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Last active April 16, 2022 20:33
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Jcode Project -
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Virksaabnavjot commented Aug 7, 2017

Jcode Project Code repo -

Project Description: Java Concepts implemented from scratch with detailed explanation within the code and references provided. You can clone this repo and contribute towards to it by making pull requests.

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Virksaabnavjot commented Aug 7, 2017

  • Constructor
  • Collections
  • Arrays
  • Arraylist
  • Lists
  • Map (Hash map)
  • Linked Lists (Double Linked List, Single Linked List) / List
  • Interface
  • Abstract Class
  • Abstract methods
  • Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Reference Variable
  • Instance/Object Creation (instantiated meaning in Java)
  • What is an Object?
  • Journalisation
  • Class Members
  • Class Variables
  • Class Methods
  • Constants
  • Objects
  • Methods
  • Class
  • Static Keyword
  • Static Class
  • Controlling Access to Members of a Class
  • Super Keyword
  • Packages in Java
  • Exception Handling
  • Unit Testing
  • Automation
  • Reserved Keywords

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Virksaabnavjot commented Aug 7, 2017

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Good Hindi explanation of Interfaces in Java (only applicable for me/indian-hindi speaking audience) -

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Abstract Class in Java (Hindi Explanation) Why Abstract class cannot be instantiated in Java?

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Collections in Java

  • What is Java Collections Framework?

  • Benefits of Java Collections Framework

  • Java Collections Interfaces
    --- Collection Interface
    --- Iterator Interface
    --- Set Interface
    --- List Interface
    --- Dequeue Interface
    --- Map Interface
    --- ListIterator Interface
    --- SortedSet Interface
    --- SortedMap Interface

  • Java Collections Classes
    --- HashSet Class
    --- TreeSet Class
    --- ArrayList Class
    --- LinkedList Class
    --- HashMap Class
    --- TreeMap Class
    --- PriorityQueue Class

  • Collections class

  • Synchronized Wrappers

  • Unmodifiable wrappers

  • Thread Safe Collections

  • Collections API Algorithms
    --- Sorting
    --- Shuffling
    --- Searching
    --- Composition
    --- Min and Max values

  • Java 8 Collections API Features

  • Collection classes in a Nutshell

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Glanced on 16th April 22

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