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Created March 1, 2014 20:51
Popcorn Time Dutch translation
"beforeQuit": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt afsluiten?",
"loading": "Een ogenblik geduld...",
"loadingVideo": "Video wordt geladen, een ogenblik geduld",
"searchLoading": "Zoeken...",
"noResults": "Er zijn geen resultaten gevonden voor deze zoekopdracht.",
"search": "Zoeken",
"movies": "Films",
"subtitledIn": "Ondertiteld in",
"quality": "Kwaliteit",
"watchItNow": "Bekijken",
"connecting": "Verbinden...",
"startingDownload": "Download starten...",
"downloading": "Downloaden...",
"genres": {
"all": "Populair",
"action": "Actie",
"adventure": "Avontuur",
"animation": "Animatie",
"biography": "Biografie",
"comedy": "Komedie",
"crime": "Misdaad",
"documentary": "Documentaire",
"drama": "Drama",
"family": "Familie",
"fantasy": "Fantasy",
"film-noir": "Film-Noir",
"history": "Historie",
"horror": "Horror",
"music": "Muziek",
"musical": "Musical",
"mystery": "Mysterie",
"romance": "Romantiek",
"sci-fi": "Sci-Fi",
"short": "Kort",
"sport": "Sport",
"thriller": "Thriller",
"war": "Oorlog",
"western": "Western"
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