need not be the same. You can use any identifier.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Thank you!

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Hello @Vini2,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I doing a clustering using the Kmeans algorithm and I want to evaluate my clustering result using your code. I'm very new in Machine Learning and data science.

Thanks again

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