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Last active February 27, 2016 21:33
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Changes to HeatMapSeries
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="HeatMapSeries.cs" company="OxyPlot">
// Copyright (c) 2014 OxyPlot contributors
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Specifies how the heat map coordinates are defined.
// </summary>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace OxyPlot.Series
using System;
using OxyPlot.Axes;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies how the heat map coordinates are defined.
/// </summary>
public enum HeatMapCoordinateDefinition
/// <summary>
/// The coordinates defines the center of the cells
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The coordinates defines the edge of the cells
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Represents a heat map.
/// </summary>
public class HeatMapSeries : XYAxisSeries
/// <summary>
/// The default tracker format string
/// </summary>
public new const string DefaultTrackerFormatString = "{0}\n{1}: {2}\n{3}: {4}\n{5}: {6}";
/// <summary>
/// The default color-axis title
/// </summary>
private const string DefaultColorAxisTitle = "Value";
/// <summary>
/// The hash code of the data when the image was updated.
/// </summary>
private int dataHash;
/// <summary>
/// The hash code of the color axis when the image was updated.
/// </summary>
private int colorAxisHash;
/// <summary>
/// The image
/// </summary>
private OxyImage image;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HeatMapSeries" /> class.
/// </summary>
public HeatMapSeries()
this.TrackerFormatString = DefaultTrackerFormatString;
this.Interpolate = true;
this.LabelFormatString = "0.00";
this.LabelFontSize = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the elements at index [0,*] in the data set.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center"/>, the value defines the mid point of the element at index [0,*] in the data set.
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Edge"/>, the value defines the coordinate of the left edge of the element at index [0,*] in the data set.
/// </value>
public double X0 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mid point for the elements at index [m-1,*] in the data set.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center"/>, the value defines the mid point of the element at index [m-1,*] in the data set.
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Edge"/>, the value defines the coordinate of the right edge of the element at index [m-1,*] in the data set.
/// </value>
public double X1 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mid point for the elements at index [*,0] in the data set.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center"/>, the value defines the mid point of the element at index [*,0] in the data set.
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Edge"/>, the value defines the coordinate of the bottom edge of the element at index [*,0] in the data set.
/// </value>
public double Y0 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mid point for the elements at index [*,n-1] in the data set.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center"/>, the value defines the mid point of the element at index [*,n-1] in the data set.
/// If <see cref="CoordinateDefinition" /> equals <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Edge"/>, the value defines the coordinate of the top edge of the element at index [*,n-1] in the data set.
/// </value>
public double Y1 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the data array.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Note that the indices of the data array refer to [x,y].
/// The first dimension is along the x-axis.
/// The second dimension is along the y-axis.
/// Remember to call the <see cref="Invalidate" /> method if the contents of the <see cref="Data" /> array is changed.</remarks>
public double[,] Data { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to interpolate when rendering. The default value is <c>true</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This property is not supported on all platforms.</remarks>
public bool Interpolate { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use discrete rectangles for rendering uninterpolated (ignored if Interpolate is set to true). The default value is <c>false</c>.
/// </summary>
public bool RenderDiscreteRectangles { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to treat the x dimension as logarithmic. The default value is <c>false</c>.
/// </summary>
public bool LogX { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to treat the y dimension as logarithmic. The default value is <c>false</c>.
/// </summary>
public bool LogY { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the minimum value of the dataset.
/// </summary>
public double MinValue { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the maximum value of the dataset.
/// </summary>
public double MaxValue { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the color axis.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The color axis.</value>
public IColorAxis ColorAxis { get; protected set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the color axis key.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The color axis key.</value>
public string ColorAxisKey { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the coordinate definition. The default value is <see cref="HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center" />.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The coordinate definition.</value>
public HeatMapCoordinateDefinition CoordinateDefinition { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the format string for the cell labels. The default value is <c>0.00</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The format string.</value>
/// <remarks>The label format string is only used when <see cref="LabelFontSize" /> is greater than 0.</remarks>
public string LabelFormatString { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the font size of the labels. The default value is <c>0</c> (labels not visible).
