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#ifndef QuakeStyleConsole_h
#define QuakeStyleConsole_h
/// QuakeStyleConsole.h
/// Created by VirtuosoChris on 8/19/20.
/// This is the backend of a console interface for games, to help with debugging, cheats, etc
/// This is intended to be lightweight and efficient, rather than a general purpose scripting solution.
/// It is intended to perform two main functions: printing and setting variables as the game executes, and executing compiled C++ code from within the game.
/// This is just the functionality, which is kept separate from a GUI implementation. See ImGuiQuakeConsole.h in this repo for a GUI frontend written in the Dear IMGUI library (
/// For example programs see the demos folder in this repo.
(For API Usage, see the class documentation immediately below)
-- help : When using the console, type help to get general information, or help <topic> to print the help string on a given topic
-- listCmd lists the commands bound to the console.
--listCVars lists all the variables bound to the console.
--listHelp lists all the topics available for the help command
--var : You can create new variables in the console itself (in addition to from client code, see below) by using var :
eg, "var health 100"
-- echo : eg. echo health - prints the value of the variable to the console
-- set : eg. set health 25 - sets the value of a variable in the console
-- runFile <filename> - execute all the commands in a file as if the user typed them in sequence.
--$: Strings prefixed with $ are interpreted as variable names to dereference, and the identifiers will be replaced in the input with the variable value - eg.
var x listCmd
help $x # will be processed as "help listCmd"
--Lines starting with # are counted as comments and ignored
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <functional>
#define PUBLIC_INTERFACE public // pay attention to everything in the public_interface section, it's what you use in your code
#define IMPLEMENTATION // Everything below this notation is what's needed to make the console work internally
namespace Virtuoso
class QuakeStyleConsole
PUBLIC_INTERFACE: // the methods in this section are what you should use in your code
/// Constructor binds the default commands to the command table & initializes history buffer
// --------------------------------------//
/* --------- COMMAND EXECUTION --------- */
// --------------------------------------//
// call one of these functions to make the console do things - eg. the first one when you press enter
// and your GUI console widget gives you a string
// You can execute all commands in an input stream until EOF with executeUntilEOF(),
// or run every line in a file (eg. a startup or debug playback file) with executeFile()
/// Execute command line passed in as string. Console output goes to "output"
void commandExecute(const std::string& str, std::ostream& output);
/// Get a command line from the input stream and execute it. Console output goes to "output"
void commandExecute(std::istream& input, std::ostream& output);
/// execute commands from an istream until EOF
void executeUntilEOF(std::istream& f, std::ostream& output);
/// execute commands from a file (named by the input string 'f') until EOF
void executeFile(const std::string& f, std::ostream& output);
/*----------- ADDING CVARS -----------*/
// Call one of these to add variables (eg, from your c++ code to the console.
// This makes them available to built in commands using the given "varname" - dereference them with $, print them with echo, and set them with "set"
/// function which takes in a string and a variable from client code we want to associate with it in the console. Takes in help string to describe the variable to the user.
template <class T>
void bindCVar(const std::string& varname, T& var, const std::string& help);
/// function which takes in a string and a variable from client code we want to associate with it in the console.
template <class T>
void bindCVar(const std::string& varname, T& var);
// ------------------------------------//
/* --------- ADDING COMMANDS ----------*/
// ------------------------------------//
// You should call console.bindCommand() with the command name you want and a C++ function from your code with an arbitrary signature. Optionally provide a help string for the command as a third argument
// You shouldn't need to worry about which overload or template arguments to use - it should resolve automatically.
// If your function has arguments, so long as there is an istream operator to read them from the input,
// the console will automatically parse them with variadic template and lambda magic, so you never have to write a parser
// IF YOU ARE USING A MEMBER FUNCTION - we need to wrap the "this" pointer too, so call bindMemberCommand() which takes the object reference as the first argument after the command name
/// add a command to the console using a function pointer that takes no arguments. set the associated help string to the "help" argument
void bindCommand(const std::string& commandName, void (*fptr)(void) , const std::string& help = "");
///add a command to the console using a function pointer that takes arbitrary arguments, then set the associated help string to the "help" argument
template<typename ...Args>
void bindCommand( const std::string& commandName, void (*fptr)(Args...) , const std::string& help = "");
///add a command to the console using a function object with arbitrary arguments, then set the associated help string to the optional "help" argument
template <typename ...Args>
void bindCommand(const std::string& commandName, std::function<void(Args...)> fun, const std::string& help = "");
/// same as bindCommand, but for a member function of an object. Object instance is first argument after the command name
template<typename O, typename ...Args>
void bindMemberCommand(const std::string& commandName, O& obj, void (O::*fptr)(Args...), const std::string& help = "");
typedef std::function< void (std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)> ConsoleFunc;
/// the bindCommand that actually does the work of adding commands to the table AFTER they've been coerced to a ConsoleFunc that takes the input/output from executeCommand. Takes optional help string.
