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Created August 18, 2020 06:15
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IMGUI Quake Console Widget Draft
// ConsoleWidget.h
// Created by VirtuosoChris on 8/17/20.
// Forked from Example Console code in IMGUI samples
#ifndef ConsoleWidget_h
#define ConsoleWidget_h
#include <Depends/VirtuosoConsole/GameConsole.h>
#include <Depends/VirtuosoConsole/GameConsole.cpp>
#include <Depends/VirtuosoConsole/BaseLog.h>
#include <Depends/VirtuosoConsole/SimpleLog.h>
#include <set>
struct ConsoleBuf : public std::streambuf
std::vector<std::string> items;
struct membuf: std::streambuf
membuf(const char* begin, const char* end)
this->setg((char*)begin, (char*)begin, (char*)end);
std::string& curStr()
int idx = items.size()-1;
return items[idx];
int overflow(int c)
if (c != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
curStr() +=(char)c;
return c;
std::streamsize xsputn ( const char * s, std::streamsize n )
membuf mb(s, s + n);
std::istream ib(&mb);
while (!ib.eof())
std::string ln;
std::getline(ib, ln);
if (!ib.eof())
return n;
struct ConsoleWidget : public Virtuoso::GameConsole, public Virtuoso::BaseLog, public std::ostream
ConsoleBuf strb;
char InputBuf[256];
int HistoryPos; // -1: new line, 0..History.Size-1 browsing history.
ImGuiTextFilter Filter;
bool AutoScroll;
bool ScrollToBottom;
virtual std::ostream& status()
return *this;
virtual std::ostream& error()
return (*this)<<"[error] : ";
virtual std::ostream& echo()
return (*this)<<"> ";
virtual std::ostream& warning()
return (*this)<<"[warning] : ";
ConsoleWidget() : std::ostream(&strb)
memset(InputBuf, 0, sizeof(InputBuf));
HistoryPos = -1;
// "CLASSIFY" is here to provide the test case where "C"+[tab] completes to "CL" and display multiple matches.
AutoScroll = true;
ScrollToBottom = false;
// Portable helpers
static int Stricmp(const char* s1, const char* s2) { int d; while ((d = toupper(*s2) - toupper(*s1)) == 0 && *s1) { s1++; s2++; } return d; }
static int Strnicmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, int n) { int d = 0; while (n > 0 && (d = toupper(*s2) - toupper(*s1)) == 0 && *s1) { s1++; s2++; n--; } return d; }
static char* Strdup(const char* s) { size_t len = strlen(s) + 1; void* buf = malloc(len); IM_ASSERT(buf); return (char*)memcpy(buf, (const void*)s, len); }
static void Strtrim(char* s) { char* str_end = s + strlen(s); while (str_end > s && str_end[-1] == ' ') str_end--; *str_end = 0; }
void ClearLog()
void optionsMenu()
ImGui::Checkbox("Auto-scroll", &AutoScroll);
void Draw(const char* title, bool* p_open)
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(520, 600), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
if (!ImGui::Begin(title, p_open))
// As a specific feature guaranteed by the library, after calling Begin() the last Item represent the title bar.
// So e.g. IsItemHovered() will return true when hovering the title bar.
// Here we create a context menu only available from the title bar.
if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextItem())
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Close Console"))
*p_open = false;
ImGui::TextWrapped("Enter 'HELP' for help, press TAB to use text completion.");
// TODO: display items starting from the bottom
if (ImGui::SmallButton("Clear")){ ClearLog(); } ImGui::SameLine();
bool copy_to_clipboard = ImGui::SmallButton("Copy");
// Options menu
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("Options"))
// Options, Filter
if (ImGui::Button("Options"))
Filter.Draw("Filter (\"incl,-excl\") (\"error\")", 180);
// Reserve enough left-over height for 1 separator + 1 input text
const float footer_height_to_reserve = ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.y + ImGui::GetFrameHeightWithSpacing();
ImGui::BeginChild("ScrollingRegion", ImVec2(0, -footer_height_to_reserve), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar);
if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextWindow())
if (ImGui::Selectable("Clear")) ClearLog();
// Display every line as a separate entry so we can change their color or add custom widgets.
// If you only want raw text you can use ImGui::TextUnformatted(log.begin(), log.end());
// NB- if you have thousands of entries this approach may be too inefficient and may require user-side clipping
// to only process visible items. The clipper will automatically measure the height of your first item and then
// "seek" to display only items in the visible area.
// To use the clipper we can replace your standard loop:
// for (int i = 0; i < Items.Size; i++)
// With:
// ImGuiListClipper clipper(Items.Size);
// while (clipper.Step())
// for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++)
// - That your items are evenly spaced (same height)
// - That you have cheap random access to your elements (you can access them given their index,
// without processing all the ones before)
// You cannot this code as-is if a filter is active because it breaks the 'cheap random-access' property.
// We would need random-access on the post-filtered list.
// A typical application wanting coarse clipping and filtering may want to pre-compute an array of indices
// or offsets of items that passed the filtering test, recomputing this array when user changes the filter,
// and appending newly elements as they are inserted. This is left as a task to the user until we can manage
// to improve this example code!