/// </summary>
/// <value>The font size relative to the cell height.</value>
public double LabelFontSize { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Invalidates the image that renders the heat map. The image will be regenerated the next time the <see cref="HeatMapSeries" /> is rendered.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Call <see cref="PlotModel.InvalidatePlot" /> to refresh the view.</remarks>
public void Invalidate()
this.image = null;
/// <summary>
/// Renders the series on the specified render context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param>
public override void Render(IRenderContext rc)
if (this.Data == null)
this.image = null;
if (this.ColorAxis == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Color axis not specified.");
double left = this.X0;
double right = this.X1;
double bottom = this.Y0;
double top = this.Y1;
int m = this.Data.GetLength(0);
int n = this.Data.GetLength(1);
double dx = (this.X1 - this.X0) / (m - 1);
double dy = (this.Y1 - this.Y0) / (n - 1);
if (this.CoordinateDefinition == HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center)
if (LogX)
double gx = Math.Log(this.X1 / this.X0) / (m - 1);
left *= Math.Exp(gx / -2);
right *= Math.Exp(gx / 2);
left -= dx / 2;
right += dx / 2;
if (LogY)
double gy = Math.Log(this.Y1 / this.Y0) / (n - 1);
bottom *= Math.Exp(gy / -2);
top *= Math.Exp(gy / 2);
bottom -= dy / 2;
top += dy / 2;
var s00 = this.Transform(left, bottom);
var s11 = this.Transform(right, top);
var rect = new OxyRect(s00, s11);
bool needImage = Interpolate || !RenderDiscreteRectangles;
var currentDataHash = this.Data.GetHashCode();
var currentColorAxisHash = this.ColorAxis.GetElementHashCode();
if ((needImage && this.image == null) || currentDataHash != this.dataHash || currentColorAxisHash != this.colorAxisHash)
if (needImage)
this.dataHash = currentDataHash;
this.colorAxisHash = currentColorAxisHash;
var clip = this.GetClippingRect();
if (needImage)
if (this.image != null)
rc.DrawClippedImage(clip, this.image, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height, 1, this.Interpolate);
s00 = this.Orientate(s00); // disorientate
s11 = this.Orientate(s11); // disorientate
double sdx = (s11.X - s00.X) / m;
double sdy = (s11.Y - s00.Y) / n;
// draw lots of rectangles
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
OxyColor rectcolor = this.ColorAxis.GetColor(this.Data[i, j]);
var pointa = this.Orientate(new ScreenPoint(s00.X + i * sdx, s00.Y + j * sdy)); // reorientate
var pointb = this.Orientate(new ScreenPoint(s00.X + (i + 1) * sdx, s00.Y + (j + 1) * sdy)); // reorientate
OxyRect rectrect = new OxyRect(pointa, pointb);
rc.DrawClippedRectangle(clip, rectrect, rectcolor, OxyColors.Undefined, 0);
if (this.LabelFontSize > 0)
this.RenderLabels(rc, rect);
// fudge Tranform/InverseTranform testing (for Transpose #535)
protected new OxyRect GetClippingRect()
double minX = Math.Min(this.XAxis.ScreenMin.X, this.XAxis.ScreenMax.X);
double minY = Math.Min(this.YAxis.ScreenMin.Y, this.YAxis.ScreenMax.Y);
double maxX = Math.Max(this.XAxis.ScreenMin.X, this.XAxis.ScreenMax.X);
double maxY = Math.Max(this.YAxis.ScreenMin.Y, this.YAxis.ScreenMax.Y);
if (XAxis.IsVertical())
return new OxyRect(minY, minX, maxY - minY, maxX - minX);
return new OxyRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
private ScreenPoint Orientate(ScreenPoint point)
if (XAxis.IsVertical())
point = new ScreenPoint(point.Y, point.X);
return point;
public new ScreenPoint Transform(double x, double y)
return Orientate(base.Transform(x, y));
public new ScreenPoint Transform(DataPoint p)
return Orientate(base.Transform(p));
public new DataPoint InverseTransform(ScreenPoint point)
return base.InverseTransform(Orientate(point));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the point on the series that is nearest the specified point.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point">The point.</param>
/// <param name="interpolate">Interpolate the series if this flag is set to <c>true</c>.</param>
/// <returns>A TrackerHitResult for the current hit.</returns>
public override TrackerHitResult GetNearestPoint(ScreenPoint point, bool interpolate)
if (!this.Interpolate)
// It makes no sense to interpolate the tracker when the plot is not interpolated.