void bindCommand(const std::string& commandName, ConsoleFunc f, const std::string& help = "");
// ------------------------------------//
/* --------- HISTORY FILES ----------- */
// ------------------------------------//
/* Saving and loading the history buffer of previously executed commands to file */
/// populate the command buffer from an input file named by string inFile
bool loadHistoryBuffer(const std::string& inFile);
/// write the history buffer to file named by string outFile
void saveHistoryBuffer(const std::string& outFile);
/// populate the command buffer from an input file named by istream inFile
void loadHistoryBuffer(std::istream& inFile);
/// write the history buffer to file named by ostream outFile
void saveHistoryBuffer(std::ofstream& outfile);
// ------------------------------------//
/* --------- OTHER ------------------- */
// ------------------------------------//
/// sets the help string (see built in 'help' command) for a given topic
void setHelpTopic(const std::string& topic, const std::string& data);
template <typename t>
class WindowedQueue;
typedef WindowedQueue<std::string> ConsoleHistoryBuffer;
const ConsoleHistoryBuffer& historyBuffer() const;
/// WindowedQueue - We implement a ring buffer for the command history as a queue
template<class T>
class WindowedQueue: protected std::queue<T>
void fix_size()
while (size() > m_capacity)
std::size_t m_capacity;
WindowedQueue(std::size_t maxCapacity) : m_capacity(maxCapacity)
void capacity(std::size_t newCapacity)
m_capacity = newCapacity;
std::size_t capacity() const
return m_capacity;
using std::queue<T>::operator=;
using std::queue<T>::front;
using std::queue<T>::back;
using std::queue<T>::empty;
using std::queue<T>::size;
using std::queue<T>::pop;
using std::queue<T>::swap;
T& operator[](size_t idx)
return this->c[idx];
const T& operator[](size_t idx) const
return this->c[idx];
template<class... Args>
void emplace(Args&&... args)
void push( const T& value )
void push( T&& value )
static const unsigned int defaultHistorySize = 10u; ///size of the history file
ConsoleHistoryBuffer history_buffer; ///history buffer of previous commands
typedef std::map < std::string, ConsoleFunc > CommandTable;
typedef std::map < std::string, ConsoleFunc > CVarReadTable;
typedef std::map < std::string, ConsoleFunc > CVarPrintTable;
typedef std::map < std::string, std::string > HelpTable;
/// maps strings naming cVars to functions which read them from a std::istream.
/// This allows the console to parse variables of any type representable as text without modifying the console code or adding custom parsing code.
CVarReadTable cvarReadFTable;
/// maps strings naming cVars to functions which write the variables of arbitrary type out to a std::ostream
CVarPrintTable cvarPrintFTable;
///maps strings to std function objects, representing the available commands to the user. eg, quit, set, etc
CommandTable commandTable;
/// maps names of functions or cvars to string literals containing helpful information on their use
HelpTable helpTable;
///function which simply sets the value of an arbitrary type based on what's in the input stream
///the arguments are "eaten" by std bind, allowing it to be stored as type void (*x)(void) in the cvarReadFTable
template <class T>
void setCvar(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, T* var);
///function which simply prints the value of a variable to an output stream
///the arguments are "eaten" by std bind, allowing it to be stored as type void (*x)(void) in the cvarPrintFTable
template <class T>
void printCvar(std::ostream& os, T* var);
///dumps a list of available commands to the output stream
void listCmd(std::ostream& os) const;
///dumps a list of bound cvars to the output stream
void listCVars(std::ostream& os) const;
///dumps a list of available help topics to the output stream
void listHelp(std::ostream& os) const;
///The function associated with the built in command "set" which parses the name of a cvar, and if it is bound, sets the value based on
///the value in the input stream
void commandSet(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os);
///the function associated with built in command "echo", which prints the value of a cvar if it is bound. if not, reports an error.
