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Created May 15, 2013 01:13
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  • Save VirtuosiMedia/5580983 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VirtuosiMedia/5580983 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Utility class for dealing with SVG elements
* Copyright Virtuosi Media, Inc. 2012
* MIT License
var SVG = new Class({
* @param string - el - The type of SVG element
* @param object - options - The attributes and values for the SVG element, stored in a hash
* @return object - The Svg object, for chaining
initialize: function(el, options){
this.namespace = "";
this.el = document.createElementNS(this.namespace, el);
Object.each(options, function(value, attribute){
this.set(attribute, value);
}, this);
if (el === 'svg'){
this.el.setAttribute('xmlns', "");
this.el.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
return this;
* @param string - attribute - The attribute to set
* @param string - value - The value of the attribute
* @return object - The SvgElement object, for chaining
set: function(attribute, value){
this.el.setAttributeNS(null, attribute, value);
return this;
* @param string - attribute - The attribute for which a value should be retrieved
* @return string - The value of the attribute
get: function(attribute){
return this.el.get(attribute);
* @param string - event - The event trigger
* @param function - fn - The function to execute once the event is triggered
* @return object - The SvgElement object, for chaining
addEvent: function(event, fn){
this.el.addEventListener(event, fn, false);
return this;
* @param object - events - An object with key/value representing: key the event name, and value the function that
* is called when the Event occurs.
* @return object - The SvgElement object, for chaining
addEvents: function(events){
return this;
* @param string - content - The content that should be adopted by the element
* @return string - The value of the attribute
adopt: function(content){
return this;
* @param string - content - The content that should be grabbed by the element
* @return string - The value of the attribute
grab: function(content){
return this;
* @param mixed - el - el can be the id of an element or an element.
* @param string - where - (optional: defaults to 'bottom') The place to inject this Element. Can be 'top',
* 'bottom', 'after', or 'before'.
inject: function(el, where){
this.el.inject(el, where);
return this;
* @return object - The SVG element
render: function(){return this.el;},
toElement: function(){return this.el}
SVG.G = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('g', options);}
SVG.Rect = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('rect', options);}
SVG.Circle = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('circle', options);}
SVG.Polyline = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('polyline', options);}
SVG.Path = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('path', options);}
SVG.Text = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('text', options);},
setText: function(text){
this.el.textContent = text;
return this;
SVG.ClipPath = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('clipPath', options);}
SVG.Animate = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('animate', options);}
SVG.AnimateTransform = new Class({
Extends: SVG,
initialize: function(options){this.parent('animateTransform', options);}
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