interpolate = false;
var p = this.InverseTransform(point);
if (!this.IsPointInRange(p))
return null;
// these are screen space coords
double i;
double j;
if (LogX)
double gx = Math.Log(this.X1 / this.X0) / (this.Data.GetLength(0) - 1);
i = Math.Log(p.X / this.X0) / gx;
double dx = (this.X1 - this.X0) / (this.Data.GetLength(0) - 1);
i = (p.X - this.X0) / dx;
if (LogY)
double gy = Math.Log(this.Y1 / this.Y0) / (this.Data.GetLength(1) - 1);
j = Math.Log(p.Y / this.Y0) / gy;
double dy = (this.Y1 - this.Y0) / (this.Data.GetLength(1) - 1);
j = (p.Y - this.Y0) / dy;
if (!interpolate)
i = Math.Round(i);
j = Math.Round(j);
double px;
double py;
if (LogX)
double gx = Math.Log(this.X1 / this.X0) / (this.Data.GetLength(0) - 1);
px = this.X0 * Math.Exp((double)i * gx);
double dx = (this.X1 - this.X0) / (this.Data.GetLength(0) - 1);
px = (i * dx) + this.X0;
if (LogY)
double gy = Math.Log(this.Y1 / this.Y0) / (this.Data.GetLength(1) - 1);
py = this.Y0 * Math.Exp((double)j * gy);
double dy = (this.Y1 - this.Y0) / (this.Data.GetLength(1) - 1);
py = (j * dy) + this.Y0;
p = new DataPoint(px, py);
point = this.Transform(p);
var value = GetValue(this.Data, i, j);
var colorAxis = this.ColorAxis as Axis;
var colorAxisTitle = (colorAxis != null ? colorAxis.Title : null) ?? DefaultColorAxisTitle;
return new TrackerHitResult
Series = this,
DataPoint = p,
Position = point,
Item = null,
Index = -1,
Text = StringHelper.Format(
this.XAxis.Title ?? DefaultXAxisTitle,
this.YAxis.Title ?? DefaultYAxisTitle,
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that the axes of the series is defined.
/// </summary>
protected internal override void EnsureAxes()
this.ColorAxis =
this.PlotModel.GetAxisOrDefault(this.ColorAxisKey, (Axis)this.PlotModel.DefaultColorAxis) as IColorAxis;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the maximum and minimum values of the series for the x and y dimensions only.
/// </summary>
protected internal void UpdateMaxMinXY()
int m = this.Data.GetLength(0);
int n = this.Data.GetLength(1);
this.MinX = Math.Min(this.X0, this.X1);
this.MaxX = Math.Max(this.X0, this.X1);
this.MinY = Math.Min(this.Y0, this.Y1);
this.MaxY = Math.Max(this.Y0, this.Y1);
if (this.CoordinateDefinition == HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center)
if (LogX)
double gx = Math.Log(this.MaxX / this.MinX) / (m - 1);
this.MinX *= Math.Exp(gx / -2);
this.MaxX *= Math.Exp(gx / 2);
double dx = (this.MaxX - this.MinX) / (m - 1);
this.MinX -= dx / 2;
this.MaxX += dx / 2;
if (LogY)
double gy = Math.Log(this.MaxY / this.MinY) / (n - 1);
this.MinY *= Math.Exp(gy / -2);
this.MaxY *= Math.Exp(gy / 2);
double dy = (this.MaxY - this.MinY) / (n - 1);
this.MinY -= dy / 2;
this.MaxY += dy / 2;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the maximum and minimum values of the series.
/// </summary>
protected internal override void UpdateMaxMin()
this.MinValue = this.Data.Min2D(true);
this.MaxValue = this.Data.Max2D();
/// <summary>
/// Updates the axes to include the max and min of this series.
/// </summary>
protected internal override void UpdateAxisMaxMin()
var colorAxis = this.ColorAxis as Axis;
if (colorAxis != null)
/// <summary>
/// Renders the labels.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rc">The <see cref="IRenderContext" /></param>
/// <param name="rect">The bounding rectangle for the data.</param>
protected virtual void RenderLabels(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect rect)
var clip = this.GetClippingRect();
int m = this.Data.GetLength(0);
int n = this.Data.GetLength(1);
//double dx = (this.X1 - this.X0) / (m - 1);
//double dy = (this.Y1 - this.Y0) / (n - 1);
double fontSize = (rect.Height / n) * this.LabelFontSize;
double left = this.X0;
double right = this.X1;
double bottom = this.Y0;
double top = this.Y1;
var s00 = this.Orientate(this.Transform(left, bottom)); // disorientate
var s11 = this.Orientate(this.Transform(right, top)); // disorientate
//var labelrect = new OxyRect(s00, s11);
//double sdx = labelrect.Width / (m - 1);
//double sdy = labelrect.Height / (n - 1);
//var labelrect = new OxyRect(s00, s11);
double sdx = (s11.X - s00.X) / (m - 1);
double sdy = (s11.Y - s00.Y) / (n - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
//var p = new DataPoint((i * dx) + this.X0, (j * dy) + this.Y0);
//var point = this.Transform(p);
var point = this.Orientate(new ScreenPoint(s00.X + i * sdx, s00.Y + j * sdy)); // reorientate
var v = GetValue(this.Data, i, j);
var color = this.ColorAxis.GetColor(v);
var hsv = color.ToHsv();
var textColor = hsv[2] > 0.6 ? OxyColors.Black : OxyColors.White;
var label = this.GetLabel(v, i, j);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the label for the specified cell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="v">The value of the cell.</param>
/// <param name="i">The first index.</param>
/// <param name="j">The second index.</param>
/// <returns>The label string.</returns>
protected virtual string GetLabel(double v, int i, int j)
return v.ToString(this.LabelFormatString, this.ActualCulture);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the interpolated value at the specified position in the data array (by bilinear interpolation).