void commandEcho(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os);
///prints help on a topic if the user types help < topic >, or a generic help message if the user just types help
void commandHelp(std::istream&, std::ostream&);
///creates a string variable from the console
void commandVar();
///wrapper function which parses arguments to a function object of arbitrary type from the console's input stream then executes the function if the parsing was successful
template<typename... Args>
void parse(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::function<void(Args...)> f);
///This function is called by populateAndExecute, and only executes the bound function if the parsing succeeds
///if parsing failed we do not want to pass in uninitialized garbage to the c++ function we bound
template <typename... Args>
void conditionalExecute(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::function< void(Args...) > f, const Args&... args);
///adds the built-in commands to the command table
void bindBasicCommands();
///helper function to return a default-constructed temp variable of a particular type. Used in parsing arguments for C++ functions bound to the console
template <class T>
T makeTemp();
///for parsing arguments to C++ functions bound to the console. variadic template that recursively parses our function arguments in order
template <typename FirstType, typename... Args>
void populateTemps(std::istream& is, FirstType& in, Args&... Temps);
///for parsing arguments to C++ functions bound to the console. variadic template that recursively parses our function arguments in order. base case
template <typename FirstType>
void populateTemps(std::istream& is, FirstType& in);
///for parsing arguments to C++ functions bound to the console. variadic template that recursively parses our function arguments in order. base case
void populateTemps(std::istream& is) {}
///for parsing arguments to C++ functions bound to the console. call starts populating temp variables
template <typename... Args>
void goPopulateTemps(std::istream& is, Args&... temps);
///for parsing arguments to C++ functions bound to the console. Populates the temp variables using the istream, then calls the function with them
template<typename... Args>
void populateAndExecute(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::function<void(Args...)> f,
typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type >::type...
///helper function that takes an input line containing commands and dereferences any console variables whose names appear prefixed by the $ symbol
void dereferenceVariables(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::string& str);
///assigns the value of a dynamically created console variable using the console's input stream
template<class T>
void assignDynamicVariable(std::istream& is, std::shared_ptr<T> var);
///writes a dynamically created console variable to the console output
template <class T>
void writeDynamicVariable(std::ostream& os, std::shared_ptr<T> var);
///bind dynamically created console variable to the variable table and set the associated help string
template<class T>
void bindDynamicCVar(const std::string& var, const T& value, const std::string& help);
///bind dynamically created console variable to the variable table.
template<class T>
void bindDynamicCVar(const std::string& var, const T& valueIn);
///Dynamic variables are string-based variables that can be created, assigned, and dereferenced from the console itself rather than C++ code
struct DynamicVariable : public std::string
template <class T>
inline T Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::makeTemp()
T temp{};
return temp;
template <typename... Args>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::conditionalExecute(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::function<void(Args...)> f, const Args&... args)
if (
os << "[error] : SYNTAX ERROR IN FUNCTION ARGUMENTS" << std::endl;
template <typename FirstType>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::populateTemps(std::istream& is, FirstType& in)
is >> in;
//variadic template that recursively parses our function arguments in order
template <typename FirstType, typename... Args>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::populateTemps(std::istream& is, FirstType& in, Args&... Temps)
is >> in;
populateTemps(is, Temps...);
template <typename... Args>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::goPopulateTemps(std::istream& is, Args&... temps)
populateTemps(is, temps...);
template<typename... Args>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::populateAndExecute(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::function<void(Args...)> f,
typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type >::type...
goPopulateTemps< typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type >::type...>(is, temps...);
conditionalExecute<Args...>(is, os, f, temps...);
//function that gets bound as type void to the console with a second function object that may have multiple arguments of various types
//this function gets called when the user enters the function name into the console.