// If your items are of variable height:
// - Split them into same height items would be simpler and facilitate random-seeking into your list.
// - Consider using manual call to IsRectVisible() and skipping extraneous decoration from your items.
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(4, 1)); // Tighten spacing
if (copy_to_clipboard)
for (int i = 0; i < strb.items.size(); i++)
const char* item = strb.items[i].c_str();
if (!Filter.PassFilter(item))
// Normally you would store more information in your item than just a string.
// (e.g. make Items[] an array of structure, store color/type etc.)
ImVec4 color;
bool has_color = false;
if (strstr(item, "[error]"))
color = ImVec4(2.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); has_color = true;
else if (strncmp(item, "# ", 2) == 0)
color = ImVec4(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 1.0f); has_color = true;
if (strstr(item, "[warning]"))
color = ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); has_color = true;
if (strstr(item, "> "))
color = ImVec4(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 1.0f); has_color = true;
if (has_color)
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, color);
if (has_color)
if (copy_to_clipboard)
if (ScrollToBottom || (AutoScroll && ImGui::GetScrollY() >= ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()))
ScrollToBottom = false;
// Command-line
bool reclaim_focus = false;
ImGuiInputTextFlags input_text_flags = ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory;
if (ImGui::InputText("Input", InputBuf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(InputBuf), input_text_flags, &TextEditCallbackStub, (void*)this))
char* s = InputBuf;
if (s[0])
strcpy(s, "");
reclaim_focus = true;
// Auto-focus on window apparition
if (reclaim_focus)
ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere(-1); // Auto focus previous widget
void ExecCommand(const char* command_line)
// Insert into history. First find match and delete it so it can be pushed to the back.
// This isn't trying to be smart or optimal.
HistoryPos = -1;
commandExecute(command_line, *this);
// On command input, we scroll to bottom even if AutoScroll==false
ScrollToBottom = true;
// In C++11 you'd be better off using lambdas for this sort of forwarding callbacks
static int TextEditCallbackStub(ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data)
ConsoleWidget* console = (ConsoleWidget*)data->UserData;
return console->TextEditCallback(data);
int TextEditCallback(ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data)
switch (data->EventFlag)
case ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion:
// Locate beginning of current word
const char* word_end = data->Buf + data->CursorPos;
const char* word_start = word_end;
while (word_start > data->Buf)
const char c = word_start[-1];
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ',' || c == ';')
// Build a list of candidates
ImVector<const char*> candidates;
//for (int i = 0; i < Commands.Size; i++)
for (auto it = commandTable.begin(); it != commandTable.end(); it++)
const char* cmd = it->first.c_str();
if (Strnicmp(cmd, word_start, (int)(word_end - word_start)) == 0)
if (candidates.Size == 0)
// No match
//AddLog("No match for %.*s, , word_start);
(*this)<<"No match for ";
(*this)<<(int)(word_end - word_start);
(*this)<<' '<<word_start;
else if (candidates.Size == 1)
// Single match. Delete the beginning of the word and replace it entirely so we've got nice casing.
data->DeleteChars((int)(word_start - data->Buf), (int)(word_end - word_start));
data->InsertChars(data->CursorPos, candidates[0]);
data->InsertChars(data->CursorPos, " ");
// Multiple matches. Complete as much as we can..
// So inputing "C"+Tab will complete to "CL" then display "CLEAR" and "CLASSIFY" as matches.
int match_len = (int)(word_end - word_start);
for (;;)
int c = 0;
bool all_candidates_matches = true;
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.Size && all_candidates_matches; i++)
if (i == 0)
c = toupper(candidates[i][match_len]);
else if (c == 0 || c != toupper(candidates[i][match_len]))
all_candidates_matches = false;
if (!all_candidates_matches)
if (match_len > 0)
data->DeleteChars((int)(word_start - data->Buf), (int)(word_end - word_start));
data->InsertChars(data->CursorPos, candidates[0], candidates[0] + match_len);
// List matches
(*this)<<"Possible matches:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.Size; i++)
(*this)<<"- "<<candidates[i]<<'\n';
case ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory:
// Example of HISTORY
const int prev_history_pos = HistoryPos;
if (data->EventKey == ImGuiKey_UpArrow)
if (HistoryPos == -1)
HistoryPos = history_buffer.size() - 1;
else if (HistoryPos > 0)
else if (data->EventKey == ImGuiKey_DownArrow)
if (HistoryPos != -1)
if (++HistoryPos >= history_buffer.size())
HistoryPos = -1;
// A better implementation would preserve the data on the current input line along with cursor position.
if (prev_history_pos != HistoryPos)
const char* history_str = (HistoryPos >= 0) ? history_buffer[HistoryPos].c_str() : "";
data->DeleteChars(0, data->BufTextLen);
data->InsertChars(0, history_str);
return 0;
static void ShowExampleAppConsole(bool* p_open)
static ConsoleWidget console;
console.Draw("Example: Console", p_open);
#endif /* ConsoleWidget_h */
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