/// Where interpolation is impossible, return NaN, rather than a calculated nonsense value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The data.</param>
/// <param name="i">The first index.</param>
/// <param name="j">The second index.</param>
/// <returns>The interpolated value.</returns>
private static double GetValue(double[,] data, double i, double j)
//// Note data[0, 0] is displayed in quadrant 1, not exactly at the origin, and that implies the invoker can produce negative coordinates.
i = Math.Max(i, 0);
j = Math.Max(j, 0);
int i0 = (int)i;
int i1 = i0 + 1 < data.GetLength(0) ? i0 + 1 : i0;
int j0 = (int)j;
int j1 = j0 + 1 < data.GetLength(1) ? j0 + 1 : j0;
i = Math.Min(i, i1);
j = Math.Min(j, j1);
if ((i == i0) && (j == j0))
return data[i0, j0];
else if ((i != i0) && (j == j0))
//// interpolate only by i
if (double.IsNaN(data[i0, j0]) || double.IsNaN(data[i1, j0]))
return double.NaN;
double ifraction = i - i0;
if (i0 != i1)
return (data[i0, j0] * (1 - ifraction)) + (data[i1, j0] * ifraction);
return data[i0, j0];
else if ((i == i0) && (j != j0))
//// interpolate only by j
if (double.IsNaN(data[i0, j0]) || double.IsNaN(data[i0, j1]))
return double.NaN;
double jfraction = j - j0;
if (j0 != j1)
return (data[i0, j0] * (1 - jfraction)) + (data[i0, j1] * jfraction);
return data[i0, j0];
if (double.IsNaN(data[i0, j0]) || double.IsNaN(data[i1, j0]) || double.IsNaN(data[i0, j1]) || double.IsNaN(data[i1, j1]))
return double.NaN;
double ifraction = i - i0;
double jfraction = j - j0;
double v0;
double v1;
if (i0 != i1)
v0 = (data[i0, j0] * (1 - ifraction)) + (data[i1, j0] * ifraction);
v1 = (data[i0, j1] * (1 - ifraction)) + (data[i1, j1] * ifraction);
v0 = data[i0, j0];
v1 = data[i0, j1];
if (j0 != j1)
return (v0 * (1 - jfraction)) + (v1 * jfraction);
return v0;
/// <summary>
/// Tests if a <see cref="DataPoint" /> is inside the heat map
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">The <see cref="DataPoint" /> to test.</param>
/// <returns><c>True</c> if the point is inside the heat map.</returns>
private bool IsPointInRange(DataPoint p)
return p.X >= this.MinX && p.X <= this.MaxX && p.Y >= this.MinY && p.Y <= this.MaxY;
double left = this.X0;
double right = this.X1;
double bottom = this.Y0;
double top = this.Y1;
if (this.CoordinateDefinition == HeatMapCoordinateDefinition.Center)
double dx = (this.X1 - this.X0) / (this.Data.GetLength(0) - 1);
double dy = (this.Y1 - this.Y0) / (this.Data.GetLength(1) - 1);
left -= dx / 2;
right += dx / 2;
bottom -= dy / 2;
top += dy / 2;
return p.X >= left && p.X <= right && p.Y >= bottom && p.Y <= top;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the image.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateImage()
// determine if the provided data should be reversed in x-direction
var reverseX = this.XAxis.Transform(this.X0) > this.XAxis.Transform(this.X1);
// determine if the provided data should be reversed in y-direction
var reverseY = this.YAxis.Transform(this.Y0) > this.YAxis.Transform(this.Y1);
var swapXY = this.XAxis.IsVertical();
int m = this.Data.GetLength(0);
int n = this.Data.GetLength(1);
var buffer = swapXY ? new OxyColor[n, m] : new OxyColor[m, n];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
var ii = reverseX ? m - 1 - i : i;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
var jj = reverseY ? n - 1 - j : j;
if (swapXY)
buffer[j, i] = this.ColorAxis.GetColor(this.Data[ii, jj]);
buffer[i, j] = this.ColorAxis.GetColor(this.Data[ii, jj]);
this.image = OxyImage.Create(buffer, ImageFormat.Png);
These changes (to one file) attempt to address the following three issues:
They include adding 3 new properties to the HeatMapSeries, and changes to all rendering and tracking functions.
They make no effort to resolve, because I'm not sure it makes sense
The changes that influence #535 may well be applicable to other serieses, I am not certain.
These changes can be broken down into individual commits, #801 depending on #802, #535 being mostly independant (though it modifies code introduced by #801 and #802)
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