template<typename... Args>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::parse(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::function<void(Args...)> f)
//first we have to create a bunch of temp variables and pass them into the populateAndExecute function
//the temp variables are needed to store the result. There's no guarantee in c++ for argument evaluation order, so we can't just
//skip the intermediate step of passing constructed temps into a second function
populateAndExecute<Args...>( is, os, f, (makeTemp< typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference< Args>::type >::type > () )... );
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindCommand(const std::string& str, void (*fptr)(void), const std::string& help)
commandTable[str] = [fptr](std::istream&, std::ostream&){fptr();};
if (help.length()) setHelpTopic(str, help);
template<typename ...Args>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindCommand( const std::string& str, void (*fptr)(Args...) , const std::string& help)
commandTable[str] =
[this, fptr](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
this->parse<Args...>(is, os, fptr);
if (help.length()) setHelpTopic(str, help);
template <typename ...Args>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindCommand(const std::string& str, std::function<void(Args...)> fun, const std::string& help)
commandTable[str] =
[this, fun](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
this->parse<Args...>(is, os, fun);
if (help.length()) setHelpTopic(str, help);
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindCommand(const std::string& str, ConsoleFunc fun, const std::string& help)
if (help.length()) setHelpTopic(str, help);
commandTable[str] = fun;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::setHelpTopic(const std::string& str, const std::string& data)
helpTable[str] = data;
template <class T>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindCVar(const std::string& str, T& var)
cvarReadFTable[str] =
[this, &var](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
this->setCvar<T>(is, os, &var);
cvarPrintFTable[str] =
[this, &var](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
this->printCvar<T>(os, &var);
template <class T>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindCVar(const std::string& str, T& var, const std::string& help)
bindCVar(str, var);
setHelpTopic(str, help);
template <class T>
void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::setCvar(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, T* var)
T tmp; ///temp argument is a necessity; without it we risk corruption of our variable value if there is a parse error. Should be no issue unless someone is using this to parse a ginormous structure or copy construction invokes a state change.
is >> tmp;
if (
os << "[error] : SYNTAX ERROR IN VARIABLE PARSER" << std::endl;
*var = tmp;
template <class T>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::printCvar(std::ostream& os, T* var)
os << *var <<std::endl;
template<class T>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::assignDynamicVariable(std::istream& is, std::shared_ptr<T> var)
is >> (*var);
template <class T>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::writeDynamicVariable(std::ostream& os, std::shared_ptr<T> var)
const T& deref = *(var);
os << deref;
template<class T>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindDynamicCVar(const std::string& var, const T& value, const std::string& help)
helpTable[var] = help;
bindDynamicCVar(var, value);
template<class T>
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindDynamicCVar(const std::string& var, const T& valueIn)
std::shared_ptr<T> ptr(new T(valueIn));
cvarReadFTable[var] =
[this, ptr](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
this->assignDynamicVariable<T>(is, ptr);
cvarPrintFTable[var] =
[this, ptr](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
this->writeDynamicVariable<T>(os, ptr);
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::executeUntilEOF(std::istream& f, std::ostream& output)
commandExecute(f, output);
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::executeFile(const std::string& x, std::ostream& output)
std::ifstream f(x);
output << "[error] : unable to open file!" << std::endl;
executeUntilEOF(f, output);
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::commandHelp(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
const char* genericHelp= "Type 'help' followed by the name of a command or variable to get help on that topic if available."
"\nType listCmd, listCVars, and listHelp to print lists of the available commands, variables, and help topics."
"\nUse $<varname> to dereference a variable in a command argument list and use # to comment the rest of a line";
std::string x;
if (is >> x)
HelpTable::const_iterator it = helpTable.find(x);
if (it != helpTable.end())
os << (it->second) << std::endl;
os << "[error] : No help available on " << x << std::endl;
os << genericHelp << std::endl;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::listHelp(std::ostream& os) const
os << "\nAvailable help topics:";
for (HelpTable::const_iterator it = helpTable.begin(); it != helpTable.end(); it++)
os << "\n" << it->first;
os << std::endl;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::listCmd(std::ostream& os) const
os << "\nAvailable commands:";
for (CommandTable::const_iterator it = commandTable.begin(); it != commandTable.end(); it++)
os << "\n" << it->first;
os << std::endl;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::listCVars(std::ostream& os) const
os << "\nBound console variables:";
for (CVarReadTable::const_iterator it = cvarReadFTable.begin(); it != cvarReadFTable.end(); it++)
os << "\n" << it->first;
os << std::endl;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::commandSet(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
std::string x;
if (!(is>>x))
os << "[error] : Syntax error parsing argument" << std::endl;
CVarReadTable::iterator it = cvarReadFTable.find(x);
if (it != cvarReadFTable.end())
it->second(is, os);
os << "[error] : Variable " << x << " unknown." << std::endl;
/// the function associated with built in command "echo", which prints the value of a cvar if it is bound. if not, reports an error.
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::commandEcho(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
std::string x;
if(!(is >> x))
os << "[error] : Syntax error parsing argument" << std::endl;
CVarPrintTable::iterator it = cvarPrintFTable.find(x);
if (it!= cvarPrintFTable.end())
(it->second)(is, os);
os << "[error] : Variable "<<x<<" unknown." << std::endl;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::commandExecute(const std::string& str, std::ostream& output)
std::stringstream lineStream;
commandExecute(lineStream, output);
///reads a string from the input stream and executes the command associated with it, if there is one. if not, reports an error.
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::commandExecute(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
char ch;
ch= is.peek();
if(ch == '#')
std::string tmp;
getline(is, tmp);
} //if newline we will not parse anything else
else if(std::isspace(ch))
std::stringstream lineStream;
std::string lineTemp;
getline( is, lineTemp);
os<<"> "<<lineTemp<<std::endl;
dereferenceVariables(is, os, lineTemp);
lineStream.str(lineTemp);///\todo this constrains us to a single line. way to go later might be to require user or
///generated command parser to return string that was parsed
std::string x;
while (lineStream >> x)
CommandTable::const_iterator it = commandTable.find(x);
if (it == commandTable.end())
os << "[error] : command " << x << " unknown" << std::endl;
(it->second)(lineStream, os); //execute the command
os << '\n';
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindBasicCommands()
std::function< void(const std::string&, const DynamicVariable& ) > f1 =
static_cast< void(QuakeStyleConsole::*)(const std::string&, const DynamicVariable&) >
( &QuakeStyleConsole::bindDynamicCVar<DynamicVariable>),
this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2
"Type var <varname> <value> to declare a dynamic variable with name <varname> and value <value>."
"\nVariable names are any space delimited string and variable value is set to the remainder of the line."
bindCommand("listCmd", [this](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os){this->listCmd(os);}, "lists the available console commands");
bindCommand("set", [this](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os){this->commandSet(is,os);}, "type set <identifier> <val> to change the value of a cvar");
bindCommand("echo", [this](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os){this->commandEcho(is,os);}, "type echo <identifier> to print the value of a cvar");
bindCommand("listCVars", [this](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os){listCVars(os);}, "lists the bound cvars");
bindCommand("help", [this](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os){this->commandHelp(is, os);}, "you're a smartass");
bindCommand("listHelp", [this](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os){this->listHelp(os);}, "lists the available help topics");
bindCommand("runFile", [this](std::istream& is, std::ostream& os)
std::string f;
this->executeFile(f, os);
"runs the commands in a text file named by the argument");
inline bool Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::loadHistoryBuffer(const std::string& inFile)
std::ifstream hfi(inFile);
return true;
return false;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::saveHistoryBuffer(const std::string& outFile)
std::ofstream hfo(outFile);
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::loadHistoryBuffer(std::istream& inFile)
std::string tmp;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::saveHistoryBuffer(std::ofstream& outfile)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < history_buffer.size(); i++)
outfile << history_buffer[i] << std::endl;
inline const Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::ConsoleHistoryBuffer& Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::historyBuffer() const
return history_buffer;
inline void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::dereferenceVariables(std::istream& is, std::ostream& os, std::string& str)
size_t varBase = 0;
int n=0;
while((varBase = str.find('$', varBase)) != str.npos)
size_t substrEnd = varBase;
size_t dollar = varBase;
for ( ; ((substrEnd < str.size()) && (!isspace(str[substrEnd]))); substrEnd++);
if(substrEnd == varBase)
os << "[error] : EXPECTED IDENTIFIER AT $" << std::endl;
std::string substr(str.substr(varBase, substrEnd-varBase));
std::stringstream sstr;
CVarPrintTable::iterator it = cvarPrintFTable.find(substr);
// check that variable exists
if (it != cvarPrintFTable.end())
it->second(is, sstr);
str.replace( dollar, substrEnd, sstr.str());
os << "[error] : Variable " << substr << " not found" << std::endl;
inline Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::QuakeStyleConsole()
: history_buffer(defaultHistorySize)
template<typename O, typename ...Args>
void Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::bindMemberCommand(const std::string& commandName, O& obj, void (O::*fptr)(Args...), const std::string& help)
auto mf = std::mem_fn(fptr);
std::function <void (const Args...)> fp =
[mf, &obj](const Args&... args)
mf(obj, args...);
bindCommand(commandName, fp);
if (help.length())
setHelpTopic(commandName, help);
/// here we just overload the iostream operators. The only real difference is that on input a dynamic variable takes a full line from input
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& instream, const Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::DynamicVariable& var)
const std::string& str = var;
return instream << str;
/// dynamic variable definitions take a full line from the input stream
inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& istream, Virtuoso::QuakeStyleConsole::DynamicVariable& var)
return getline(istream, var);
#endif /* QuakeStyleConsole_h */
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